Feeling good, and then...not so much?

Have you ever been feeling good about your weight loss, and then had a day where you just felt like you'd made no progress at all?

I'm down 11 pounds (6 since starting MFP) and I've been feeling good. Clothes are fitting better, noticing small changes, etc.

I had a wedding this weekend and felt like I'd GAINED 30 pounds in every dress I tried on. I finally settled on a cute black one, but to my horror I look like I'm pregnant in some of the pictures. And it's not in my head - one of my friends actually IS 7 months pregnant and we looked like the same size.

I know I should be proud of my 11 pounds that I've lost so far, but I'm just very discouraged and feeling down at the moment. I'm feeling like no matter what I do, I'll just never get to my goal and I have such a long way to go (61 pounds).

Has anyone else had a moment like this?


  • aasshhll33yy
    I have these moments all the time..
    I started at a [to me] very "disgusting" 230.4lbs.. I currently weighed in yesterday at 195.2lbs... I realistically know that I've done well...however, get very discouraged when I'm standing beside others.. or just in general out trying on new clothing. This past weekend I realized that all my clothing was too big... so went looking for new stuff and was very disappointed to see that I still couldn't find anything that I liked in my size. Then I get all down, literally I feel super depressed about it... I have a wedding coming up in September to attend, and I legitimately fear all the time that I just wont be anywhere closer to where I should be, or will look hideous in any outfit I try to pull off...
    I try to focus on the fact that I've lost all the weight I have, but then there are always a few days where I'm just like "seriously, I'm not making any progress at all"

    PS- Congrats on you 11lbs. You should definitely feel proud about the success your making.
    Here's to losing the rest of your 60..and my 50ish.. :) I feel deep I will eventually do what I set my mind to...so with great encouragement I hope you will be able to do the same! :))
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Oh honey, it's completely normal to feel like this. I think most of us start doubting ourselves at one point or another. It's ok but one word to the wise - don't let it get you down so far that you give up. It's not worth giving up no matter how far you have to go.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    YES! I'm feeling like that today! I've been making great progress toning up and getting over a back injury, but today I just felt totally bummed and self conscious during my workout, even though I've had a great day otherwise. Just remember that you are doing great things for your health, and every day you eat within your calorie goals and work out you are creating a new you that you should be proud of!
  • jgmom2
    jgmom2 Posts: 14 Member
    Went dress shopping today myself for a wedding next weekend.. tried on about 20 dresses and hated every one except the one they didnt have my size in. It was just a bit too small....i plan on going back next week to retry it on. Maybe i will change my mind.
    I was excited to go dress shopping and once i started trying them on my mind changed really quick. I havnt shopped for a dress in a long time and hope I dont have to do it again any time soon.... Lost 44 pounds and still not feeling so good about myself. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • KeelzK
    KeelzK Posts: 9
    I know the feeling completely. I think I have a tendency to forget all of the little moments where I am amazed by how far I have come. Just keep pushing till you hit your next moment of amazement. :smile:
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have this all the time. Lately, I haven't been losing anything at all. I should be proud of myself for getting out of the 200's, but I just keep getting down on myself for not making more progress.

    But, we have to keep going. You have to look at where you started and tell yourself that you'll never be there again. Hopefully that gives you some encouragement.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    We all do, partly because we're still looking at people who are smaller than we are. and comparing ourselves with them. Which we always do. And we still tell ourselves we'll never look like that. Instead of focusing on what we've done. It takes time. We always forget that. We need to pat ourselves on the back more. Give ourselves credit for what we Have done. We can do whatever we choose. You've done well. and you're here. So.... you'll do 'weller': :flowerforyou: together
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I think that anytime you lose weight, you don't see it in the mirror.

    I know by the size of my clothing now, that I've lost quite a bit..I feel fat, disgusting and slobby. I can see by the numbers on the scale that things have changed, but I really have a tough time wrapping my head around it.

    I have heard that time really does help. The other thing that I've heard helps, is to actually take a picture of the 'new you' and hang it somewhere. I guess sometimes we can see it in pictures, but not in the mirror :)
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    I have those feelings for a solid week each month during my vicious PMS time. I also think there's grains of doubt within me that don't believe I am WORTH feeling/looking good. Shame on those parts!
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member

    I had a wedding this weekend and felt like I'd GAINED 30 pounds in every dress I tried on. I finally settled on a cute black one, but to my horror I look like I'm pregnant in some of the pictures. And it's not in my head - one of my friends actually IS 7 months pregnant and we looked like the same size.

    Its not you, its the dress. Naughty dress! You are amazing, and will continue to be amazing.

    Sometimes the stuff available for sale in the shops is all wrong for my body type. Its taken me years to learn to say no to dresses that are not right for me. I use the Trinny & Susannah Body Shape system - I'm a cello; but there are heaps of "how to dress for your shape" systems out there. Check them out, learn the "rules" for you and you'll fell better, more confident,buying and wearing clothes.

    Well done identifying these feelings and adressing them. Personally, when I'm unahppy about things (usually for me its to do with work) I give myself permission to sulk and wallow in self pity for one evening, then it's back to looking for the bright side. Sometimes that's what I need to do to get it out of my system. Like some of the other, time of month also has an impact for me.

    Do let us know how you are getting on and whether you feel better!
  • jennifer907
    jennifer907 Posts: 84 Member
    Yes I have been feeling the same way lately. I feel like it takes SO long to lose weight yet a day of eating what I want can blow all my progress. I had lost 7 lbs and had some company come so I ate very poorly for a week straight and gained almost 2 lbs. (In all honesty I am surprised I only gained 2 lbs and not more, but it is still never pleasant to see the scale increase.) I am just getting back on track and it's hard. I feel like I am completely starting over from the beginning and it is so frustrating. But I think it's just important to keep going. We will get to our goals even if it feels far away. Little by little we will get there. It just takes time and nothing worth achieving comes easy. :)

    Congrats on your 11 lb weight loss btw. I can't wait to make it to 10 lbs down!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Yep, feel like this a.whole.lot. The results from my first round of Insanity (my profile pic) look good, but NONE of my clothes fit better (let alone going down a size or 2 like most people do). I even had a pair of jeans that I couldn't button! How the heck is that possible after losing lbs and around 15 inches in my lower half? I walked in the living room to show my husband and all he could say was, "hmmph" with a head tilt!

    It's definitely frustrating, but you know you're improving and making changes for the better. We just have to keep going. If you only repeat what you've done so far, the next time you'll be down 22 lbs. I have been saying that we are own worst critics because we see ourselves everyday; it's harder to appreciate the differences that we are making. Like a PP said we have got to start giving ourselves more credit!

    Hope you get back to feeling like the rockstar you are!
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I think we ALL have these moments! I think the important thing is to know that you ARE doing something about it! It will come as long as we stick with it and before we know it we'll be so much happier AND healthier! I saw a post that I've put on my fb as encouragement for myself and my workout buddies......"Comparison is the thief of happiness"

    Be proud of yourself and what you are doing. You HAVE SEEN results....great results....and more will come! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: