breakfast help!!



  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    As a Canadian, I am still utterly lost on what "Canadian bacon" is.... :)

    IM CANADIAN too but do all my shopping in the states its basically just a slice of ham. lol

    thanks everyone some really good ideas here. im going to have to make a shopping list
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    2 eggs, 2 ounces cream cheese.
    cook in frying pan with coconut oil like a pancake.
    top with butter, syrup, yogurt, or homemade jam.

    versatile enough for 'savory' flavours as well.
  • chermike1
    chermike1 Posts: 12 Member
    almond french toast. low cal bread, almond 40 cal milk, 1 egg and sugar free syrup. can range from 180 cals to 250 depending on the bread you use. (for 2 toast)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I love the Morningstar Farms vegetarian breakfast patties (and I'm not even vegetarian anymore). Hard-boiled eggs are another of my faves--I try to eat a healthy dose of protein to keep me going through the morning. If I'm feeling especially decadent, I combine a sausage and an egg on an English muffin half with a piece of cheese for a mock Egg McMuffin.
  • Christina_3192
    Christina_3192 Posts: 150 Member
    This pumps me up for my day and keeps me full until lunch

    1/2 cup of skim milk
    1/2 cup of plain yogurt
    1 tablespoon of peanut butter
    1 cup of fruit

    Put in a blender and voila: a delicious fruit smoothie!
    You could also substitute greek yogurt instead of normal if you prefer.
    The amounts of milk, yogurt, peanut butter, and fruit can also be changed if you prefer a more milky smoothie than fruity, etc

    Also, I add in a squirt of generic walmart brand mio energy stuff since I need a caffeine kick. strawberry kiwi works well with the smoothie.
  • marthathebear
    Greek yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, 1T granola!
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Mm... lets see.. I usually eat the same thing but let me give you some ideas:

    * Old Fashion Oatmeal : 1/4 cup dry cooked in water with cinnamon, a bit of banana pieces or any fruit you like
    * 2 egg whites with 1 whole egg
    * 2 slices of turkey bacon
    * Almond milk with coffee
    This is my usual breakfast.. You can sub the oatmeal for the following:

    * 2 slices of 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread (50 calories each slice)
    * 2 small whole grain pancakes (you can buy them from the box or make them from scratch. Use sugar free, light syrup, pure maple syrup, honey, etc. and fruit
    * Whole Grain Cheerios
    * Whole Grain muffin (1 small)
    * Half of a whole grain bagel

    I hope that gives you some ideas. ☺
  • Gia6280
    Gia6280 Posts: 47 Member
    I make an egg bake on Sundays and eat that during the week. Quick and delicious. Sautee some light Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage, along with some mushrooms and spinach. Layer in a baking dish, cover with about a dozen scrambled up eggs, and then sprinkle on feta cheese. Bake for 30 minutes. I let it cool and then cut into individual pieces to have during the week.
  • Mirpapillon
    Mirpapillon Posts: 5 Member
    i Sandy,
    Well here goes what I eat for breakfast. I buy light rye bread. Its 130 calories for 2 slices. A lot of times I put peanut butter on (protein) and a little jam or light cream cheese. I also eat an egg sandwich with canadian bacon, oatmeal not in envelopes but cooked at home with a little brown sugar and milk. Fruits are also good in the morning. I have been told by the dietician that I see that I should be eating at least 3 food groups at every meal and one of them should be the grain food group. I hope this helps.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    IM CANADIAN too but do all my shopping in the states its basically just a slice of ham. lol

    Ha, that's hilarious....since we call it ham here I wonder how it started being called "Canadian bacon"? (FYI for the Americans....we have the same bacon as you, and we just call it "bacon")
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member

    IM CANADIAN too but do all my shopping in the states its basically just a slice of ham. lol

    Ha, that's hilarious....since we call it ham here I wonder how it started being called "Canadian bacon"? (FYI for the Americans....we have the same bacon as you, and we just call it "bacon")

    I have a Canadian friend that calls bacon "pig strips" ;)
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    This is what I do now..

    All fruit breakfast. :)

    Thanks for the link. I will definitely be doing this from now on. :smile: :smile: