Warning: this post is kind of gross. Sorry.



  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I hope you feel better and get results. Please let us know how it was resolved. I would advise stopping all fiber and trying banana, rice, and egg til you get advice from the doctor, and keep up your fluids. It sounds like a spastic colon, and taking double the amount of fiber needed has really irritated it. Just too much of a good thing, and the bad part, is the food is not in you long enough to get nutrition.

    How is your tooth? Could you possibly still have an infection there?
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    What everyone else said, particularly about consulting a medical professional.

    Also, make sure that if you're eating any food products with added fibre that they don't contain INULIN (classic example: activia yogurt). This particular form of fibre is known for causing gas, bloating, and other digestive issues in some people.

  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but Biaxin messed me up for a while after I took it (I distinctly remember having horrible metallic burps with it). And while you are much younger and likely in far better overall health than my grandparents were, they both died from C. diff (within about a week of one another) after a too-aggressive course of antibiotics for pneumonia. Their pneumonia had cleared up, but their guts were so wrecked from the antibiotic that it was just too much to come back from. While it's uncommon for younger, generally healthy people to have a C. diff takeover in their guts, it does happen, and it's just as SRS BZNS as in the older population. I hope the doctor helped you out.

    When I started going to a different pharmacy when I was in college, the pharmacist there insisted that I get a probiotic with my antibiotics, and instructed me on how & when to take it. At first I thought she was just trying to sell me some snake oil I didn't need, but when I decided to take her word for it because she seemed to know what was going on otherwise, I was pleasantly surprised. The brand they sold was Florajen and it was kept behind the pharmacy counter under refrigeration. It really did make a difference - before this, I'd always ask the doctor for a second prescription for Diflucan (since we're already on a gross topic, might as well just go on ahead and mention it). Since I started taking Florajen with my antibiotics (at different times of day - don't take them at the same time) I haven't had any problems with the yeasties. Thankfully I haven't needed any antibiotics in a long time, but I will always always remember to take a concentrated probiotic to keep the trojan horses from staging a coup. (Yogurt helps if you like it, which I do as well, but the capsules are much more concentrated.)
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