need some major food advice

Ok this is a long one but please read.

Im nearly 25 and have a 2year old daughter, she is very hard work lol. Alot of the time she is up at 4:30am aso by 6 ALL housework is done.I may be young but im constantly tired and therfore hungry...My appitite is very high and im starving by time i get up, i put off eating untill about 8ish a 4:30 is too early. I usualy have oats with fruit or a full fruit breakfast, sometimes toast, it varies but im hungry 1hr later. Same with lunch. I have this at 1pm with daughter. It once again varies what i have. dinner i have at 5pm with daughter as i got bed at 8pm with her lol... My prolem is im always hungry no matter what i eat. I try to snack on healthy things but i end up going for the crisps ect that i know fill me up....I need to sort out a good filling breakfast/lunch/dinner.

any help?????????


  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Without seeing your diary, and not knowing your calorie aim it's hard to know what would constitute advice and help.
    However, for what it's worth, you could try some of the following;
    Balance out your calories intake, so you get a quarter of your calories for each meal with the other quarter spare for snacks.
    Make sure your meals/snacks all include some protein.
    Try to make sure your carbohydrates are complex, lots of fibre and whole grains.
    Eat loads of fresh vegetables, especially leafy ones.
    Drink as much water as you can, especially before a meal.

    I know this is fairly generic, but it's all stuff that helps.
    Good luck. :smile:
  • MrsAFR
    MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
    I couldn't survive on 1200 calories a day either to be honest. no matter how much sleep I had! I have a 20 month old she is up between 5-6 everyday. I work full time as well. But I eat 1850 calories a day plus exercise calories. Could you up your calories to feel more satisfied?
  • jmhurley87
    I have trouble loosing weight, so i have to keep low calories and exercise lots so i can eat more. I dont have time to exercise even more to up calories lol. Some days im ok some im not lol