Weight Loss Surgery

Hello... I have had the Gastric Bypass. I had it on the 20th of March '12 and its the best thing i have ever done.
My starting weight was 22stone 3lbs. I was just piling on the weight due to Hypothyroidism and Severe depression. My energy was none existant. I hated who i had become and i knew something had to change. I had tried all the diets/fads and lost weight but gained it all back and more.

I am now down to 16 stone 7lbs, Going to the Gym 3-4 times a week, walking for miles, Doing housework, Running around the park with my children, seeing friends again and generally enjoying life. I am now off my Anti-Depressants. Some days are harder than others with my emotions, But thats what being human and not a doped up zombie is like lol.

I am looking for more friends on here who have had WLS. Its not been easy to get to where i am today. No way is WLS the easy option. But it was the best option for me and my children. And for that i am thankful everyday to be given the opportunity to live again.