Hello from Califfornia

My name is Deby and I am 52 years old. I have struggled with weight for most of my life. I my highest weight was 227.8 and I am now down to 218.0 and I am only 5'1". That was very very hard for me to publically admit. But I am ready to get it off! I am so SICK of being fat. No more excuses, no more DENIAL..........I am FAT and it is no longer acceptable. Whew!!! I am so glad that I have said that out in the open.

SW: 227.8
CW: 218.0
Christmas weight: 200.00 (a little ambitious.but I am going to try!)


  • LovelyLathrop
    Hi there, i'm from San Diego!!! YOU GOO!!!!! 200 by Christmas is a great goal for yourself :-)
  • HotelWife
    HotelWife Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm in San Diego, too! You can DO this! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm in the bay area! Congrats on deciding to take charge and good luck to you!!
  • sleonardbranson
    Hello...I'm from the OC.....I'm here to support and motivate, add me:)
  • paulaann67
    paulaann67 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey Deby feel free to add me I love having new people to support along this journey! Give this a try before you do that sleeve! If you work this program it will work! Welcome aboard!:smile: