I want to be a marathon runner!

Hey! My name is Allyson. I recently joined mfp. I really want to run a marathon. Any advice would be great! I know I have a ways to go, but I am willing to train hard!
I would also like some friends who will motivate, support, and push me. If that is you please add me.


  • Livengood2
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    I would look for a local running group. Where I live it there are tons but the best one I have found is through the running room.

    Good luck on your training. You can totally add me if you want even though I've only done half marathons.
  • Livengood2
    Thank you for the info!!
  • emilymnyc
    I ran NYC in 2011, and am running Toronto in October (or planning to if my hamstring will cooperate).

    Finding running buddies and the right training program is key. I love runner's word UK's training programs. Speed work (Yasso's!) is definitely amazing, and make your tempo runs feel so good..and make sure you do weights especially for legs, to keep your knees and IT band supported.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    This is a cool site for aspiring marathoners: http://www.marathonrookie.com/

    Good luck and keep on keepin' on........
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I am currently training to run my first marathon. :) Add me as a friend if you want.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    It's a great goal, commitment above all else is the #1 thing.

    Are you currently running? What's your mileage like? What have you raced? When do you want to run it?

    I am running my second full in October. It's not easy, it's certainly a journey but it's one of the most rewarding things (if not *the* most rewarding thing) I've ever done.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    I aspired to be a marathon runner (or atleast a 1/2) but after knee surgery the doctor told me to aspire for something else. Good luck to you though...I think what you are going to accomplish is AWESOME!
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I am training for my first half since 2009, plan on running my second full next April! Feel free to add me!
  • LongRunner77
    LongRunner77 Posts: 71 Member
    Awesome! When I started running a few years ago a marathon was the furthest thing from my mind! That's great that you are already looking forward to it. In the past 3 years I've actually gone from 5k's to marathons and beyond...I'm actually training for my first 50 mile run in October...looking for a local running group is a great idea...not sure if I could offer any great advice other than what I've experienced, but feel free to add me....good luck in your running! Oh, and I noticed you're in the Chicago area...some running groups I'm a part of are CHUGS and NLUR which are Chicago area Ultra Runners and New Leaf Ultra Runners....don't let the Ultra part scare you off...they welcome runners with all different kinds of experience and can offer so much advice....definitely look into their Facebook pages!

  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm currently in my fourth week of training and will be running a marathon in Lake Tahoe, California late September. I would advise subscribing to Runner's World magazine, purchasing some good running shoes and understanding the difference between weight loss and training for a marathon. Example...I recently loss 42 pounds with a calorie intake between 1400-1600. Now that I'm preparing for a marathon....my intake is between 2400-2800. I'm eating more to maintain my current weight and because of the amount of stress the long practice runs put on my body. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Welcome Allyson! Feel free to add me. I want to be a marathon runner as well-right now I have my first 5K coming up on September 30th. Are you running right now? I've been using the C25K app and I love it! It's helping me learn to run (I had issues pacing myself and breathing before)
  • mollyanne01
    mollyanne01 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm doing my 22nd race marathon distance or further this October. The best motivation I have found is in my local running group. Their encouragement (and craziness) is what prompted me to do ultras as well. I suggest finding a group to run w/ a couple times a week. Consistent and smart running will help you reach your goal. It's addicting and the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Add me if you'd like!
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    Good for you - it's such an amazing experience! I'll never forget the feeling of crossing the finish line for my first marathon.

    I was really struggling with my training on my own. I was following Hal Higdon's beginner program but the long runs alone were so hard. I ended up signing up with a local training group and it's the best decision I made. I got so much advice and help through those long runs and everyone meets up at the marathon (who wants to anyway) and runs together just like a training run. So I highly recommend a training group for your first.

    I love to talk about running so feel free to add me. I'm not doing a marathon this year but I still run and sign up for races regularly.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi and welcome. How long have you been running? How far do you run now? Have you done many/any races? What sort of time-scale do you want to run a marathon in?
  • tomtrl
    tomtrl Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 52 and started running 2 1/2 years ago. I started out doing 5k's, then signed up for a 15k. After completing that, still standing upright, I signed up for a Half Marathon in November of 2010. I pretty much laid off running in 2011 and started packing on the weight. Early this year (maybe in a moment of weakness), I signed up for a full Marathon for November of this year. I'm in my second week of the Runner's World 16 week Marathon Training schedule and loving it. I actually dread the "rest" days and am ready to go out and run 5 mornings a week.
    Best of luck to you, and remember - "You can do it!!"
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    WOW! That's an awesome goal! Feel free to friend me...I will happily help keep you motivated!
    I started running just over a year ago. I started simply running a mile then walking then running...you get the picture. Then, as I was running one day, I got this crazy idea that I could run a 5K race....ummmm...I should say...I was NEVER a runner, other than what was required for soccer and gymnastics as a kid....but I signed up for my first 5K last March and was hooked. In January I decided I wanted to do a 1/2 marathon...because a full was for crazy people! :wink:

    I started using Hal Higdon 13.1 Novice trainer on my phone and had great success! It was a hard race...but one I'd do again in a heartbeat! (I'm starting to train for one in Oct)

    Good luck in your training....but be sure to train...it's taxing on the body and the mind! Make sure you have a great play list to listen to...at least that is part of what helped me to get through.

    Keep us posted on your progress! :happy:
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I ran NYC in 2011, and am running Toronto in October (or planning to if my hamstring will cooperate).

    Finding running buddies and the right training program is key. I love runner's word UK's training programs. Speed work (Yasso's!) is definitely amazing, and make your tempo runs feel so good..and make sure you do weights especially for legs, to keep your knees and IT band supported.

    The NYC Marathon is the ONLY marathon I want to run!!! I have done a few halfs, but never a full... I have said I never will... BUT I will whisper to you all here that secretly, just between us, I dream of running New York! And I really do want to be able to have a 26.2 bumper sticker.

    There - I said it! :tongue:

    Shhhhhh!!! lol
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    It's an amazing experience, I've run 5 at this point and plan to run more (want to run one in every state).

    What kind of mileage are you currently running? Pick a marathon you want to run and pick a training program (there are tons out there)....and stick to the training!! Don't skip miles, and definitely do your long training runs. There will be days/weeks that you don't feel like trianing or running, but force yourself to go anyway.
    And when you do actually run one, don't make the mistake of starting off too quickly; start slow and speed up after the first 3-5 miles and then maintain pace for the next 15 miles or so and then speed up some more for the last 4-6 miles.

    Oh, and I would pick a FUN race -- do a search online for "best first marathons". I think there's a list of 10 that have the best routes, fans, etc. All things you'll want when you need to stay motivated for 26.2 miles. :)
    Good luck!
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    I have run two marathons. Here is what I would keep in mind:

    The time commitment is the hardest part for me. When you are getting close to your marathon, the long runs tend to consume the entire Saturday. 16-22 miles takes me a long time to run, 2 and a half to 3 hour plus, and on top of that, I would be exhausted when I got back and need to take a long nap.

    Secondly....make certain that you do your training on terrain similar to the terrain the marathon covers. While training for my second marathon, I ran mostly on trails. As it turned out the marathon itself was mostly on concrete, and it did bad things to my unprepared legs. A harder surface, even if only slightly harder, will make a big difference over the course of 26 miles.

    Third, don't run any marathon that incorporates "out and back" sections along the course. Ever. My second marathon had three out and backs, and two of them were when I was within sight of the actual finish. Nothing is more disheartening than running past the finish of a marathon knowing that you have 10 more miles to go. Pay closer attention to the way the course is set up than I did :)

    Good luck! It's one of those things that while you are running it you start to wonder why you did it, but afterward you will never be sorry. You can do it!