When to weigh?

I know some of you are going to yell at me for this, but I am unfortunately a daily weigher - I insist on stepping on the scale at least once a day, if not more... :blushing:

My weight, like everyones, fluxuates daily - and I am unsure when to record me weight. When does everyone weigh themselves and how often do they record their weight on mfp?

I'm just looking to get some insite.

Please don't lecture me on how i shouldn't weigh myself so often - I don't take it to heart when I gained a pound from morning to afternoon or anything, it's just a habit I guess. :flowerforyou:


  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    If that's how you like to do it no one should yell at you for it ;)
    I'd recommend to do it early in the morning, after you've been to the bathroom, and before you get dressed. Do it before you eat anything or have something to drink. You wouldn't step on the scale holding food and a cup of water in your hands I would think, which can be compared to stepping on the scale after eating and drinking.

    But of course, the most important thing is that you're consistent about when you do it, otherwise you don't really get anything out of comparing the numbers :)
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    I was a daily weigher as well and trying to make the switch to only once a week- its hard when you are OCD about it. I just got a new scale and today was my first weigh in for the week. I reset my starting weight due to it (didn't have an official scale and every scale is different that I used).

    I weigh myself tuesday morning after restroom and before getting dressed. Atleast this scale actually gives me the same number in a row to confirm the weight.

    My last scale gave me 10lb differences and never gave the same # no matter how often you stepped on it! Its getting trashed tomorrow :D
  • crewsnthrulife
    crewsnthrulife Posts: 5 Member
    I am a daily wiegher too! lol I typically do it in the morning right after I first wake up but after I have used the restroom. I am really bad and also have a scale at work. (don't judge me ;-) There is about a 2 lb difference between my work scale and the one at home. But even at work, I weigh myself when I first get in. I am a results type of person, so I like to see that all the work I am doing is not in vain.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i am a daily weigher myself too... i know my weight fluctuates daily too and i don't take it to heart but i will weigh myself only 1st thing in the am in just my underwear. after i go to the bathroom and before i eat breakfast. I weighted myself daily for a few weeks when i realized what day is the best to log in as my weigh in day.... it seems to be the day i was always the lowest weight each week
    ( thurs). I log that day whether it's a gain or loss.... I too have a digital scale now to make it easy... plus i find that i am ocd about this now b/c i don't want the weight to start creeping back up on me like it did in the 1st place. so when i see a few lb gain ( even if it's water weight from over eating, or bad foods, etc) i make sure to pay attention to what i am eating, etc.. to lose it again!
  • kgeer31
    kgeer31 Posts: 52 Member
    I do not own a scale for that very reason and refuse to buy one. It will consume me and I know it. I work at a hospital and don't usually take week days off of exercise so I weigh in on a digital scale that I know is often calibrated every Friday morning, but it's usually after I have eaten breakfast just because of the timing of weighing in vs taking am medications and eating with them.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I don't weigh myself daily, because then I would think I would be overly obsessive about it, which I am not. I don't care how slow/fast I lose the weight, and I like seeing bigger losses, rather than .02 lbs every day that I step on the scale. I weigh myself every other Saturday, except the week that I get my period, because I always feel like I weigh 25 pounds more than I normally would from bloating.
  • I am weighing every couple of days, but recording it on MFP once a week, on a Tuesday.

    I weigh myself in the morning, after going to the bathroom, but before eating. I also do it naked, so that I can get an accurate reading .
  • CupcakeHarpy
    CupcakeHarpy Posts: 100 Member
    I'd recommend to do it early in the morning, after you've been to the bathroom, and before you get dressed. Do it before you eat anything or have something to drink.

    This is exactly what I do, and I am very happy with it. I understand why some would want to weigh less often. But I find that by weighing myself each morning, I remember that I have a goal and work to do and I see how far I've come and realize I don't want to see the number go up (That sets the mood for the day). I expect fluctuations and do not take it negatively. Then I only record it on MFP on thursdays and take into account the week as a whole. (That sets the mood for the next week). If weighing every day, 2, 3, 4 times a day is productive for you and it doesn't get you down, go for it.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Also a daily weigher here. Like most others I weight first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. I only record on Fridays because I tend to relax a little on weekends (some people like to weigh on Mondays cause it keeps them honest over the weekend). When I don't weigh daily my weight starts to creep back (as evidenced by my return to MFP)
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I appreciate all the help - and definitely am happy i'm not the overly obsessive one who weighs herself every morning!! :happy:
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I'm a daily weigher, I love it. I need to know how my habits affect my fluctuation. I also like knowing that I'm not gaining.
  • There's nothing wrong with weighing daily as long as you don't take too much stock in a single weigh in.

    I weigh myself every day - after waking up and using the restroom and before eating - and then I track it using a cell phone app that shows a graph. As long as that graph is trending downward, then your good.