Hello! Thought I would introduce myself!

Hello, I'm Lauren, I live in England.

I've always struggled with my weight and in July of 2011 I weighed in at my most - a whopping 228lbs (16st 4lbs)

I've not been overly strict on myself so the results haven't been drastic, though they have been noticeable! I managed to get down to 205lbs (14st 09lbs) by July 2012. I went on holiday to Venice in Italy at the end of July and put on 5lbs there, taking me up to 210lbs (15st). I'm down to 208lbs (14st 12lbs) since being home.

My UGW for now is 138lbs (9st 12lbs) - which will be a total loss of 90lbs (6st 6lbs).

68lbs (4st 12lbs) left to lose!

I hope to lose it with the support of fellow users on here.

I'm very friendly so feel free to add me!


  • OriginalPosti
    Hi, good luck with the weight loss, it's a big loss but not impossible with the right attitude and some determination.

    Hope things work out for you :smile:
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello Lauren and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile: