Bread, Pasta, Rice & Potatoes



  • jillby10
    jillby10 Posts: 29 Member
    How Do u make bread w out flour?
  • ktull68
    ktull68 Posts: 19
    If you stay within your calorie zone you should be fine. The teacher who did the twinkie diet lost weight and lowered his cholesterol. Its not the food. It's the dosage! Bread is a staple food in many countries. Jesus said "I am the BREAD of life" He didn't say carrots or lettuce of life. He also said "dont' worry about what you eat or drink." Self control is the key.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Yes this is absolutely possible. I eat carbs as the bulk of every meal (porridge oats, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes) and consistently lots weight.

    Remember this has to be a lifestyle change and something you can maintain for years from now so if you think you can do without carbs then try it, but if not, then give it a stab whilst including them.
    I also do a lot of running/intense cardio where I find carbs such as bread are essential to my performance.

    Best of luck and fee l free to add me/look at my diary. x
  • IdunAbelone
    How Do u make bread w out flour?

    Sorry, I should have written WHEAT flour. Lots of recipies out there :)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member

    I avoid the categories you mention but I am not on a low carb diet. I get my carbs from vegetables, fruits, legumes, quinoa, amaranth, millet, oats.

    It's a common misconception that carbs are only obtained from rice, bread, pasta and potatoes.

    ^^^ This. The key is on prioritizing the simple carbs ( such as fruits and veggies). It's not NO carbs.

    Personally, I have to cut out rice/bread/pasta until I hit maintenance mode. But every person is different - in body reaction to foods, in personal levels of control re: portion sizes, etc.

    I too am not specifically on a no carb diet - bread I avoid more because of the yeast (bloating and fatigue), and pasta because I have zero self control and it's so calorie dense. :) And potatoes because I like them in french fry or potato chip form only!