What do you use for motivation?

I have really been struggling with losing weight the last month and I'll be honest....it's because I lost my motivation and have been eating and drinking whatever I want with maybe one or two meals of eating the way I should so I don't feel TOO bad. I was doing great and lost 20 pounds but I have now gained back close to 10 pounds in just over a month! =( I haven't been to the gym in over 3 weeks and I can definitely tell a difference in my body. I am amazed at how quickly the body can go to mush!

I know all the things I should be doing and what works for me to lose the weight slow and steady but I lost the motivation. It's funny because I know I should do it for myself and for my health...blah...blah...blah.... Easier said than done!!

So, what do you use for motivation to keep you on track and to get you back on track when you slip? Help me find my mojo!! =)


  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    I know people say you shouldn't look every day, but I get on my digital scale every morning. Sometimes even before I go to bed. My goal is always to get to the next 5lb level. ( 250, 245, 240 etc.) If It shows no movement or I'm up a bit, then I'm extra good and make sure I either walk the dog or get to the pool. If it continues to go down, I may treat myself to something small. But my goal is to never go back up to that previous 5 lb level. I've also bought some clothes off the clearance rack (blouse, and pants) that were really tight in the store, but as I've lost, they fit! Best part is when I have to then toss them into the Goodwill bag cuz they were too big!
  • jessalleyne
    I lost 40 pounds about a year ago. I went through a very turbulent time with my son being admitted to a mental health hospital for almost 2 months last fall - so needless to say I fell off the healthy bandwagon I had built for myself. So I get it. I'm just getting back on.

    I think everyone's motivation is different - but I'll share with you mine. I want to be a great example of health for my kids. Not a skinny model, not an Olympic athlete - a healthy person. So they see how activity and good nutrition are incorporated seemlessly in your daily life (which is a bit of a challenge as you grow into this!). I also LIKE feeling good - and like you I realized that I felt really good when I was trimmer & toner & had TONS of energy. I had MORE energy getting up to work out at 4am 4X a week back then - then I did recently sleeping in an extra hour and not every working out.

    Also - Dr. Edward Bach wrote in "Heal Thyself" the following, "when the fault is found the remedy lies not in a battle against this and not in a use of will power and energy to suppress the wrong, but in a steady development of the opposite virtue, thus automatically washing from our natures all trace of the offender." So I've started focusing on where I want to be mentally & physically & emotionally - instead of beating myself up for where I am. I don't have the willpower 100% of the time to overcome it all - but if I focus on the benefits of good food nourishing me and the way I feel after I work out - then I'm less attracted to foods that don't nourish me (but currently might like how they taste!) and my tendency towards laziness.

    And, listen to your body. If your tired - give yourself a break. We were sent to this earth to enjoy life - and learn as much as we can. Some friends of mine have a great saying, "Make it a great day!"
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I took a break and am having difficulty getting back into it myself.

    Sometimes I might try getting a new exercise DVD or Wii game to see if that will help re-motivate me or try a different diet see how much I can lose on a different diet. It just gives body something different to what's it got used to and sometimes works to shake things up.

    I'm struggling with menopause symptoms at the minute though which aren't helping so I've either been in PMT week or got them or waiting for water to come off for water weight to be back on again a week later. Think I'm gonna be running out of blood soon with 2 periods every month... lol! . (sorry TMI.. lol!) but it's really leaving me feeling exhausted, just trying to get through the day (dressed, cooking, walking the dog) let alone trying to find the energy to do a workout as well!

    I'm living on chocolate slim fast so don't eat too many calories when not exercising but the choc flavour does help with the cravings so I'm not eating loads of chocolate bars and brownies instead! ... I'm still stuck around the 9st 7 mark even after only 3 slim fasts a day and 750cals a day. My BMR is only just over 1200 mark as I'm 43 so should have enough of a deficit to be losing something even if too tired to exercise. It is really de-motivating and frustrating!

    I'm considering diet pills or hormone treatments as a last resort.