Intermittent Fasting

Hey im chris im trying to lose 40 pounds. over the weekend i was googling weight loss tip and such and stumble upon intermittent fasting. Has anyone tried it ?


  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    Yes! IF is awesome. I also "stumbled" across it online. I work 24/48's, and I fast every third day when I work because it is easy to stay distracted and not munch or graze. I eat breakfast and fast 24hrs at a time, so breakfast to breakfast. It is very motivating because after a fast you weigh 2-5lbs less than you did before. It doesn't all stay off but it helps to see a lower number and when you do eat it will help you to want to eat less. When I start eating again after a 24hr fast I can feel my stomach has shrunk and it really helps me to eat the right size portions and control my intake. Some people fast for 16hrs or 30hrs. I find breakfast to breakfast is the best for me. I still "eat everyday" but I get a full day fast. I find it's much easier to skip lunch and dinner and sleep for the last part of my fast than to go dinner to dinner and have to wait all day to eat. Plus many people who fast dinner to dinner binge and overeat when they are finally "allowing" themselves to eat.
    There is also terms like ADF Alternate Day Fasting or EOD Every Other Day Fasting where you fast every other day. I have done this as well but find every third day to be much more comfortable and manageable. Every third day is when my willpower starts to slip so a water only after breakfast fast really helps me get back on track!
    There is also all kinds of wonderful health benefits to IF besides quick weight loss, like lower risk of cancer, degenerative diseases like alzheimer's and arthritis, and increased life span.
    My personal pro's of IF: fast weight loss, motivation with seeing my stomach shunk in the morning, increased energy from not wasting energy disgesting food all day, saving money, less temptation due to a solid vow of "no food" for x number of hours, better hydration because I drink at least two liters of water a day while fasting, I could go on and on!
    Look up "eat stop eat" that is a good example of a leader in successful IF technique.
    Best of luck with IF!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    There are a lot of us that do Leangains. I was a firm believer in eating every 2 hours and decided to give this a try. I really like IF now and I can't imagine going back to eating tiny portions every few hours.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I do IF and I love it. I do 16/8 which works for me. Check out this page and it'll explain everything in detail:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I IF, but only when my body allows it. If I wake up hungry, I eat breakfast. If I'm not hungry, I wait until I am. It's easiest to IF from dinner to lunch, since you're asleep for 8-10 hours of the optimal 16.