anyone else losing baby weight?

Hi everyone! I just had my first child 6 months ago and am struggling to lose the baby weight. Just looking for some new moms who are trying to get their figure back. I would love the support and would love to give any support I can!


  • jbburke
    jbburke Posts: 2
    I have a 7month old and am also try to get back into shape. just sent u a request:)
  • TanyaMerejo12
    My son is 18months already and even though I lost some pounds I still need to lose a couple more. you can add me :wink:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    My baby is almost 16!
  • htalexander
    Sort of,my baby is 14 months an I also have a three year old (boys) I packed on weight with each one and am almost halfway to my goal! I didn't start right away and slipped up once..but I've got a new determination to get the body i want! Add me if ya like!
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    (((hhmmmm))) Is it still baby weight if your youngest is 29??????
  • MaryWatkWill
    Yes I have a 2yr and 8 yr old :smile:
  • scorl
    scorl Posts: 51 Member
    My boy is 14 months!!! I'm trying to lose more still! Add me if you want!
  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    My daughter is 10 months old and I started going to the gym in the morning after she started sleeping through the night. I have been going since the beginning of May and have lost 14 lbs so far. Its hard but I feel amazing. I had a lot of pregnancy complications so its good to know that I am getting my health back and will hopefully have a smoother pregnancy for baby #2 in the future :)

    The key is diet. My baby fat didn't start to budge until I cut out the excess calories, carbs and other junk foods. I was exercising for awhile and not following a diet and the scale wasnt budging. Changing what I ate made a huge difference though
  • shanndigity
    shanndigity Posts: 34 Member
    Ya my babies are 9 and 4
  • mleeboggs
    my baby is 8 months old and it has been next to impossible for me to lose the weight! i had to have a c-section and i was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism. so depression is a huge part of my life! i would love to have some mommas for support!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    yep, he's 13
  • photoshyY
    I just had a baby almost 4 months ago. I gained 40 pounds and lost 30 pounds when she was born. Than gained 10 back. She was born at 10 pounds so I realistically gained 30 non baby weight. I understand the frustration of losing that weight. I hate the "you will lose it, it only been.." Well that maybe true, but it doesn't change how I feel now. So I understand. I will add you. Perhaps we can be supportive to one another.
    ENCORRALES21 Posts: 21 Member
    hi me too, my daughter is 19 months old. I gained 80lb with her because i thought that i could just eat what ever i want. As of today i have 6lb left to loose to be at the weight i was when i first found out i was expecting.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Yup. Gained 65lbs the last 10 was retained water the last week, and had to have a csection.

    My son is 15 months old, and i JUMPED BACK ON the wagon a few months ago because I have alot of saggy skin/fat//stretch marks that need to look better.
  • hayatiggs
    hayatiggs Posts: 12 Member
    I have 22mo old twins, and I'm still working on losing the baby weight. I ended up gaining 60 pounds with them. It got hard though because they were very small when they were born and had to eat every two hours. With their eating and sleeping schedule, all three of us pretty much just hung out in bed for the first 2 months of their life. That has made losing the weight I put on so hard. At my heaviest (pregnant) I was 199lbs. I'm now at 171lbs and have about 35lbs to go.
  • jkc041709
    jkc041709 Posts: 31 Member
    I lost the baby weight - now I need to lose the 80 pounds I was carrying around before she came lol!
  • emjaful
    emjaful Posts: 19

    I'm Emma, I'm completely new to all of this. I have a little boy who is 12 weeks old, but I was fairly big even before my pregnancy. I am trying to lose weight, an get healthy so I can enjoy my time with him (and hopefully make sure he won't pick up my terrible eating habits!) Unfortunately I have quit smoking a few months ago too, and this is not helping with my weight either!

    So yeah, any help or advice anyone has for me would be great :) and I'd love to meet a few like minded people here *hopefully*
  • tsheetz
    tsheetz Posts: 25 Member
    Technically, my baby is 9 years old but I am still carrying around the weight from her! So yes, trying to lose baby weight. :wink:
  • cffaith
    cffaith Posts: 1
    my son is 6 months as well im trying to lose baby weight plus more! :)
  • crystaltakingcontrol
    My son is three months old. I am trying to lose baby fat and more! lol I would love to add other mothers.