How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................


  • sandrajune72
    Don't get on those scales, use a tape measure and measure yourself instead. But not everyday, once a week, or if you can hold out, once a fortnight. :smile:
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    ur body is gonna fluctuate up and down a lot, depending on if ur holding water or need to potty or lots of other things. don't go by the number, go by how you feel
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    Don't weigh yourself daily. It fluctuates for so many different reasons. My husband ended up hiding the scale on me for a long while because I was getting so frustrated with the number flip flopping around.

    If clothes are fitting better, go by that. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat... so if you're building lean muscle AND losing weight, that number on the scale will look like its not moving and that you're not progressing... but you really are (which is evident by your clothes fitting better).
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    Set a day that you are going to get on scale and stick to it. I know how it can be, I can step on one day be down a few pounds and the next day be higher then I had been a week ago. So simply back away from the scale. You can do this!
  • bigf00t
    bigf00t Posts: 6 Member
    I'll admit it...I look at the scale every morning, so I can understand what you are saying. I'll hit some milestone and the next day be a few pounds back over.

    For me I find looking at the longer term results helps me get past a few day upwards trend. I suggest you think about this as a long term thing ( weekly or monthly ) and don't focus on day to day results.
    Thank you for the support!! <3 ............. I will keep all of your advice in the back of my head when i want to throw the scale out the window! :) Lots of love and hugs.
  • misao1994
    Your water weight will fluctuate significantly, but at the beginning stages(mine is a long beginning stage, like 3 months) you gain or stay stagnant instead of lose. It takes a while for your body to let go of the excess because it doesn't want to. Don't lose hope! We've all been there and we're going through it with you(:
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Why do so many people need the scale to tell them they're on the right track.

    You said it yourself. Your clothes fit better, yet you want to give up just because a machine says otherwise?

    Mkay then.
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    I agree that weighing yourself everyday is going to hurt you. Also agree that a tape measure is more reliable. I have two weigh in days, Saturday and Wednesday, but Saturday is the only day that counts. As soon as I get off the scale I measure with the tape measure. Your body weight will fluctuate and that used to be my reason for quitting.
  • Cassie8877
    Cassie8877 Posts: 177
    Why do so many people need the scale to tell them they're on the right track.

    You said it yourself. Your clothes fit better, yet you want to give up just because a machine says otherwise?

    Mkay then.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GREAT ADVISE I NEED TO TAKE THAT!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Why do so many people need the scale to tell them they're on the right track.

    You said it yourself. Your clothes fit better, yet you want to give up just because a machine says otherwise?

    Mkay then.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ GREAT ADVISE I NEED TO TAKE THAT!
    I give the advice only after 2 years of crying over what the scale was saying. Once you stop relying on the scale to give you a pat on the back, and you pay attention to the fact that you actually LOOK much better, weight loss becomes so much more enjoyable.
    Love that! Thank you!
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I know how frustrating that can be. My scale is the same read as the doctors office every time. On my last Dr weigh in , i woke in the morning and went to the bathroom ( i always make sure i weigh on same day/time and always after a BM and before taking any food or liquid) . I weighed at 170. My appt wasent until 1pm so i had breakfast, water . snack before going. Her scale said 174! I freaked out and she said no my scale is the one to go by and i could have those fluctuations through out the day. Whew! That was a relief because i was ready to start crying right there. I immediately came right home and weighed again and it matched the Dr ( just in case mine was messing up).

    Some weeks i think its defective though when its not what i want it to say lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................
    You need to read my thread then....

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dnceluv
    dnceluv Posts: 9 Member
    I needed to read that because I was really bugging out this morning. I got on the scale and it said I'd gained .4 pounds, but my clothes are fitting looser. I'm gonna keep in mind that it'll take a while for my body to adjust.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Don't weigh yourself daily. It fluctuates for so many different reasons. My husband ended up hiding the scale on me for a long while because I was getting so frustrated with the number flip flopping around.

    If clothes are fitting better, go by that. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat... so if you're building lean muscle AND losing weight, that number on the scale will look like its not moving and that you're not progressing... but you really are (which is evident by your clothes fitting better).

    This! Mine hasn't moved in months but everything is still getting bigger!
    I am right there with you learning along the way. :smile:
    How can you be 192 one day and the next be 196 or one day 195 then the next be 198. But my clothes feel looser on me , once tight clothes now fit better. I want to throw in the towel on these days! Help me stay strong..................
    You need to read my thread then....

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Alot of great answers here! THANKS! :smile:
    I know how frustrating that can be. My scale is the same read as the doctors office every time. On my last Dr weigh in , i woke in the morning and went to the bathroom ( i always make sure i weigh on same day/time and always after a BM and before taking any food or liquid) . I weighed at 170. My appt wasent until 1pm so i had breakfast, water . snack before going. Her scale said 174! I freaked out and she said no my scale is the one to go by and i could have those fluctuations through out the day. Whew! That was a relief because i was ready to start crying right there. I immediately came right home and weighed again and it matched the Dr ( just in case mine was messing up).

    Some weeks i think its defective though when its not what i want it to say lol

    I think its defective.....I love that! I laughed so hard! lol:laugh: ......I needed that thanks so much
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    those fluctuations are enough to make you mad. But don't let 'em. They're just that-fluctuations. I remember a time, no about 12 times, per year that is, when I used to get on the scale one day and be suddenly down by about 4 lbs from the day before. Then the next day I'd be up by 8. Every time. Now if I hadn't bothered with the first, the second wouldn't have been an issue, right? That's when I DID throw the scale out the window. Well, it would have been the window had I had one in my bathroom. But I did throw it out.

    I have no scale at home now. I only ever use the one at the gym or the doctor's office. That means it's never first thing in the morning. I've almost always had breakfast, etc. before I weigh. So, fluctuations will abound. I'm okay with that. Do I still weigh in daily? Well, that just depends on how often I work out now, doesn't it?