Soccer moms/dad

or any sport really....When do you and your family eat dinner during season practices? My kids practice right at 6:00 which is our usual dinner time. I don't want to eat right before we leave because they might get sick with the hot weather, but when we get home (after 8:00) is really close to their bedtime. I guess my only choice is to eat at 5:00 which I personally hate... just curious to see what everyone else does.


  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    If we had soccoer/swimming/whatever at 6:00, then we ate at 5:00, and the kids got a snack when they got home before bed. Its better to feed them before a game/practice then to make then wait and play on an empty stomach.
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    soccer is lame
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    We eat around dd's practice schedule. She has Karate 2x a week and soccer 2x a week, plus games on the weekend. So, we don't have a set dinner time. Some nights she eats PB&J after school and then will eat something a bit later in the evening. And, in all honesty, there are nights when we hit the drive through due to time constraints. I'm ok with that because of the amount of exercise DD gets. I don't eat it and I'll either make due with a sandwich that I made for myself or an Atkins bar. I don't stress over the "family dinner", but that works for me and may not work for others.