Can't make up calorie defecit!!



  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    No, aviendha, he doesn't need to eat a cookie once in awhile. Not everyone has to have sweets to be happy.

    OP, without seeing your actual food diary, it's tough to help you. I'm no expert on "net calores" vs "exercise calories" or any of that mess. It's not an uncommon phenomenon to just simple have less appetite when you are working out. This is because your body is finally doing something with the food you're eating. At least that's my unscientific, uneducated, completely unfounded theory. Here's what I'll tell you:

    If you're hungry, then eat. If you're not hungry, don't force it.

    In the meantime, make sure you're getting plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Good fats (olive oil and such) are important too. Get plenty of water. Oh-make sure you're actually tracking any drinks that aren't water-those calories count, too.

    Beyond that- just don't stress. Track your food, eat when you're hungry, and don't worry unless you're going over all the time from always being hungry.

    Good luck!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    i think 1500 is an okay amount, as long as u feel satisfied.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I agree with those who say eat when you're hungry. Don't force yourself to eat if you are not.

    If you are just looking to squeeze in more protein though without having to choke down a steak or chicken breast, I do like Premium Nutrition chocolate protein shakes. They are 160 calories and 30 g of protein. Sometimes I drink that instead of eating breakfast or lunch if I'm really running late, but that's more for convenience than anything else.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Wow, you sound heavy duty. I hear that Olympians have to eat alot of junk food to get to their 5,000 to 6,000 calories a day.

    Try peanut butter or nuts in general.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    Heddy... those panties. they're in a wad.
    I have no idea what that expression means, I'm a foreign gal :P But I do get that you weren't serious, that's why I added the part about "even as a joke". I was aiming at a more general answer, not just referring to what you said, because a lot of people, in all seriousness, advise people to stuff up on unhealthy food just to upp their calories. It's insane :S
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    This is going to turn into one of those don't eat your exercise calories arguments.

    Unless Alleycat88 posts nudes, that could certainly change the direction of this thread.

    im in for the nudes!
  • LD83
    LD83 Posts: 2
    I can't see a denial of weight gain in the question posed here. I think the point is that he is now trying to do the right thing to lose the weight healthily and responsibly.

    It is easy to add 'any' calorie, the challenge is finding the 'right' calories to make up the deficit.
  • LD83
    LD83 Posts: 2
    Clearly, you don't have problems eating enough calories, or you wouldn't have gained weight to start with. We ALL have a tendency to overeat, that's why we're here.

    What you need to do on days that you're low on calories is add a salad to your meals because the dressing will get you extra calories, & help keep you feeling fuller. Add nuts like almonds or cashews (especially cashews! They're VERY high calorie with good fat). Put some cheese on your salads.

    INDULGE once in a while. If you HAVE the extra calories, have a cookie after dinner. Ugh... you've CLEARLY earned it... & ONE won't kill you, or kill your progress. You have to still eat SOME of the things you enjoy SOMETIMES or you'll end up losing focus because it's just too hard.

    Or keep track of your extra calories & give yourself a spike day. Some people do that too.

    You can find the calories. People who claim they can't drive me crazy. I mean... if you ALWAYS ate at a calorie deficit your whole life, you wouldn't have gained weight like the rest of us.

    I can't see a denial of weight gain in the question posed here. I think the point is that he is now trying to do the right thing to lose the weight healthily and responsibly.

    It is easy to add 'any' calorie, the challenge is finding the 'right' calories to make up the deficit.