What's happened to MY FACE?!?



  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    My breakouts are hormone related. I don't have breakouts when I'm on the pill, but I weigh less when I'm off the pill, so go figure.

    Usually when I'm breaking out, I seem to have hormone surges that make me feel like I'm 15 again.
  • sarah_001
    sarah_001 Posts: 5 Member
    I also used to have pretty bad problems with break outs and bad skin. One day I went into the chemist and asked what the pharmacist there recommended. I've used a face wash called Benzac AC wash 5% ever since then. I'm not sure if you can get it where you are but it comes in a box with a 200ml bottle inside. It's a bit pricey but definitely worth it! It's been the only thing that's worked for me :) I have a friend with mild acne and suggested she try that and it literally cleared her skin up after days! hope this helps!! :)
  • achapman01
    achapman01 Posts: 42 Member
    Please see a dermatologist ASAP. Your general doctor probably does not have the expertise to help you. My dermatologist gave me antibiotics and a topical gel that worked wonders. I got acne in my mid-20's. Good luck!
  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    I had awesome clear skin until I was 29. I would see a dermatologist if it bothers you.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Young, my mom mails me that Proactiv stuff every single month. I don't think it really helps. I love that Biore Warming though.

    Long, I'm on testosterone, so I don't get to hang out with TOM anymore, thank god, but I'm sure it has something to do with it.

    Chasing, I really don't like sweet potatoes, like at all.. In any way shape or form, even with marshmellows. Any other ideas? I don't eat dairy, and most most of my sugar comes from fruit.

    Funky, thank you. <3

    I'd see a dermatologist, but I've already got eczema and psorarsis, let's just add another thing wrong with my skin.

    Kaleidoscope, I have seen one other guy with two in one and one in the other. I took them out for a week a few weeks ago, as .. well, we'll just say one got knocked out, and I was scared they would close! I mean, I've had the outer ones since for five and six years, and the inner ones for almost three years, so it shouldn't be a problem, but I wouldn't be happy without them. ;[

    avengeflipper, I periodically send photos home to my parents, and my mom calls me everytime, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR FACE?! WHY IS IT ALL RED?! WHAT IS WRONG?! GO TO YOUR DOCTOR. GET OFF THE PHONE WITH ME, AND CALL THEM! " Every single time. I might as well just go talk to them. I have health insurance.
  • mjay107
    mjay107 Posts: 10
    I'm going to put in a plug for the company Garden of Wisdom. (I don't work for them or anything... I just love their products!!!)

    They use all natural stuff, everything is reasonably priced, and my skin has never felt better since I've been using their products. I've been using their stuff for about a year and a half now.

    Also, I wash my face with honey. See Crunchy Betty's honey challenge post here: http://www.crunchybetty.com/honey-challenge
    So easy and I love it!
  • DeniseB0711
    DeniseB0711 Posts: 294 Member
    You have probably gotten more advice than you know what to do with, but before you go any further go to


    That website changed my life. I have had struggled with acne since the day my pituitary gland turned on and said Puberty is here!!! I followed the advice on acne.org and I have a clear face, and for LOTS less than Proactive or other snake oil on the market.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    try Clean and Clear Persa-Gel, it is the same thing that u get prescribed from a doctor. It will dry your skin out after a while, so u may want to get some sort of face lotion as well
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    A lot of women who had perfect skin when younger start breaking out sometime in their very late teens to 30s, it's incredibly common. It's a hormonal thing, I think. It happened to me. I have some stuff I like for it:

    First some kind of oxy wash but only until your face stops really actively breaking out, because that kind of wash messes with your skin long term, and bleaches your pillowcases. D:

    Then a product called Modern Friction which is a plant based product from a company called Origins -- they have counters in Macy's and stores in most parts of the US and UK, they will gladly give you a small free sample to try in the stores or even offer you a demonstration on your face ("mini facial"). Modern Friction is my maintenance product for clear skin and since I found it I have never had a real breakout but I used to be a walking breathing pizza.

    I also try to keep a balanced skin care routine. A lot of people when they are breaking out will get a super harsh face cleanser that dries their skin so it feels tight and then they feel dry and get a heavy moisturizer to compensate. Both products are probably wrong for the average person who is breaking out (usually has combination skin). You want a gentler cleanser targeted towards your skin type and a moisturizer that makes your face feel springy and fresh without feeling tight OR greasy. You should ask around for lots of free samples at counters in a department store -- most places can give you some. They will also consult with you about what your skin type is and can be really helpful. I'd stick to something more plant based like Kiehl's or Origins or Aveda.

    BTW this stuff costs more per container, and the container looks like it's the same size as the one you buy at the drugstore for $8, but typically you use a LOT less and the product lasts you a LOT longer and is much higher quality. Like my Origins face was is $20 for 5 oz. but I only have to buy it twice a year, as opposed to once a month or every 2 months for the $10 face wash from my grocery store or drug store.

    There are some good natural home cures out there too. Apple Cider Vinegar toner is definitely one. Worth trying between now and the appointment. :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Crazy - I have the complete opposite going on. I always had really bad acne when I ate unhealthy foods - now that i am eating healthy...my face is flawless! :D and i love it!

    Anyway...i would suggest Vitamin A supplement (with take it orally...i used to pop the vitamin and put the oil directly on my face...rub in a bit and wash). I also am a clearasil user - I think its wonderful.

    Water water water!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Try probiotics and zinc.
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member
    Of course, see a Doctor if you have the means to and you'd like to fix this.

    Now, just information on what has worked for me:

    I have Rosacea on both my cheeks. They actually sell a product OTC called Prosacea. It helped me a lot, but smelled pretty strong.
    Right now, no visible spots, but when it's in full force I look like I've gone really heavy with the bright pink blush on the "apples" of my cheeks. Luckily mine is pretty even on both sides so it does look intentional and I can even it out pretty well with makeup when it is flared up.
    Mine has almost completely gone for right now, but I've had it forever or at least since I was in my early teens so I don't think it is gone for good.

    I also have the occasional break out, usually with one big eruption but occasionally they have brought friends.
    I noticed with me when i was younger that I would get a pimple, think I wasn't washing my face enough, panic and wash it more and then break out again, then gradually more and worse. Personally I think that for some people the problem is dry skin and when they fight the zits with most of the OTC acne creams and liquids and extra face washing it makes their skin drier and their problem worse.

    Now I make sure I follow any face cleansing with a good moisturizer, breakouts are rare. Skip moisturizer too long, I get a giant reminder. I usually use Aveeno positively ageless, but I think any good face moisturizer would work, and do a little research- if it makes your skin feel greasy it isn't a good one.

    Seems like it couldn't hurt, but as I said before a Doctor would be a good idea.

    Btw- proactive is deep cleaning products followed with a moisturizer, basically strip everything off your face and then use their moisturizer to try to put some moisture back. I've never used it, according to the commercials people have had great success with it.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Natural remedies to help reduce acne
    A fish oil supplement due to its anti-inflammatory effects, fish oil also moisturises and corrects skin oiliness and imbalances. Increase the amount of essential fatty acids in your diet by increasing your intake of fish, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, nuts and seeds and avocados

    Zinc is helpful to reduce inflammation and improve wound healing. Other nutrients specifically for the health of the skin are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B Vitamins and Betacarotene

    Specific herbs to cleanse the blood and skin are Red Clover, Dandelion, St Marys Thistle, Burdock, Rhubarb, Yellow Dock, Calendula and Blue Flag. Speak to a Herbalist who can tailor make a herbal tincture specific to your needs

    Probiotics are beneficial for ensuring adequate amounts of healthy bacteria in the body
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    (bump) a lot of good info here I want to try for my rosacea! I don't have health ins so I can't see a dermatologist right now, but I think some of the ideas here are good to calm my skin down a bit in the meantime... Thanks!
  • fatgirlslimlady
    fatgirlslimlady Posts: 30 Member
    A lot of acne treatments focus on removing oil and such. I've struggled with acne ever since puberty hit, and always thought I had oily skin. Once I realized that I have super dry and sensitive skin (facepalm), I started using super gentle cleansers and sensitive moisturizers and stopped touching my face constantly, my skin cleared right up. Everyone's different, but it's worth considering. I started using Cetaphil products at my dermo's suggestion, and I love them. They're super cheap, but by far the most effective for me. Good luck!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Maybe you have an allergy to a new food that you're eating?

    I used to have HORRIBLE skin before I changed my eating habits....turns out cow's milk was the culprit.

    Don't throw your money away on millions of different face washes, toners, etc.
    Instead, use something more natural that won't strip your face of its natural oils (like an all-natural tea tree oil soap) so that your skin can find its natural balance and your wallet will thank you!
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member
    A lot of acne treatments focus on removing oil and such. I've struggled with acne ever since puberty hit, and always thought I had oily skin. Once I realized that I have super dry and sensitive skin (facepalm), I started using super gentle cleansers and sensitive moisturizers and stopped touching my face constantly, my skin cleared right up. Everyone's different, but it's worth considering. I started using Cetaphil products at my dermo's suggestion, and I love them. They're super cheap, but by far the most effective for me. Good luck!

    100%, this is exactly the case with me, and the point I was trying to convey although I didn't put it quite so well.
    I haven't tried the Cetaphil products, but I definitely will check them out.
    What I found works for me is Aveeno Positively Ageless Serum, I usually use it at night, it goes on thin, doesn't smell bad, and doesn't feel greasy or heavy. It is a bit pricey though when bought locally. I came across a really good deal on line, so I haven't purchased any in quite a long time. Two pumps is usually enough to cover my face and neck, so one bottle does go quite a long way.