Breakfast struggle

jen10st Posts: 325 Member
Does anyone else struggle with eating breakfast, I know its important to get a good healthy breakfast but I really struggle to eat first thing in the morning as it makes me feel quite sick. Any tips/suggestions? X


  • lisamerrison
    lisamerrison Posts: 90 Member
    When I was a smoker I used to be exactly the same but since I packed up smoking I have been able to eat breakfast funnily enough so I know how you feel about the feeling sick thing.

    Try something liquid like a fruit smoothie to get your body used to eating early or maybe a yoghurt. Even a glass of orange juice is better than nothing so as it kicks starts your metabolism.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I like the smoothie idea, I'm ok with drinks, my gym instructor wants me to eat porridge and I am trying but if I'm particularly tired I'm literally gagging on it. Maybe on those days ill just have a smoothie.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I get up at 4:14 a.m. and I can't eat until 9:30 or 10
  • OhMidgeMadge
    I'd go with the smoothie option.
    I don't have this problem now- although I used to. You could maybe get used to it as time goes on. I could never eat breakfast (for years) and then I just trained and forced myself to do so, and eventually got used to it. Now I could never skip.

    But, something like a green smoothie would be a GREAT breakfast option.
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    I find it hard to eat until I've been awake and active for an hour or so. Usually my "breakfast" consists of coffee.

    I'm going to try hitting the treadmill for 10 minutes or so first thing, and see if that wakes me up enough to where I can deal with food.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    It's not important that you eat shortly after waking up. If you don't want to eat until noon, that's fine. You still need to eat the same amount of daily calories, though. Meal timing will not affect weight loss.
  • wandamarie2009
    wandamarie2009 Posts: 1 Member
    I had that trouble as well. My doctor suggested drinking protein in the morning. I drink muscle milk light. 100 calories lots of protein and I feel full longer. I drink mine in about 30 minutes. Hope this helps!
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    I have a cup of tea it helps wake up the system. Then I eat after. You can also do like hot lemon water, if you would rather.
  • Lumett
    Lumett Posts: 29 Member
    Then don't do it, if it's making you feel sick don't eat it until you feel comfortable. Professional footballers (soccer) players such as Micah Richards skip breakfast every single day and they are perfectly fine.

    A guy I work with brings his breakfast to work and eats it an hour/2 hours after he wakes up and gets into work, just do whatever works best for you don't force yourself to eat something you physically cannot, I wouldnt force myself to eat tuna because it repulses me.

    All the best
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    I always hated eating in the morning, it made me sick too. But when I started working on losing weight and working out 3 days a week I knew I had to eat in the am. But you will feel better in the long run
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    Yes muscle milk light...I do that too sometimes. I love it!
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I don't struggle with eating breakfast because I don't eat breakfast. It's simple - if it makes you sick and/or uncomfortable, well don't do it.

    I literally can't remember the last time I've eaten something within the first 3-4 hours from waking up and I'm just fine.
  • 1jlazymom
    1jlazymom Posts: 197 Member
    Somedays are better than others. I usually opt for yogurt or smoothies in the winter oatmeal although I have been trying different oatmeals with flax seed and haven't hit a problem yet. Good luck, start out with something light and work your way up to the porridge.
  • nichojanes
    nichojanes Posts: 76 Member
    if you don't want breakfast don't have it.
    It doesn't matter when during the day you eat.
  • bbaker172
    I wake up at 8am, coffee. Around 9:30 I go work I don't normally eat anything until around 11....and by the time I'm done doing Insanity, I'm starving!!! So it's a 3 egg omelet with cheese for brunch!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I am getting better at eating breakfast, it used to be a struggle everyday but now it's only the odd day. I have gotten used to eating breakfast as i feel hungry in the mornings and need the fuel to get me through the morning especially as my shift patterns mean mid-morning snacks are almost impossible to find time for. I think instead of plodding on with the porridge on those days it takes my stomach longer to 'wake up' I'll go for a smoothie. Thanks for the feedback everyone :)
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    I have never been a breakfast eater, but i do eat something small now. Used to be a granola bar on my way to work every morning, and now i am doing Activia Light Yogurt every morning, it's not a lot, but it's enough for me
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I am the same way! I have been trying very hard to at least have something, like a banana with my morning coffee:)
  • pussnbootz200920
    Because i have the lap band. My stomach wouldnt take anything at 1st. I was soo hungry in the mornings, so now i start with a light yogurt and go from there. Its opens it up a little then i go for a granola bar on my way to work or if i off i make an omlette. I got to get some real cheese. That veletta is soo processed. YUk!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't eat immediately if it makes you feel sick! I rarely eat until I've been up for an hour! I know that this can be hard depending on what you do for the day, whether it is work or if you have school or kids or whatever, so you have to adapt it to your own schedule, but the first time I eat, whether it is 8 am or 10 am, it is breakfast!