Need active friends??

Hi all. My name's Jade, im 19 years old and from Yorkshire, England. I'm not new to MFP, but have only recently been blogging and taking my weight loss seriously.
I'm 4ft 10, so naturally slim but after spending the summer of 2011 travelling Greece & the Greek Islands and indulging in (lets say) a little too much fried foods (extra virgin or not it's still bad!)

So, a little about my stats.

SW - 121
GW - 70
Goal 1: Get under 110
Goal 2: 105 (high school weight)
Goal 3:Get to 90
Goal 4: Get to 80
Goal 5: Maintain my weight

Then maintain my weight, focus on gaining muscle mass & maybe coax those abs out of hiding!
I know to many people my goal weight may seen extreme - but you have to realise im a tiny person and i would never put myself in danger by loosing too much too quickly.

I have few friends at MFP, so all new friends are welcome - could really use some inspiration & diet tips!


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello Jade and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile: