getting to know you...first thing to come to mind



  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Me: Rob

    Oddest thing about me: My two front teeth have been knocked out more times than I can remember.

    Best thing about me: I'm just a dang good guy.

    My biggest flaw: I rely on the affirmation of others for happiness.

    I hate: Lying - with a passion. This includes omission and passivity.

    I love: Quality time talking with friends.

    I want: A high paying job to offset 17 years of working in private non-profits, but don't really know what industry or avenue to take without going back to school right away.

    I regret: Mistakes that led to divorce. All of the debt I've accumulated from ^^^ and going to a private college - bad way to start.

    Arrogance: Is almost as bad as lying.

    Selflessness: Is a beautiful virtue constantly demonstrated by one of my best friends.

    Annoying: Littering and graffiti. People who have no respect for the community.

    Awesome: My new friend.

    Creative: I love to write, and I even though I'm terrible now, I'd really like to learn to draw, paint, and sculpt. Also, I've just realized in the last few years that I MUST create, even if just practical or work related things. I had never recognized the value I have for that.

    Music: Pink Floyd; SRV; Classical; Bluegrass; some Flamenco. Genre is less important to me than the quality of the piece.

    Cooking: I only really enjoy it when doing it for others.

    Baking: I've made gingerbread houses before.

    Fast Food: JIMMY JOHN'S

    Fancy Restaurants: I do not frequent them, though I'd love to (need someone to go with).

    BBQ: Yum! Short ribs.

    Holidays: I can have fun at all of them, but I suppose family ones are my favs.

    Working out: I dig it. Right now swimming, riding, and running in prep for a tri. Next week I start lifting again.

    Cardio: Lost most of my weight walking on the incline treadmill.

    Gyms: Mine is no nonsense, and I like it. However, I have to also go to a rec center to use the pool. That blows.

    Caffeine: Not after 3:00 p.m. or I will stare at the ceiling till 4:00 a.m.
  • dmbgoral
    dmbgoral Posts: 27
    Me (yourself): MaryBeth, hiya!

    Oddest thing about me: I really don't like children

    Best thing about me: I really don't like children

    My biggest flaw: I have no patience

    I hate: People who state the obvious

    I love: Peanut butter

    I want: an IPad

    I regret: not working out all these years

    Arrogance: nope

    Selflessness: yes

    Annoying: sometimes

    Awesome: always

    Creative: not so much

    Music: cant find any good music these days

    Cooking: meh

    Baking: boo

    Fast Food: easy, but bad

    Fancy Restaurants: nice

    BBQ: love it

    Holidays: love them!

    Working out: trying

    Cardio: sweaty grossness,but a necessary evil

    Gyms: intimidating

    Caffeine: necessary
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Me (yourself): I am Lauren

    Oddest thing about me: i'm deaf.

    Best thing about me: that i'm super intelligent and compassionate.

    My biggest flaw: i am still working on my confidence and self esteem

    I hate: that's a strong word...i hate a person or two, no names.

    I love: my daughter and my life

    I want: for nothing at the moment.

    I regret: somethings but try not to.

    Arrogance: nope

    Selflessness: for my daughter, always for her.

    Annoying: when i miss what's going on

    Awesome: my friends, I have AWESOME friends, you know who you are.

    Creative: yes

    Music: eclectic.

    Cooking: i am a wonderful cook

    Baking: I do it in fits and spurts...i get bored.

    Fast Food: never.

    Fancy Restaurants: YES....i love to sit down to a wonderful meal and just visit.

    BBQ: great times with good family

    Holidays: love them for the time off

    Working out: always, every day

    Cardio: dance, walk and the running and dance

    Gyms: not yet!! Looking at one to join now!

    Caffeine: never
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    Me (yourself): Steph

    Oddest thing about me: I can't be late. Its impossible.

    Best thing about me: I can laugh at myself

    My biggest flaw: I care what people think of me (not just my looks)

    I hate: people who make noise when they eat

    I love: animals. Probably more than people...

    I want: New running shoes!

    I regret: Not starting this running program much sooner, like years ago sooner!

    Arrogance: is not part of me

    Selflessness: is definitely a part of me

    Annoying: people who are late

    Awesome: people who love me

    Creative: music, it moves me. Literally.

    Music: ALL

    Cooking: Like to eat, so must cook! lol

    Baking: I suck at this.

    Fast Food: Mcdonalds. YUM.

    Fancy Restaurants: Carrabas (its not that fancy but fancy enough)

    BBQ: Uh, Sonnys for sure!

    Holidays: Halloween, and then Christmas.

    Working out: I wanna be a runner so doing the C25K program, and I LOVE IT

    Cardio: Running!

    Gyms: Little gym called DB Racquet Club

    Caffeine: Diet COKE!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    Me (yourself): Jac

    Oddest thing about me: I got nothing....If I think of something I'll update.

    Best thing about me: My brain. Im pretty smart

    My biggest flaw: I get into things gung ho - and then burn out. It's all or nothing for me always.

    I hate: stupid people

    I love: my family

    I want: a 4door wrangler sooo bad

    I regret:falling out of touch with some good friends

    Arrogance: hmmm....arrogance vs confidence.....that's a real fine line.

    Selflessness: Torn. I will go out of my way to help people but it has to be my idea.

    Annoying: - That crazy frog

    Awesome: - Me

    Creative:I am not overly creative.....I am much more logic/mathematical driven.

    Music: I love music....All types and I have tons.

    Cooking: - I love cooking but usually work too late to. I can work a mean grill too.

    Baking: - like Cooking.....Love to do it....Try not to too often because what I make is bad for me.

    Fast Food: way too often. for the last two weeks I was eating it twice a day cause I hadn't gotten to the grocery store.

    Fancy Restaurants: - Great for a special occation

    BBQ: Carolina Style - Vinegar sauce - I make a mean barbecue....

    Holidays: Love them all

    Working out: yes please.......5-6 days a week. I feel better when I do.

    Cardio: ugh....Only if I have to. Unless sports count

    Gyms: I dont need frills.......but I would appreciate if my gym had dumbells higher than 75 lbs and a squat rack.

    Caffeine: Yep. I drink way too much tea.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I'm going to list various things and you say something about that thing/fill in the it ? :)

    Me (yourself): Brie

    Oddest thing about me: I love to line dance :-)

    Best thing about me: my humor

    My biggest flaw: my mouth- I have no filter

    I hate: liars

    I love: my family

    I want: so many things out of life

    I regret: nothing

    Arrogance: no

    Selflessness: sometimes

    Annoying: depends on who u ask :)

    Awesome: very much

    Creative: not at all

    Music: country

    Cooking: We have a love/hate relationship

    Baking: none

    Fast Food: eww

    Fancy Restaurants: some

    BBQ: love! Nom Nom nom

    Holidays: love

    Working out: hate

    Cardio: hate even more

    Gyms: hate that too

    Caffeine: love... Oh i miss my sodas :)
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Me (yourself): Felicia

    Oddest thing about me: i have a crazy english bulldog, named Smasher

    Best thing about me: easy to talk to

    My biggest flaw: hold grudges

    I hate: starting over!

    I love: my husband

    I want: to go to Vegas!

    I regret: I wish I could tell you.

    Arrogance: not much

    Selflessness: getting my butt out of bed to make coffee for my husband since he works 12 hour days

    Annoying: having to shave my legs.

    Awesome: old movies, they just don't make them the same anymore.

    Creative: finding any new ways to make life easier.

    Music: currently, Florence & The Machine - esque

    Cooking: lots of eggs :-)

    Baking: None

    Fast Food: Mickey D's

    Fancy Restaurants: P.F. Changs

    BBQ: Phils in San Diego

    Holidays: Anything that doesn't require spending $$$

    Working out: 4-5 times a week on a good week

    Cardio: same

    Gyms: Planet Fitness

    Caffeine: Redbull Fuse (sugar free rock star blended with sugar free strawberry syrup on top of shaved ice)
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    Me : Kimeka

    Oddest thing about me: My weird knees

    Best thing about me: My personality

    My biggest flaw: Sometimes selfish

    I hate: Kim K

    I love: My family & friends

    I want: Money

    I regret: Umm...I regret allowing myself to gain the weight that I'm now trying to lose

    Arrogance: annoying

    Selflessness: Applies to me. Most times I don't notice when I'm being selfish though. Seriously working on it.

    Annoying: People who talk super loud and then say things like "so what I'm loud and I don't care!"

    Awesome: Selfless people.

    Creative: I'm pretty good at writing (just getting back into it). I can sew a little. :)

    Music: The Weeknd, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Adele. I like lots of different music.

    Cooking: I'd like to think I'm a chef. Don't cook too often thanks to my budget restraints. Pretend to have my own cooking show sometimes when I cook.

    Baking: Would bake cupcakes every day if my oven worked.

    Fast Food: Love it.

    Fancy Restaurants: Make me nervous

    BBQ: Ehh...

    Holidays: Don't get enough of them. I've got my life "mapped out" and I hope to take 3 holidays a year. Once with my kids + husband (when I get kids and a husband), once with my husband, once with my friends and/or family

    Working out: Love it as long as I don't do the same damn thing every day and get bored

    Cardio: My body needs it

    Gyms: Would sign up to one if I had the money

    Caffeine: Plays no role in my life
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Me (yourself): Kara, karalopolous, Ms.McKitten

    Oddest thing about me: I hate when people touch my knees and elbow pits

    Best thing about me: Im awesome and outgoing

    My biggest flaw: I'm very sensitive

    I hate: Spiders, needles, horchata

    I love: cats, shoes, talking, coffee, food, laughing, movies

    I want: a vacation in europe! never been :frown:

    I regret: not going to the college that was going to give me a big scholarship

    Arrogance: I think I know more than I do

    Selflessness: I'll do alot of things to make people happy and spare their feelings

    Annoying: people who don't listen and ask me repeatedly to reepeat myself, people who finish my sentences incorrectly

    Awesome: me

    Creative: jewelry, writing

    Music: classic rock, 80's, josh groban, casting crowns

    Cooking: italian, mexican, and yep I can cook!

    Baking: nah, it's too domestic

    Fast Food: jimmy johns, starbucks,

    Fancy Restaurants: maggiano's

    BBQ: chicken

    Holidays: Easter and Christmas!

    Working out: Everyday like a champ! strength training ftw!

    Cardio: HIIT til I pass out, not really.....ha

    Gyms: charter, it's cheap

    Caffeine: constantly
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Me (yourself): Tina

    Oddest thing about me: I have 5 freckles on my arm that make a star...

    Best thing about me: I'm a great listener and am always there for people

    My biggest flaw: I have very low confidence and self esteem

    I hate: The distance between my best friend and me

    I love: My daughter and my husband

    I want: To travel

    I regret: Nothing, every choice I have made has lead me to where I am today.

    Arrogance: Sucks

    Selflessness: For my daughter mostly and mostly everyone else comes first.

    Annoying: When someone whispers by you and they wont tell you what they said!

    Awesome: My daughter

    Creative: My brother was an artist and he owned his own tattoo shop, he was so very creative.

    Music: Mostly everything but Metal/Screaming music

    Cooking: I love to!

    Baking: Love it!

    Fast Food: It happens, I love McDonalds Grilled Southwest Chicken Salad, no dressing mmm

    Fancy Restaurants: Love them, always nice to get out and sit down for a nice meal with my loves

    BBQ: We have a lot of BBQ's in the summer at my parents by the pool, love <3

    Holidays: Only time my whole family is together.

    Working out: Love it! Really into Zumba right now!

    Cardio: Makes me sweat

    Gyms: Wish I could go to one!

    Caffeine: Makes my heart race
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Me (yourself): Rose

    Oddest thing about me: Everything about me is odd

    Best thing about me: I'm hilarious

    My biggest flaw: My fivehead

    I hate: Spicy food

    I love: Swimming

    I want: Vacation

    I regret: Nothing

    Arrogance: I am confident

    Selflessness: Only when it comes to my boyfriend

    Annoying: I'm not

    Awesome: Definitely

    Creative: Yes

    Music: Love it

    Cooking: Hate it

    Baking: Hate it

    Fast Food: Love it

    Fancy Restaurants: Love them

    BBQ: Love it

    Holidays: Love them...Christmas!

    Working out: Love it

    Cardio: Circuit, swimming, walking

    Gyms: YMCA

    Caffeine: Coffee
  • rainwalkerSK
    Me (yourself): Bored at work

    Oddest thing about me: I have a degree in management, but I'm really a much better follower

    Best thing about me: I'm very passionate about things and people that are important to me

    My biggest flaw: I'm afraid of failure, so I avoid it by not trying

    I hate: when people cut in line

    I love: fly fishing, college football, and cheese

    I want: to learn to fly

    I regret: saying yes to things when I should have said no

    Arrogance: is often a problem of perception

    Selflessness: is not something I aspire to. I rate myself pretty high on my priority list.

    Annoying: People that think my office is a social lounge

    Awesome: Kahlua

    Creative: I can always come up with a BS excuse for not having my work done on the spot. That's pretty creative.

    Music: O.A.R., Matt Nathanson, Aerosmith, Billy Joel

    Cooking: Such a chore

    Baking: Like cooking, only it takes longer and makes the kitchen hotter

    Fast Food: Culver's

    Fancy Restaurants: I like newly opened non-chain restaurants so that I look trendy

    BBQ: Am I the only one who thinks that Jack Stack is overrated?

    Holidays: Stress me out

    Working out: sounds like such a chore. I love to run, I love to dance, I love to hike, I love to swim, I love to climb, I love yoga. "Working out" brings to mind images of a poor miserable sucker watching crappy daytime TV while sweating on a stationary bike.

    Cardio: Hiking

    Gyms: YMCA

    Caffeine: The only way I make it through the afternoon
  • dereksmb
    dereksmb Posts: 95 Member
    Me (yourself): Derek

    Oddest thing about me: I can be socially awkward at times...

    Best thing about me: I'm incredibly strong willed, I will not stop when my eye is set on something.

    My biggest flaw: I can be overly passionate about things which may rub people the wrong way sometimes.

    I hate: lazy unmotivated people.

    I love: My family.

    I want: To reach elite status lifts on I am so close I can taste it.

    I regret: Not being as goal driven in the past.

    Arrogance: I'm an incredibly empathetic person, arrogance is not something I want any part of.

    Selflessness: Being empathetic I like putting others above myself, I'm no where near perfect though.

    Annoying: - People who go to my gym solely to do 150 sets of bicep curls... educate yourself people that'll get you no where.

    Awesome: - Intermittent fasting... seriously do it.

    Creative: Ha not at all...

    Music: Hate admitting it but kind of a music hipster. If the artists involvement in the music is solely singing and being a media outlet, then I want nothing to do with them.

    Cooking: - I love cooking, as long as the meal isn't complicated and I can easily track it on MFP ha.

    Baking: - As long as it isn't sweets I guess its alright.

    Fast Food: Subway eat fresh.

    Fancy Restaurants: - I'll go if a lady friend wants to, but honestly I dont like spending an obscene amount of money on food while less fortunate people around the world are fighting hunger.

    BBQ: sure I guess

    Holidays: Spending quality time with my family. =]

    Working out: 3 heavy lifting days a week, following a periodized progression format, with 2 light cardio days in between.

    Cardio: Never on a treadmill, I prefer hiking or swimming.

    Gyms: $22 a month with 3 squat racks and all the weight I could need, you jealous yet?

    Caffeine: Green tea or coffee, and only an hour before a workout. I love having the jitters when I lift.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Me (yourself): Jason

    Oddest thing about me: mutant little toes

    Best thing about me: I'm a kick @$$ dad

    My biggest flaw: I trust too easily

    I hate: speed bumps

    I love: my babies

    I want: to sleep with your sister

    I regret: having not seen the warning signs sooner

    Arrogance: is false bravado

    Selflessness: is the goal

    Annoying: work

    Awesome: hockey

    Creative: Salvador Dali

    Music: yes, please

    Cooking: is getting easier for me

    Baking: haven't even tried it

    Fast Food: sucks

    Fancy Restaurants: better have a vegan option

    BBQ: no, thanks

    Holidays: damn you sweet-tooth

    Working out: is what I look forward to about going to work (I have a gym at my office)

    Cardio: is a necessary evil

    Gyms: are too expensive for what they actually offer their clients

    Caffeine: once in awhile
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    Me (yourself): Si

    Oddest thing about me: I'm always cold unless it's around 90-100 degrees out

    Best thing about me: I'm fun

    My biggest flaw: Mood swings (ask my hubby :wink: )

    I hate: Being cold

    I love: Snowboarding, reading, my hubby, my dog

    I want: to lose 30 more lbs

    I regret: Not starting this sooner

    Arrogance: No?

    Selflessness: Yes

    Annoying: People who clear their nose really loudly

    Awesome: Me?

    Creative: Yes

    Music: Rock, Alternative, Classical, Pop

    Cooking: Yes, love to cook. Probably how I got fat in the first place :laugh:

    Baking: YES! Gosh I miss sweets. :grumble:

    Fast Food: Not really

    Fancy Restaurants: Not a fan

    BBQ: City BBQ, yum!

    Holidays: Halloween!!!! Best holiday ever!

    Working out: Zumba, love me some Zumba, and walks

    Cardio: Zumba! But Insanity is good too.

    Gyms: Nope like the outdoors too much

    Caffeine: Sadly no. Gave it up.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Me (yourself): Jacqueline

    Oddest thing about me:

    Best thing about me: I am very creative

    My biggest flaw: I do not suffer fools lightly

    I hate: white food

    I love: meeting new people

    I want: to magically have my weight melt off me ;-)

    I regret: nothing

    Arrogance: one of my flaws

    Selflessness: I can be this sometimes when a friend is in trouble

    Annoying: people who smell bad

    Awesome: rainbows

    Creative: Broadway plays

    Music: Country

    Cooking: Have to do it whether I like it or not

    Baking: don't do it

    Fast Food: don't eat it

    Fancy Restaurants: love them

    BBQ: mmmmmm

    Holidays: a Hassle

    Working out: Love it

    Cardio: great for losing weight

    Gyms: Llucile Roberts

    Caffeine: No later than noon
  • shierrarobin
    Me: Ceara

    Oddest thing about me: I can make a tendon in my wrist stick out.

    Best thing about me: I am ditzy, but the funny kind of ditzy so I'm good for a laugh.

    My biggest flaw: I can be guilted into doing pretty much anything.

    I hate: Cockroaches

    I love: Tattoos

    I want: To fit into a size 10

    I regret: Ever letting myself get to 200 lbs

    Arrogance: Only when someone insults something I know I'm good at (like singing)

    Selflessness: I get myself in trouble to protect my friends all the time

    Annoying: I don't know. Maybe sometimes.

    Awesome: Pokemon

    Creative: Death Note

    Music: Malice Mizer

    Cooking: NACHOS!!!!!

    Baking: CAKE!!!!

    Fast Food: Yuck.

    Fancy Restaurants: Olive Garden

    BBQ: Moonlight BBQ

    Holidays: Halloween all the way

    Working out: Boot camp and pilates

    Cardio: More boot camp

    Gyms: Too poor to afford membership

    Caffeine: Coffee
  • BabyLeila23
    Melissa :
    Me (yourself): Outgoing
    Oddest thing about me: I don't like oreos.
    Best thing about me: Personality?
    My biggest flaw: Hahaha...can't even pick one ;)
    I hate: PEAS
    I love: Watermelon
    I want: A moped
    I regret: Nothing :)
    Arrogance: Competition
    Selflessness: My dog...Baby Leila :)
    Annoying: Girls that act stupid for attention.
    Awesome: Mountains
    Creative: Yes
    Music: Country and pretty much everything else
    Cooking: Adventurous
    Baking: Brownies
    Fast Food: Arby's....It's good mood food.
    Fancy Restaurants: Japanese Steak Houses
    BBQ: Yummyyyyy
    Holidays: Christmas and my birthday are my favorites
    Working out: Stress Reliever
    Cardio: Running
    Gyms: Only at like 1 am
    Caffeine: I love being spastic :P
  • nikkolec
    nikkolec Posts: 204
    Me (yourself): Nikki

    Oddest thing about me: my career path

    Best thing about me: My pursuit of positivity, always.

    My biggest flaw: Overthinking

    I hate: dishonesty

    I love: genuine people

    I want: to be better today than I was yesterday

    I regret: allowing myself to be taken advantage of

    Arrogance: is insecurity

    Selflessness: is beautiful

    Annoying: intentional ignorance, people that play games

    Awesome: live sports/music

    Creativ(ity): is exciting

    Music: delicious

    Cooking: is fun

    Baking: for others!

    Fast Food: Last resort

    Fancy Restaurants: depends on the situation

    BBQ: pineapple!

    Holidays: when I see my family

    Working out: is part of the day

    Cardio: dance!

    Gyms: are fun for classes

    Caffeine: makes me shake
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Me (yourself): Liz
    Oddest thing about me: I hate to be surprised.
    Best thing about me: I'm open minded.
    My biggest flaw: I'm too controlling about my personal space.
    I hate: Unintelligent people.
    I love: Reading.
    I want: A new pair of Seven skinnies.
    I regret: Not thinking before I speak more often.
    Arrogance: Irritating, but fun to mock.
    Selflessness: Good in certain situations, but too much and you'll get walked on.
    Annoying: Unintelligent, arrogant people. Also screaming children in supermarkets.
    Awesome: Laughter.
    Creative: Photography.
    Music: Powerful.
    Cooking: Waste of a perfectly good microwave.
    Baking: See above.
    Fast Food: Does Starbucks coffee count?
    Fancy Restaurants: Depends. If I can't read the menu, I don't want to eat there.
    BBQ: A possibility, if there's something besides pasta salad and light beer.
    Holidays: Worth waiting for.
    Working out: Best time of day.
    Cardio: A beautiful thing.
    Gyms: Favorite place besides Nordstrom.
    Caffeine: Nope. Only decaf, too jittery for regular.