Always exceed carb allowance. Help!



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Glucose is the form of sugar that travels in your bloodstream to fuel the mitochondrial furnaces responsible for your brain power. Glucose is the only fuel normally used by brain cells.

    Glucose is indeed the usual brain fuel in the presence of plenty of it. In the case of reduced carbohydrates some 70% of the brain's energy is provided by ketones produced from fat by the liver. "Nutritional ketosis" describes this condition - it's a routine physiological state when fasted for several hours or when not eating much carbohydrate.
    This blood sugar is obtained from carbohydrates: the starches and sugars you eat in the form of grains and legumes, fruits and vegetables.

    Blood sugar can also be provided by the liver via the process of gluconeogenesis. This is also a normal physiological process as there's only about 5g of blood sugar in your system so once a meal has been digested and absorbed the liver has to provide the glucose to maintain the blood sugar homostasis.

    Isn't the body amazing.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I never hit my carb target for the day. Want to know how? I workout like a mad person. :happy: I usually have about 100-150+ carbs left over for the day. Do I intentionally do that? Nope. It happens because I USUALLY make sure I only have a single serving (about 1/2 a cup of grains or 1 slice of bread) of carbs per "meal" (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Last night totally doesn't count. I had mac n cheese... I'm a sucker for cheesy goodness. lol Snacky time is my fruit, yogurt, protein shake, meat/cheese roll up time. :wink: I agree with the comment about taking a good look at your diary. Look at the foods you ate over the last 3 or 4 days (or the last 3 or 4 times you exceeded your carb count) and figure out where you're getting most of your carbs from. I am a believer in eating a balanced diet, but I don't put my nose up to purposely eating low carb. Different strokes for different folks! What is good for some isn't good for all. I just don't do it intentionally and if I could, I would eat an entire loaf of delicious french bread all by my lonesome. lol I can't though. I try to stick to whole grains for the most part (like i said... mac n cheese was the exception... haha!) Good luck!!
  • petitesizes
    I'm always exceeding my carb intake but I eat lots of fruits and vegetables!!!! :( I'm at a loss.
  • Mecho21
    I'm always exceeding my carb intake but I eat lots of fruits and vegetables!!!! :( I'm at a loss.

    Lots of vegetables - and especially fruit - are relatively high in carbs. What is your daily goal?
  • petitesizes