Need some ACTIVE friends



  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey! I'm logged in everyday, almost constantly. I'd love some new, active friends to encourage and keep me motivated as well.
  • kateneyxx
    kateneyxx Posts: 59 Member
    Hey there everyone! :)

    I have only recently joined myfitnesspal and downloaded it as an Ap for my phone and i have to say it is brilliant! I log in every day and find it so easy to use and log all aspects of daily life and routine, however, i did not know (or was unaware of) how to add/make friends and now i have found you guys! (yay!) :)

    \Please feel free to add me, i would love to be there for someone, to encourage and give support and vice versa :)

    Good luck to all on your journeys to good health, we can do it! (Now trying to learn the meaning of MODERATION!) hee hee

  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    i'm a MFP addict. :) we can cheer each other on!! :)
  • I'm also Looking for Active Friends! :) Please feel free to add me.
  • ahiddenlink
    ahiddenlink Posts: 42 Member
    I'm really getting into using this site on a consistent basis and would enjoy meeting some new people too! Feel free to add me!
  • Truthfully I have not been active in months but am looking to get back into the groove of logging and could really use some active friends myself to help me stay accountable and inspire me to reach my goals. Feel free to add me! Thanks :)
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    Thanks for all the responses! I will add the rest of you tonight when MFP releases my hold! In the meantime, you can always add me! :)
  • Hi Marie :)

    I am new and active and looking to add some active friends myself!! Please feel free to add me please!!

    Great to Meet you!
  • I need the same....feel free to add me:)
  • hmbrandon
    hmbrandon Posts: 114
    Thanks for all the wonderful replies, everyone. I know it's going to make a world of difference! Everyone has officially been added!
  • WiRosie
    WiRosie Posts: 2
    Hello...I was just told to check this site out by the owner/manager of our local, small town gym. So, here I am...just starting out. I could really use some support and am willing to be here for others too. I have no idea how this all works yet, but I think I'm doing pretty good for only being here a few Add me, and when I figure out how, I will add some of you too. My goal is to get to the gym every day for a while. Not to work out like crazy every day. I am alone a lot. I need to just get out my front door. I don't work so I can devote some time to my fitness. Rather than sit here and watch my partner sleep (he works 3rd shift), I want to either be sleeping too because I worked out so much while he was at work that I am pooped...or spend some time out of the house going to the gym. I need to get out in the sun a little too. So, scheduling things at the same time every day is not going to always work. But that's not all bad...will keep my body guessing and won't let it hit any plateaus.

    I was doing so much better last year, but we suffered some deaths in the family, and things fell apart for a while. I am looking forward and working toward a brighter, healthier future now. I will try to log in every day.

    Take care, and good health to you all...
  • Only1Mickee
    Only1Mickee Posts: 415 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. The more the merrier!