Who eats at night?



  • blue3dragon
    How funny, I was coming here to post how I'm a night eater! It worked great when I worked night shift but isn't that great for day shift (I have the calories to use but I don't like to eat too close to bedtime which is 9:30 when I'm working the next day - ugh too early). It hasn't really affected my weight loss but trying to eat early/ier seems to go against how I'm programmed. Hopefully in a few months when I change job positions (hopefully closer to home) I'll be able to eat when I prefer a little more.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Who cares what time you eat your calories. As long as you stay within your limit. I eat about 1600 calories a day. 1300 of them include dinner and snacks, ALL after 5 pm.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    I'm totally trying this out tomorrow. I eat breakfast because I feel like I have to but it triggers extreme hunger an hour or so later, and no, I'm not eating Cheerios and OJ to trigger it, I eat steel cut oats and a protein shake and an hour later I'm voracious. Tomorrow I'm ::GASP!!:: skipping breakfast and postponing my first meal of the day until 12 pm or later and then dividing all my calories between 2 meals and maybe, for ONCE, I'll stay under goal and not be miserable and pissed off. :P
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I tend to eat most of my food after 5pm and I don't know why. This is when I am the hungriest. Anyone else and what can I do to stop this?

    No need to change this as long as eating your calorie amount for the day. If it gave you heartburn or other symptoms then I would change it.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Are you hungriest then because you haven't eaten all day? It could be a learned habit.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm totally trying this out tomorrow. I eat breakfast because I feel like I have to but it triggers extreme hunger an hour or so later, and no, I'm not eating Cheerios and OJ to trigger it, I eat steel cut oats and a protein shake and an hour later I'm voracious. Tomorrow I'm ::GASP!!:: skipping breakfast and postponing my first meal of the day until 12 pm or later and then dividing all my calories between 2 meals and maybe, for ONCE, I'll stay under goal and not be miserable and pissed off. :P

    So you will be intermittent fasting. Or if doing this daily - you are sticking within an eating window.
  • emjay1971
    Eating steadily throughout the day keeps your metabolism working at a steady pace....

    I am a night snacker, too. I have found that making sure I eat steadily through the day, I am not as hungry at night. For me though, it's a lot of habit. Snacking in bed. I don't think it's bad to eat a snack at night, but if most of your calories are being consumed after 5:00 your metabolism is sitting mostly idle throughout the rest of the day.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i sleep all day, so yes, i eat at night.
  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    I like snacks at night. I normally have a bag of 100 cal popcorn, or a jello pudding or something. Tonight I'm having half a donut, oh I'm living it up y'all.

    I save my cals so I can eat something at night. I eat about 1200 a day, sometimes a little more and I eat a 200 cal breakfast, 300-400 cal lunch, 300-500 cal supper and a snack with a cup of tea. No drinking calories over here.

    I do graze on my lunch from 6.30am until 3pm. I don't get a break at work - I work in a personal care home and we are not allowed to sit while feeding residents - so I feed a bite to someone and take a bite of mine at the same time. And after my quick smoke in the morning around 10 I grab a fiber bar or special K bar or something. So it's not like I eat those 300 cal lunches in one sitting - it's throughout my shift - Breakfast at 5am, snack at 10am, sandwich at 12pm, apple at 2pm, dinner at 5ish, snack at 8.45 (precise because it's just after my put my daughter to bed!).
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm eating dinner right now - 9:30 my time. I hate going to bed hungry, and night is when I WANT to eat the most. So I have a light breakfast and lunch, maybe a snack right after work, and then I hold off until 8 or 9 for dinner.
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    I'm a nightshift nurse I have to eat at night three nights a week ...I eat small meals or a snack every 4-5 hrs when I'm on duty ...but no sodas...
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I like snacks at night. I normally have a bag of 100 cal popcorn, or a jello pudding or something. Tonight I'm having half a donut, oh I'm living it up y'all.

    I save my cals so I can eat something at night. I eat about 1200 a day, sometimes a little more and I eat a 200 cal breakfast, 300-400 cal lunch, 300-500 cal supper and a snack with a cup of tea. No drinking calories over here.

    Thats really good. Seems to have worked well for you. I think I'm going to adopt some of the comments from this thread for myself. Tend to over-indulge at night and end up over calories.
  • CatLambee
    I'm generally most active at night, and I used to stay up until 4am and would snack right up until bed time. The last couple days I've been not eating a few hours before I go to bed, and it's helped a little bit with digestion and my sleep. But if you're not having any problems, like everyone else has said, then don't worry about it.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I seem to have the opposite problem...I have to FORCE myself to eat in the evening
  • Adrienneburrows1
    Adrienneburrows1 Posts: 71 Member
    Awesome! Thanks for the advice
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I eat every night. Going to bed hungry isn't an option, IMO.

    Seriously, who *doesn't* eat at night?
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    dinner is my biggest meal; usually around 6:30. after dessert, i generally don't eat anything. i might have a drink, but that's about it. i'm usually getting hungry by the time i go to bed, but i'm fairly used to it at this point. helps me to get up early because i'm hungry. i stopped having to hit the snooze button when i changed my evening eating.