Help with my motivation please!!!

I don't have a lot of weight to lose, and I have been finding it really hard! I am not by any means "big" but I just want to loose a little of the extra weight I gained in University. Where I dont have a lot to lose, I start out exercising and eating better, and then a month later, I dont see any change and just jump into the junk food pool and lazy-ness. I just need some motiviation, or some ideas on what I can do to not give up! My sister is bigger than me, and she diets and exercises and looses 5lbs weekly, i know this isnt common for a smaller person, but it gives her the motivation to keep going! I need something like this! Please help!

Thanks for reading and helping :)


  • aasshhll33yy
    I've recently started the 17 Day Diet.. now I know its not for everyone--but the idea is to train your body how to eat certain foods---could help you lose that 15lbs fairly quickly..and then you'd be able to just maintain---you'd have to read up on it to see if it was suitable for you--but you would ideally see the results fast and then be able to stick with it----as long as you stick with your exercise....
    Otherwise I say stick to what you're doing. don't give up because the scale says something you don't like. It takes alot of time I guess---the scale can be your worst enemy--eat the healthy foods and keep up with your exercise, and in time you will get the results you want!!
    Also--muscle weighs more than fat, make your you're taking measurements--- maybe your weight wont change---but your size really could! :)