Needing encouragement and support

SusyC Posts: 68
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
This is the first time I've ever joined any sort of online support group for weight loss. After 3 years of struggling on my own, I figured, it's time to reach out. I got married almost 4 years ago, adding a husband and his two children to my home, and that began several spiraling stress related problems. One of which is weight gain. I went from 150 pounds to 195 pounds in about 8 months. Since then, I've worked out more, tried to change my eating habits, but, to little avail. I've lost 10 pounds. In 3 years. Ugh! I've even used Ali for the past 2 months, which one would think would help. But, I don't really have a high fat diet, so, there's not much fat to stop from absorbing into my body. That's evident because, while I've taken it faithfully, I've lost nothing in 2 months.

So, here I go ... this time making a public announcement that I WILL get back down to 150 pounds. I hope to do it in about 5 months. Less if I'm lucky.

I have been jogging on a treadmill, doing anything from 2 to 4 miles at a time. I have not lost any weight doing that because I've almost always worked out. Last week, I started changing it up a bit and have started doing some "interval" training on the treadmill that I've read about. I've lost a pound. Not much, but, better than nothing. But, let me tell you, the interval training is killing me! UGH!

But, here's to some real weight loss, and getting back to the REAL me!


  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome
  • ducky5m48
    ducky5m48 Posts: 50 Member
    something that would prlly help you is changing up your diet. even if it is not a high fat diet your body may need to be stimulated by some different food. So try some other healthy food options. And doing strength training exercises and varying your routines will help tremendously!!!!

    And once you start faithfully loggin your foods everyday you may be surprised at the calories you are consuming.

    Godd Luck!!!!!:happy:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I think you're right about the weight training. I keep hearing more and more about how that helps burn calories. Rats! LOL I was so much just plain used to my little jogs on the treadmill. I never imagined jogging a couple of miles a day wouldn't be good enough to lose weight. I'm going to have to add weight training.

    And, I hope you're right about logging my foods on a daily basis. I've heard that people start to lose weight when they do that because without it, they don't realize how much they're actually eating. That's why I joined this site. I'm hoping the accountability helps me a little.

    Thanks for the encouragement and advice!
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    The way I lost weight was without exercise, just calorie counting. You've got to be a real stickler, measuring everything, and don't let youself go over. When I lost weight, I also wasn't eating my "exercise calories" (though I did have my activity level at "slightly active" instead of sedentary, which gave me more calories).
    If you can't make your calorie goal because it's too low, find out how many calories you should be eating to maintain your goal weight. You'll lose weight slower, of course, but it may be easier.
  • I just wanted to say welcome.
    Take it one day at a time.
    It takes time to change,and learn to eat the right foods and make wise choices.
    Make sure you are logging your food intake.
    We are here for you.
  • hi and welcome :love: i really find logging my food a real eye opener!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    OK, this doesn't make any sense. I've been having such a hard time losing anything. I work out, eat right, always under my daily allowance, and don't lose. Yesterday, I had a normal breakfast and lunch, but ended up doing a fast food burger and fries last night because of time constraints, and even added a brownie later at night. And, this morning, the scale says I've lost a pound since this weekend! Hey, if THAT'S the secret ... eating fast food and brownies ... I can handle THAT! But, that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Hey, how do I get my little picture thingie to show up on every reply I do? I went into my tools and made a weight loss ticker. Now, how do I get it to show up automatically?
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    To add you ticker go to "Settings" and "Change Forum Signature".

    I try to only weight myself once a week because from day to day your weight can change so much based on a lot of different things. It would be great if fast food and brownies were the way to go, :laugh: but it just doesn't work in the long run.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    To add you ticker go to "Settings" and "Change Forum Signature".

    I try to only weight myself once a week because from day to day your weight can change so much based on a lot of different things. It would be great if fast food and brownies were the way to go, :laugh: but it just doesn't work in the long run.

    I guess when I click "post reply" we'll find out if I figured out the forum signature thingie.

    I am in so much need of some positive reinforcement, that I need to weigh myself pretty much daily right now. If I seem to get on a track of steady weight loss, I'll stop weighing in so much. But, right now, I just want to see if I'm losing ANYTHING!

    I just went shopping for a dress for a wedding reception I'm going to on Saturday and am now big time discouraged. I look like a huge flabby fatso in all the dresses. :sad:
  • spinningmango
    spinningmango Posts: 197 Member
    Hi susy, welcome!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    OK, this doesn't make any sense. I've been having such a hard time losing anything. I work out, eat right, always under my daily allowance, and don't lose. Yesterday, I had a normal breakfast and lunch, but ended up doing a fast food burger and fries last night because of time constraints, and even added a brownie later at night. And, this morning, the scale says I've lost a pound since this weekend! Hey, if THAT'S the secret ... eating fast food and brownies ... I can handle THAT! But, that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Hey, how do I get my little picture thingie to show up on every reply I do? I went into my tools and made a weight loss ticker. Now, how do I get it to show up automatically?

    I am wondering if you are not eating enough? Being under your daily allowance is not always a good thing, especially if you are significantly under on an ongoing basis. Do you eat any of your exercise calories? Your metabolism may be very low due to your body being underfed and trying to conserve each and every calorie.

    Sometimes I do find having high calorie meal tends to kick start my weight loss again, but that can't be used as an excuse to eat unhealthy often.

    Also, you said in your original post that you don't have much fat in your diet? Do you eat any healthy fat? People tend to equate fat their food with fat on the body which really isn't always the case. You need the healthy fats in your diet. I try to have olive oil every day and I often take omega 369 supplements.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    OK, this doesn't make any sense. I've been having such a hard time losing anything. I work out, eat right, always under my daily allowance, and don't lose. Yesterday, I had a normal breakfast and lunch, but ended up doing a fast food burger and fries last night because of time constraints, and even added a brownie later at night. And, this morning, the scale says I've lost a pound since this weekend! Hey, if THAT'S the secret ... eating fast food and brownies ... I can handle THAT! But, that just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    Hey, how do I get my little picture thingie to show up on every reply I do? I went into my tools and made a weight loss ticker. Now, how do I get it to show up automatically?

    I am wondering if you are not eating enough? Being under your daily allowance is not always a good thing, especially if you are significantly under on an ongoing basis. Do you eat any of your exercise calories? Your metabolism may be very low due to your body being underfed and trying to conserve each and every calorie.

    Sometimes I do find having high calorie meal tends to kick start my weight loss again, but that can't be used as an excuse to eat unhealthy often.

    Also, you said in your original post that you don't have much fat in your diet? Do you eat any healthy fat? People tend to equate fat their food with fat on the body which really isn't always the case. You need the healthy fats in your diet. I try to have olive oil every day and I often take omega 369 supplements.

    Other people have suggested I'm not eating enough, but if I increase my daily calories, OH, I DEFINITELY gain weight. I'm not dieting, this is my normal caloric intake. I started on this site specifically to use the food log, just to see if I was eating more calories than I realized. But, no, I am almost always below the 1200 calories recommended to lose weight. Add the exercise calories, and I'm really under calories. I don't think my body is in conservation mode because I always eat like this and my body should be plenty used to it. Plus, like I said, if I eat more, I gain more. I can't really cut back, I don't know how I could eat much less.

    I do eat good fats. I cook with olive oil, eat almonds and walnuts almost every day, and I do eat red meat.

    I know, it's confusing, isn't it? I have been to doctors and they just dismiss me. They've offered appetite suppressants, but honestly, I'm almost never hungry. I took Ali when it was still a prescription drug, but that really didn't do much because that just lessens the amount of fat absorbed, and I don't eat so much fat that it's a real problem. That's pretty much all the doctors have been able to offer. They just don't believe me that I don't eat much. One doctor told me to join a gym (like I have that kind of money) and I told her I work out at home on my own. She insisted it would be better to be out in a gym with people. As if that would make me lose weight. I realize the socialization may help to motivate me, but, I work out almost every day anyway, so it's not like I need motivation.

    So, that's what I'm left with. I really think I lost weight after the McD's and brownie episode because eating that much gave me a "pretty decent bowel movement" if you'll excuse me being so graphic. Let's face it, at fewer than 1000 calories a day, I don't usually have much to "release." It's not that I'm ever constipated, it's just that it usually takes me a couple of days to build up enough stuff to "get rid of." I imagine that explains the sudden loss of a pound after such a high fat high calorie meal.

    But, hey, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm willing to try. I really need to lose this weight!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok you basically answered my question. I think your body is in starvation mode and that is why you are struggling to lose weight. The fact that "your body is use to it" is the whole problem. It is use to being underfueled and thus works very hard to make the most of what it is getting. Yes, once you increase your calories it is very likely you will initially gain weight but once your body trusts that you aren't going to continue to starve it, your metabolism will increase and you will be able to lose weight again. I know this goes against intuition but it is true and besides being able to lose weight you will feel better too. I strongly recommend you slowely start increasing your calories until you are at least up to a net 1200 calories a day (that means eating your exercise calories). Don't discouraged by an initial weight gain. Try this for a few months and I am willing to bet you will see a drastic improvement. If you feel your appeitie is to low to eat 1,200 calories a day try eating healthy higher calorie food like nuts to make up the difference. And you do not need diet pills or appetitie suppressents. These things are garbage and unnecessary.

    Also, I would be concerned about your lack of bowel movements. You really should talk to your doctor about that.

    You say you really need to lose the weight as if it needs to be done "right away." But this is a lifelong journey, not a race and living a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain is much more important than reaching a goal weight. I'm not saying it isn't possible to have both, it certainly is, as long as your goal weight is realistic and you take a healthy approach to reaching it.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Thanks for the advice, and the time you're taking with me. I appreciate it. You're right, eating more goes SO against intuition. I'm almost afraid to try it! I'm 182 pounds, I can't afford to put on more weight. What if I do and I can't lose it? It's a scary thought. I understand what you're saying, and it does make sense. But, it's a scary thought.:noway:

    I'm wondering, too, if you or anyone else can give me other advice about what KINDS of food to eat. I have noticed a trend in my weight gaining. I may be over-generalizing, but, it seems to hold true most of the time. If I have a period of time where I'm eating a lot of extra candy, like at Halloween, :devil: I gain weight. Makes sense. I might have a couple of Baby Ruths a day, the fun size ones. :bigsmile: If I eat a couple every day for a week, I gain weight pretty quickly. Makes sense. But, let's say it's been a tough week with time constraints and my family and I end up eating take-out twice in a week. :frown: That's not very often ... like once every couple of months, but, it does happen. I often LOSE weight.

    Also, if there's been a good sale on bacon, I might make bacon and eggs a couple of mornings in one week. And I LOVE bacon. I'll eat LOTS of it. I sometimes lose weight then, too. Case in point, this week, I've eaten McDonald's twice (Hubby's out of town and is an excuse to let the kids go crazy with dinners I wouldn't normally serve with hubby home. I know, I'm bad. :frown: ) And, I've eaten 2 eggs with broccoli, onion, and cheese every morning. So, we're talking some pretty high fat stuff compared to my usual Raisin Bran or whole wheat toast. And, I've actually lost a pound. So, I'm wondering .... now, I'm the first one to say eating a BALANCED diet is the key, and don't drastically cut back on any one type of food, but, is there something to be said for the Atkins-type diet? It seems I gain weight with carbs, lose weight with fats and proteins. Last year, after noticing this pattern of mine, I tried the Atkins diet and, after a week, lost 5 pounds, which was great, :happy: but, by the end of the week, I was dizzy, nauseous, and had just an overall feeling of something's not right. :sick: In my mind, that's my body saying, "NO WAY!" So, I quickly stopped that and felt better right away. Gained back the weight right away,:frown: but, felt better. :smile:

    Now, in my mind, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. And, weight loss means expending more calories than I'm taking in. And, taking in more calories from fat (from bacon, eggs, beef, cheese, etc) just doesn't sound right. But, the scale shows differently. What is your opinion on high protein, low carb diets? Unfortunately, my favorite foods are high carb: breads (and I usually eat whole grain, that double fiber bread that's like 14 grams of fiber in 2 slices), pasta, pasta, pasta. Whole grain, multigrain, white, I don't care, just make it pasta! But, does anyone else see that same pattern in their own diets? Could I lose more weight HEALTHILY if I took out carbs and added more fats? It doesn't make sense, and just as eating more of anything in order to lose weight is scary to try, so is cutting out carbs and eating more fats. Not to mention, there are lots of carbs in fruits and veggies, and I love love love fruits and veggies.

    I'm just looking for experienced weight loss people to give me some healthy advice. While losing weight immediately isn't perhaps the best attitude, I would love to be gorgeous when my husband and I go out on our anniversary on New Year's Eve.
  • SusyC I wanted to post my response to you so here goes

    Drink 64 oz of water daily. I suggest you eat 1,250 calories at the beginning, take your vitamins/supplements, talk to your doctor before exercising/dieting, use extra virgin olive oil, eat wheat products: bread, spaghetti, cereal, etc., eat fruits and veggies, snack on "any" type of nut (walnuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds are best), drink skim/soy milk, eat yogurt, eat fish/chicken/turkey/lean meats, have salads WITHOUT dressing (use extra virgin olive oil), stay away from POPS/SODAS (drink diet sodas/pops once a day if not, once a week), don't eat "fried foods" (French fries, potato chips, etc), eat Baked Lays, air popped popcorn, go to and buy a pizza stone ($29.99) you can create your own delicious homemade pizzas with Boboli wheat pizza crust (already made); veggies to your heart's content, one can of refried beans (protein), one can of whole kernel corn (drained), and lite mozzarella cheese...yum! You can eat the Oreda crinkle cut fries that you bake in the oven, stay away from the salt shaker, stay AWAY from processed foods, foods made with hydrogenated oils (cookies, cakes, pies, etc). For dessert you can eat a skinny cow chocolate w/peanut butter ice cream sandwich....yummy!

    Stop eating 2-3 hours BEFORE you go to sleep. I learned from Oprah's Boot Camp you have to STOP eating 2-3 hours BEFORE you go to sleep because your metabolism shuts down (as everything does when you're in a REM (Rapid Eye Movement).

    Go to They have yummy recipes and are another source of website for motivation. Did you know that if you pay for your subscription to Prevention they give you a free pedometer? One should walk/step 10,000 steps daily. Check them out! They have a free website w/the magazine there in front of you in case you can't subscribe just yet.

    Don't drink COFFEE. Drink Chai black/green tea instead. Chew gum all day. It keeps your mouth "busy". I've also heard/learned that before you eat a meal eat your soup first since it helps fill you up before the main course.

    Weigh yourself "monthly". Why? Because we women have PMS, we cramp, we retain water, and we have mood swings, etc., two weeks BEFORE we menstruate. I swear you WILL lose 3-4 pounds every month. If you do the "math" that's THE average of 1 pound a week. This helps you from NOT getting discouraged IF, if, you weigh yourself daily/weekly as allot of women in this site tend to do (weigh themselves daily/weekly and then get discouraged and give up on dieting/exercising). I have also exercised before/during/and after I menstruate. "They" say working out during this time helps w/cramps, burns more fat, and shouldn't deter you from working out.

    Thirty minutes before you work out eat one of the following: one apple, OR one small box of raisins with a handful of walnuts, OR soup, OR yogurt. Why? "They are packed with high-quality carbohydrates, which provide a quick source of fuel for your muscles, but they have just enough protein and fat to help you maintain a steady, elevated energy level" (source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    AFTER your work out, drink a protein shake (Slim fast, Special K, EAS Myoplex, etc). Why? "After a workout, your muscles need protein to repair microscopic muscle tears, plus another shot of carbs to help restock energy stores. Cyclists who drank it after a tough racing session had improved endurance and recovered fast than those who drank an ordinary sports drink (which supplies carbs and electrolytes, but no protein)" (Source: Prevention Magazine April 2007).

    Stay away from alcoholic drinks (includes wine).

    Set small goals for right now. Start with the FIRST 10 pounds. Later, the weight will be HARDER to lose. Remember, it's soooo easy to gain the weight, but hard to lose it. "No pain, no gain!" No worries if the weight is harder to lose since it means that it is time to "up" your exercise regimen (1 hour 3-4 days a week). When you've lost the weight, then you can go "up" to 1,500 calories (maybe for the last stubborn 10 pounds). If you closely watch "THE BIGGEST LOSER" they have to lose more than 50 pounds; their calorie intake is 1,000-1,100. Wow! Bless their :heart: for doing that!!! If you've watched the Diet Detective, he gets rid of all the "fat" foods in your fridge and pantry (cakes, cookies, pies, etc). He fills those places with veggies, fruits, wheat products, dairy products, low fat cheeses, olive oil, etc. I LOVED that show, but you can still check out his website:

    If you want more "tips" let me know as you know how to reach me. Blessings and good luck!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    You will find many varying opinons here on following a low carb diet. It seems to work for some and not for others. Personally, I advocate a well balanced diet that does not exclude any food group. Also, I think there is nothing wrong with the occassional chocolate bar or breakfast of bacon and eggs. After all, I know there is no way I could stick to a lifestyle where I am never allowed to eat chocolate or drink red wine. The trick is to keep things in moderation and make healthy substitutions were possible. For example, I now tend to eat smaller amounts of dark chocolate which is rich enough to satisfy my cravings with smaller portions. I also tend to have ham at breakfast instead of fatty bacon.

    As for the fluctuations you are seeing when you eat healthy vs fatty foods, it is really hard to say if your metabolism is comprimised. However, I would becareful not to use it as an excuse to eat bacon and chocolate bars on a regular basis :laugh:

    I know how hard it can be to wrap your mind around the concept of eating more to lose more, but it really does work (of course that isn't to say you can eat unlimited!). I can tell you that I have lost 75lbs (255 to 180 in approx 2 yrs) and even with still wanting to lose another 30lbs, I am already in the best shape of my life. I am in better shape now at 180 than I was in highschool at 155. And I have so much more energy. I just complete my first half marathon in Oct, something I never thought I could do.

    I think it is really important to look at this not just in terms of how you want to look but also how you want to feel. And it is important to realize that you shouldn't comprimise long term goals for short term goals.

    You can do this!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I began my weight loss journey a week and a half ago and have lost 4.4 lbs and 2.2 % body fat and could not be happier. What I have found very helpful is logging my food and changing my exercise routine. I am committed to my boot camp three times a week but in addition to that I take spinning, kickboxing and body works classes at my local gym. I have also found that knowing my boot camp instructor will review my food log at the end of the week helps me stay on track. There's something to be said about being held accountable.

    Good luck to all who are taking the weight loss journey.

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Please check out this link about eating your exercise calories. It explains it very well.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    You will find many varying opinons here on following a low carb diet. It seems to work for some and not for others. Personally, I advocate a well balanced diet that does not exclude any food group. Also, I think there is nothing wrong with the occassional chocolate bar or breakfast of bacon and eggs. After all, I know there is no way I could stick to a lifestyle where I am never allowed to eat chocolate or drink red wine. The trick is to keep things in moderation and make healthy substitutions were possible. For example, I now tend to eat smaller amounts of dark chocolate which is rich enough to satisfy my cravings with smaller portions. I also tend to have ham at breakfast instead of fatty bacon.

    As for the fluctuations you are seeing when you eat healthy vs fatty foods, it is really hard to say if your metabolism is comprimised. However, I would becareful not to use it as an excuse to eat bacon and chocolate bars on a regular basis :laugh:

    I know how hard it can be to wrap your mind around the concept of eating more to lose more, but it really does work (of course that isn't to say you can eat unlimited!). I can tell you that I have lost 75lbs (255 to 180 in approx 2 yrs) and even with still wanting to lose another 30lbs, I am already in the best shape of my life. I am in better shape now at 180 than I was in highschool at 155. And I have so much more energy. I just complete my first half marathon in Oct, something I never thought I could do.

    I think it is really important to look at this not just in terms of how you want to look but also how you want to feel. And it is important to realize that you shouldn't comprimise long term goals for short term goals.

    You can do this!

    You've been such an ocean of information. I really appreciate it. This week, I've been eating the eggs with cheese, broccoli, and onions. That's really about as big a breakfast as I've ever eaten since I'm not a huge breakfast person. And, I really, actually, feel pretty good. It fills me up so much, I really don't think about food until after I get home from work at about 3:00pm. And, for the first time since I can remember, I actually feel hungry at that time. I don't usually feel hunger. Maybe, perhaps, just maybe my metabolism is starting to act a little normal with me eating such a big breakfast. Woo hoo! Wouldn't THAT be nice!

    I agree with your dark chocolate thing. I have found that eating that 70% cacao stuff satisfies my sweet tooth with just a small piece. And, hey, it's good for ya! I'll try to keep eating this big of a breakfast for the next several days and see how my body continues to react and if I'm losing weight.

    Thanks for everybody's suggestions and advice! I can't think of anyone more qualified to give advice than people who've already been there!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Sounds like a tasty breakfast. When my husband is away sometimes I make myself scrambled eggs with tons of veggies and a bit of cheese for dinner! I swear there is nothing yummier than breakfast food:love:

    Anyways, good luck and keep us updated on your progress. Feel free to message me any time. I am by no means an expert but I have been there and I'm always happy to give advice or support. The great thing about this site is that we are all going through this journey together and can learn from and help support one another:flowerforyou:
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