Eating too much? or too little?



  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Okay.....First off, I encourage and give advice based on what I know. Check out my other posts
    Second, what is wrong with a little humor? Everyone who reads this that has a brain will know that it is a joke. If ALL the humor was saved for the "Fun & Games" section, we'd all be bored out of our minds.
    Third, I am obviously wanting to know more on the post, which is why I posted on it, so I could keep up with it. How I do it is up to me. I am not a nutritionalist or a pt, I dont run 10 miles a day(which I am sure you probably do), so I am not in position to give any advice regarding this. And I actually have a very comical personality. If you dont, that is not my problem, but dont ridicule me like my mother would as if fun is not allowed. Guaranteed, at least one person smiled or laughed when they read that.
    So how bout you get off my tail about it, eh?

    nothing in this post is funny. You should do some editing. I liked your earlier posts better. If this is a long lead in to the punch line which you'll post 10 or 12 messages down the road, I hope the wait is worth it. And if Mom starts to get on your case, I'll distract her by showing her my report card with those 2 C's on it....