Why is it that I see so MANY amazing...

AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
beautiful people (men and womean) on this site. I have looked a so many of you..and you all look fantastic. Can you please tell me how long you have been a part of MFP, how much you have lost, and just give ma some hope that I will lose the weight. Having you all has helped immensely...

Also, what do you think helped the most of all your changes..exercise, drinking water, nutrition???

I am just wondering if the average woman is sized 14...where the hell are you all (besides me, of course..)??? LOL....


  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yeah this does come off a little strange.

    Joined MFP years ago after I had my son.
    Was approx a size 12/14.

    Now a 2/4.

    A LOT of working out, moderation on diet. Weights and cardio. Don't forget to lift.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Hmmm ok. I'll bite. I've been here a year and a half. Was down 107 but slipped up a little recently. It'll come back off soon enough. You asked about water, food or exercise. They're all important. You can't really skimp on one. Of those - nutrition is my hardest one to stick to and effects me the most on the scale.
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Hey JoJo! I started early January when my size 10 jeans were getting to tight. I have lost 23 lbs and now fit comfortably in a size 6. For me the biggest thing for me to lose the weight was my eating. Now I want to be strong and fast, so I work out like a beast :)
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Most recently started in November, lost 46.
    Careful eating (lower and better calories) did the most to lose weight, running helped but is more important to my health overall.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Started MFP in February 2012 I have lost 23 lbs since starting. I have always drank a ton of water. Started eating healthy last July after being diagnosed diabetic. Started exercising in February, was once a hater of exercise, now I look forward to exercising. I have lost a total of 50lbs since last July. Use to wear a size 14 jeans, now a 6-8, wore a 2xl top now can wear a large or medium depending on the shirt.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Been here properly since January, lost 21lbs. Went from a size 5 to a size 1. 5'3" tall.

    Tips and tricks? Ate at a calorie deficit and did random workouts.
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yeah this does come off a little strange.

    Joined MFP years ago after I had my son.
    Was approx a size 12/14.

    Now a 2/4.

    A LOT of working out, moderation on diet. Weights and cardio. Don't forget to lift.

    I apologize if it was written strangely.. I wrote it as I had the thoughts in my head. And I was thinking all of these people look amazing and that is where I started writing...lol. I think my big issue is cardio. I like to try and push myself on the elliptical or treadmill but my asthma kicks in and then I have to stop. But I fugre every step counts..right?
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hey JoJo! I started early January when my size 10 jeans were getting to tight. I have lost 23 lbs and now fit comfortably in a size 6. For me the biggest thing for me to lose the weight was my eating. Now I want to be strong and fast, so I work out like a beast :)

    Hey therer my Dawny!! You look fantastic. Thank you for the motivation you give me. The fact that you aredoing a Warrior Dash ROCKS!!! I have to try harder to workout like a beast!!! I definitely want to look as fit as you do some day...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yeah this does come off a little strange.

    Joined MFP years ago after I had my son.
    Was approx a size 12/14.

    Now a 2/4.

    A LOT of working out, moderation on diet. Weights and cardio. Don't forget to lift.

    I apologize if it was written strangely.. I wrote it as I had the thoughts in my head. And I was thinking all of these people look amazing and that is where I started writing...lol. I think my big issue is cardio. I like to try and push myself on the elliptical or treadmill but my asthma kicks in and then I have to stop. But I fugre every step counts..right?
    Yes, every step counts. Try to keep pushing, every time maybe a bit longer, a bit harder. You'll get there.
  • cmpollard01
    I'm basically a size 14 right now! I started at first back in March, but with my bday, Easter, and my sis's bday all within one week of each other, I caved to my outter chubby chick. After a coworker suggested a weight loss challenge, I started back seriously in early May, and haven't stopped since. Portion control is my biggest issue (and might always be...I'm a southern girl, and a Southern BAPTIST girl at that!), so journalling my food and seeing that what I eat, just as much as HOW MUCH I eat has helped. I also cut out all beverages except water (thank goodness for Mio!). And of course, I go to the gym 5-7 days a week. At this point I've lost a total of 38lbs since March (239 down to 201), so it must be working!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    beautiful people (men and womean) on this site. I have looked a so many of you..and you all look fantastic. Can you please tell me how long you have been a part of MFP, how much you have lost, and just give ma some hope that I will lose the weight. Having you all has helped immensely...

    Also, what do you think helped the most of all your changes..exercise, drinking water, nutrition???

    I am just wondering if the average woman is sized 14...where the hell are you all (besides me, of course..)??? LOL....

    this time around...since February. I am 5'2" tall and weighed 228.4lbs. I was too small for an 18, but too big for a 16. I looked sorta like this.
    dillons party by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    I drank at least 64oz of water a day and followed the MFP suggested dietary guidelines. a little over 3 months later, and only about 15lbs gone, I looked like this.
    IMG00518-20120518-0906 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    I wasn't happy with the results, so I tweaked my diet, kept doing 35 minutes of cardio/20 minutes of strength training 3-4x a week. THIS is what happened in another 3 months!
    IMG00645-20120726-0919 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    I'm wearing the SAME size 12/14 workout pants in all the pictures. Size 14 jeans are still snug, but they should fit in a few more weeks :)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Yeah this does come off a little strange.

    Joined MFP years ago after I had my son.
    Was approx a size 12/14.

    Now a 2/4.

    A LOT of working out, moderation on diet. Weights and cardio. Don't forget to lift.

    The guy was talking about himself after looking at the OP's picture. HIS mind stopped after he saw her lovely attributes.

    OP, your post wasn't the creeper. He was calling himself that. :laugh: because you are so beautiful.
  • plumnbagel
    plumnbagel Posts: 184 Member
    I started here as a new year's resolution and am down about 50 pounds. Everyone is different, of course, but the thing that worked for me was not to be in too big a hurry. Just chipping away at my weight by meeting my calorie goal every day, I got to learn what foods I liked, what foods I could avoid, and what new foods I could substitute into my diet.
    I tried to keep that sense of discovery and trial-and-error when I began to exercise, and just letting my body dictate how fast or how gingerly I should begin something new. It's really given me a lot of confidence I didn't have before to find that I can trust myself (and my MFP friends, who were SO supportive!) in lots of endeavors.
    Good luck on your goals, and please don't get discouraged comparing yourself to other people. Your personal success is just around the corner!
  • AwesomeMoJo
    AwesomeMoJo Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yeah this does come off a little strange.

    Joined MFP years ago after I had my son.
    Was approx a size 12/14.

    Now a 2/4.

    A LOT of working out, moderation on diet. Weights and cardio. Don't forget to lift.

    The guy was talking about himself after looking at the OP's picture. HIS mind stopped after he saw her lovely attributes.

    OP, your post wasn't the creeper. He was calling himself that. :laugh: because you are so beautiful.

    CMRiverside.. that was quite a compliment...thank you very much for that.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member

    Well I think most people here are striving to be the best they can be. I think a lot of people out in real life, really aren't (the ones I see).

    Anyhow, I think all of the things you listed are important. Eating healthy and clean as you can, drink half my body weight in water, exercising regularly, doing some weights, rest.

    It all depends on what your goals are.

    Good luck.

    I'm an 8 / 10 ....it's a daily thing for me...get up and make good choices.

    I'm not trying for a size zero as I don't think for me it's maintainable. (age, and height--I'm almost 5'8)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I started here last August, so am at about a year. I initially had lost a bit before starting MFP, and have lost a total of 21 lbs as of today........now, I know that's a SLOW weight loss, but I set my goals at 1/2 lb a week, so I'm pretty much on target.

    I started at a size 16 (some 18's), and am easily a 14 right now. At 5' 3" tall, I can't afford to weigh the 160ish I weigh right now....but I am just going to keep on doing what I've been doing, and I'm sure I'll eventually hit my goal of between 140 and 145.

    I changed the way I ate, I exercise more (but I'm not a gym rat..............99% of my exercise has been walking and hiking). I still enjoy beer and treats, but try to stay within goal each day. I want to LIVE my life, not be on a diet............and it took me 57 years to get where I am today, so another year won't hurt :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The biggest help has been the change of my bad habits. I enjoy eating better, and find it a challenge to stay within my calories & macros, so it's kind of a game for me! And my MFP friends TOTALLY rock.............

    Much success to you, Jojo!
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Hey JoJo!!

    I have been on here for a short while and I love it! The sense of community is awesome, and the tools available on the site help to keep you focused and on target with your goals. I think that using these tools has contributed to my success thus far! Keep up the good work, and welcome!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I started last year at the end of July... my goal was to be AVERAGE and a size 14 :laugh: Now, a year later, I am wearing a belt with the 14s and wear a size 12 comfortably. I started at 200lbs, 5'3", and am now at 166 with a 'maybe, guess we'll see' goal of 150. I drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day, work out (be it walking, biking, jogging, whatever) a minimum of a half hour a day, every day. My calorie goal is set to 1370 and I do eat back exercise calories most days. Good luck to you! You are in the right place and can certainly obtain your goals!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Foxypoo61287
    Foxypoo61287 Posts: 638 Member
    beautiful people (men and womean) on this site. I have looked a so many of you..and you all look fantastic. Can you please tell me how long you have been a part of MFP, how much you have lost, and just give ma some hope that I will lose the weight. Having you all has helped immensely...

    Also, what do you think helped the most of all your changes..exercise, drinking water, nutrition???

    I am just wondering if the average woman is sized 14...where the hell are you all (besides me, of course..)??? LOL....

    Sweetheart, I drift between sizes. I can wear from 11-15. It just depends on the brand or type of pants/shorts. Believe me I used to be a size 16.... But I'm here!!!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It takes a lot of patience. You can't rush this. I noticed in your later posts that you have trouble with cardio b/c of asthma. That is ok. You can lose a lot of inches by strength training which should be less harsh on your lungs. Maybe just keep cardio to walking or casual bike riding and start lifting! I can't believe I am doing this again, but here's the link for my 50 pounds lost thread, I was wearing a size 16. Went to a 10 after losing about 47 pounds, then I concentrated more on lifting than cardio and I lost only 3 more pounds but am now in a size 6 that is getting loose!
