Logging frequently/in London? :))

Just returned to London and am looking to shed 56 pounds within 1 year, 2 pounds a week, and keep logging when I get there so I can maintain the weight.
Would love to buddy with someone with similar goals, and share encouragement/tips... Would also love to buddy with someone who lives/works in a busy city like London, and who understands the temptation to snack on the go, plus how hard it is to find satisfying, low cal lunches that enable me to go out with friends in the evening!

A bit about me... An absent-minded eater, carbs make me very happy indeed (but also give me lows of energy, which I use as an excuse to snack on more carbs!)... This is my first diet attempt. I've lost weight before, but never using any technique or weighing myself, just during my teen years. This time I'm aiming for 56 pounds weight loss, to get me down to the weight where I am body-confident, and I recognise that some weeks I will only manage a pound weightloss rather than 2, hence the one year deadline.
Already lost 6 pounds, just over 2 a week, and looking to keep that pace up and make friends who enjoy logging every day!

Add me as a friend, or just share tips on here! Would love to hear from you. :))
C x x