Tips For Morning Workouts????



  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    I LOVE my morning workouts. The gym is less crowded and there isn't a ton of people hogging the weight area and theres plenty of room in the showers. I usually get up at 530 and some mornings if I am really tired I stop by the gas station and pick up a small sugar free redbull and I always make sure I eat something light to give me some energy such as a small banana or orange on the drive to the gym. I always feel so energized and ready for work once I have finished and showered. Its hard to get into the routine at first but once you do, you'll feel odd if you ever can't go in the morning.
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    Don't get mad at the folks saying "just do it."

    LOL! There's really nothing else to do to get you up in the morning.... maybe go to bed earlier if you're thinking of a run in the am before work. I usually go to bed at 10 but if I'm going to set my alarm for 4:45 to be up for a run at 5am I go to bed 9-9:30 latest or I won't get up.

    The alarm clock across the room is a great suggestion. It is a must for me or I will switch off the alarm... and then might be LATE for work. LOL.

    When I run in the AM before work I do sprints versus a 30min run for distance. There's a hill right in front of my house that I use after a quick run around the block to warm up. The whole thing takes me about 20-25minutes and I feel like I can push myself harder than if I run for distance.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Instead of saying, I dont have time... say (out loud if necessary) My fitness time just isnt a priority.

    It will sting. Sometimes you'll be ok with it, and sometimes you'll be outraged at yourself.

    If you have an alarm clock that allows you to label the alarm or add a message - make it say that.

    "Is Fitness a priority, or is lazy sleepy time a priority?"

    Wake up and work out before your brain wakes up and figures out what you are doing.

    Then have a glorious triumphant shower with the most amazing energizing smell good shower stuff.

    Then enjoy a beautiful breakfast.

    Dare your day to counteract those endorphins.... because nothing will be able to touch you.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 675 Member
    I work out in the mornings and the best advise to give is to have your workout clothes ready to go. When my alarm goes off its the first thing I see. Then some mornings I give myself a pep talk when I want to stay in bed. I feel so much better during the day when I workout in the morning.
  • dnfaith
    dnfaith Posts: 13
    I got up this morning at 5:00 without too much problem. I was proud of myself for that much but didnt get much of a workout it. I finished it but I just didnt have the energy to give it my all. I may try getting in a brisk walk or even a jog in the mornings instead of a hardcore strength training workout. Im just so stiff when I wake up and cant do as many reps when i just wake up. Everything seems to hurt more I found out. Im not going to force myself to do a specific workout in the mornings. If I can get in a quick run or even walk a couple miles in the mornings, thats progress!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    That absolutely is progress. As you adjust to getting up you will probably be able to increase the intensity of your workouts over time.

    You won the first battle just by getting up and doing it!
  • dnfaith
    dnfaith Posts: 13
    Morning # 2 was MUCH better. I decided just to run instead of doing a bunch of strength training. It was the strength training and jumping and stuff that I felt too weak to do that early. The run actually went really well and I felt accomplished! Unfortunately, morning # 3 (this morning), I got the results of my MRI back and Ive been instructed to stop everything ive been doing and I have to start physical therapy. That kinda threw a kink in everything....
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
  • LisaB55
    LisaB55 Posts: 35 Member
    I not only am not a morning person, but I need at least 7 hours of sleep, I often don't get home and eat dinner until after 8 pm, and I have to cool down for at least 30 mins after I work out or I just keep sweating even after I shower. I am trying to get up at 5:15 to use the elliptical in my basement for 30-40 mins. Since the gym I belong to at a community center 15 mins away doesn't open until 6 am, I have to do my weight/strength training on Tuesday evenings when I can usually get home a little earlier, and on Saturdays. I do find that I can't sleep in on weekends anymore. It't just too hard to readjust during the week. I guess I am finding it easier to get up because I am motivated to earn the extra calories so I can eat a little more!:wink: