Eating Less, Can I Continue To Lose Weight

I joined this site a few months ago, I had NEVER paid any attention to how many calories I was taking in in a single day, but after using MFP for a couple weeks I realized just how many calories I was taking in and it shocked me! Since starting with MFP I have completely cut out my soda intake and am now drinking nothing but water and crystal light. I have ditched my easy daily afternoon snack of a candy bar or cookie from the cafeteria at work. I try to stay away from fast food as much as possible (can't always be done on days that you are constantly on the go) I havent really changed the way that I cook though. I still make pretty much the same meals that I always have (I have a picky eater at home who only likes certain things) but I try to add a vegatable with every meal where as before we wouldnt always have a vegatable. Our meals used to mainly be a meat, possibly fried, a potato, usually mashed, and a type of pasta. Now I will still make that same thing, except I will cook my meat on a george forman so its a litttle better for me, and I will add some type of vegie to it like green beans, carrots, or broccoli. I now measure out portion sizes and eat less to make sure that I keep within my calorie limit for the day and I dont let my self go over limit. My question is, is this enough to continue to lose weight or do you think that I will need to make more changes in the future to continue to lose the weight?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My question is, is this enough to continue to lose weight or do you think that I will need to make more changes in the future to continue to lose the weight?

    No one can really answer that question for you. No doubt you have made a great start in changing the way you eat, which is key for long term sustainable weight loss. Keep doing what you're doing and if your weight loss stops, then add in a couple more changes to kick start the loss again.

    You are off to a great start, don't lose that momentum!