Getting started

Christelfizer Posts: 2
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
I guess it is really the hardest thing to do , just getting started. Iam a 50 year old female , mother , grandmother, wife. Like a lot of us , i was skinny as a kid , slender all my life , until i quit smoking. Thats when the weight came at age 30 and it hasnt left yet. A girl that i met at my job , she is german like me , has had sucsess and already lost quite a bit , so i thought that i might give it a shot and see if i can finally do it too. Iam right now tipping the scale at 226 and i hope that i can get down to about 150 to 170 .My name is Christel and i hope that i not only lose weight but also, and most importantly , improve my health. Thank you


  • I guess it is really the hardest thing to do , just getting started. Iam a 50 year old female , mother , grandmother, wife. Like a lot of us , i was skinny as a kid , slender all my life , until i quit smoking. Thats when the weight came at age 30 and it hasnt left yet. A girl that i met at my job , she is german like me , has had sucsess and already lost quite a bit , so i thought that i might give it a shot and see if i can finally do it too. Iam right now tipping the scale at 226 and i hope that i can get down to about 150 to 170 .My name is Christel and i hope that i not only lose weight but also, and most importantly , improve my health. Thank you
  • esp331
    esp331 Posts: 13
    Good for you! Making that decision to change is the first step!

    We're all here for support :)
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome we are very glad to have you with us.

    You can do this.:flowerforyou:
  • hi christel:flowerforyou:
    i am glad to see you,here best of luck . and remember you can do it and its fun at the mfp. i am very happy that you did this step. thats the first one .
    und du kannst mich dann fertig machen wenn du doch nicht hier gluecklich bist:glasses: ich hab den nerv das zu sagen .........weil du es eh schaffst!:drinker: viel glueck:wink:
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    For one thing ..."Congratulations" for quiting :smokin: I am trying to quit to, so far I have only cut the amount in half:frown: And I believe I will be more succesful at dieting with the help of the others here on MFP:smile: Welcome and good luck:flowerforyou:
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