Looking for Friends who have twins or babies :)

Hi, I am a mom of 15 month old twins looking for friends who have had twins or babies for motivation and support to lose the baby weight. I have lost 20 pounds and over 20 inches I am about half way to my goal :) feel free to add me :flowerforyou:


  • Emily_fitat30
    Emily_fitat30 Posts: 32 Member
    I have two boys, 20 months & 10 weeks, I'l add you x
  • louorme
    louorme Posts: 2

    I have a 22 month old daughter and i am struggling with my weight, i still have 2 stone baby weight to lose ;0( i really struggle to do excercise as i have no time or energy.. like you, i need help and serious motivating!! :smile: :smile:
  • crisdai
    crisdai Posts: 60 Member
    I have a 16 months girl, working full time and when I get home I want to be with her .I still need to lose 30 pounds to br where I was before I got pregnant.