Pregnant.... Please Help!!!!!!!

I haven't been here in a while. Don't get me wrong, I still watch what I eat and exercise everyday. I really haven't had time to get on here and log everything in.
I finally hit the 175 lb mark and recently found out that i'm pregnant.
I'm super happy BUT I'm also bummed... I know I can continue eating healthy and exercising regularly, but it's not the same.

Okay, I was doing a Zumba class Mondays, Zumba on Tuesday, Zumba on Wednesday Plus weight training, Belly Dancing on Thursday, Weight Training Fridays and Zumba on Saturday.
I've been doing it for about 9 months or so.... My resting heart rate is about 58 HPM I also have asthma....
So question is....
Do you think it's safe to continue doing the classes but omit the jumping and twisting? I can always substitute those moves.

So what are your opinions? I know my best bet is to ask my dr.. but I haven't scheduled my appointment yet. I will soon though.


  • expressbug
    From what I have read people that are pretty active can continue there activities throughout pregnancy. I would definately consult with your doctor to be sure but I see no reason why you would have to quite your classes so long as you are capable to.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    if youve been working out for a while you can certainly keep working out! like you said maybe dont jump and twist as much! i got down to 175 right before i got pregnant and went on a crazyyy frenzy thinnking i could eat whatever i wanted! and i gained like 80 pounds. ive lost more than 60 of it so far but it's not easy! i also stopped excersising for the first few months and then at one dr appt the nurse told me i was gaining tooo much too quick, so i started going back to the gym and got back on track but i had already done major weight gain damage. so i def reccomend starting from the very beginnining! [i know i cant spell!!!]

    good luck with your pregnancy! dont get too discouraged you'll lose all the weight after!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I would say that because you've been doing all this stuff already, to continue. You need to listen to your body. If you feel like something is off - don't hesitate to call the dr. If you are spotting at all - call the dr. They will likely tell you to tone it down a bit. But, just being pregnant is not a reason to stop everything. Yeah, when you get farther along it will be much more difficult to do all the bending, twisting, and jumping, but for the first few months you should be fine.

    You know your body and you should trust your instincts. If you feel that something is wrong, call. There is no reason not to. That's what they are there for.

    So, in short, unless your dr advises against it or you feel something is wrong, continue what you are doing and do what you feel comfortable with.
  • SlimmingdownSusan
    You certainly need to clear it with your ob/gyn before continue any exercise, and certainly omit the twisting and bending. It's usually pretty safe to continue exercise, especially since you were so active before you got pregnant. Congratulations btw! Being a healthy mommy will produce one healthy baby!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    You certainly need to clear it with your ob/gyn before continue any exercise, and certainly omit the twisting and bending. It's usually pretty safe to continue exercise, especially since you were so active before you got pregnant. Congratulations btw! Being a healthy mommy will produce one healthy baby!

    And I hear it makes labor and recovery much easier and quicker.

    I had a c-section and twins so i can't vouch to that - but that's what they say.

    Oh, and congrats!! I love babies.
  • jill5677
    jill5677 Posts: 56 Member
    I regularly work out at the YMCA and there are always pregnant people working out. I also take a kick-boxing class and there was one woman who was there pretty much all the way up to 9 months and she came right back a few weeks after.
    I also have a cousin who was at the gym when she went INTO labor!!!!

    Definitely talk to your doc about what you can/can't do, but otherwise - it should be fine.
  • kryssy77
    kryssy77 Posts: 219
    Zumba is fine for pregnancy as long as you aren't high risk and not all the way till term...I am a dancer doing everything from hip hop and tap to lyrical and ballroom. I dance up till 7 months prego with my daughter and up to 6 months with my son. It was fun kept me in shape and i only gained 30-40 lbs with each pregnancy!!

    Remember to listen to your body if it says u are to tired for zoomba take a walk instead keep up the workouts just listen to yourself never push it!! Take care hope everything works for you!!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I did step aerobics and regular aerobics classes as well as abs classes (up to a certain point) until a few days before my children were delivered (everyone was convinced I would go into labor during class - no such luck had to be induced with both). I did limit the jumping and at a certain point my dr said not to lay down flat on my back - but I was still able to do some modified abs work.

    I only gained about 20-25 lbs with each of my pregnancies and basically lost the weight within a month after delivery.

    Do check with your dr just to make sure that you are not high risk. Congratulations!!! and remember kids grow up so fast (mine are now 16 and 14).
  • ma9321
    ma9321 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks Ladies!!!!
    I will make an appointment ASAP! So far I feel fine... so I'm going to continue my classes for the time being.
    I sooo love babies too, so i'm totally Stoked!!!
    I look forward to having a healthy pregnancy.

    Does anyone know if (I think her name is Tammy or Tamtastic) has had her baby?
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Yes she has!!!
  • shoppingqueen34
    shoppingqueen34 Posts: 226 Member
    I just found out I'm preggers too and was wondering the same thing :) Glad I'm not the only one
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Talk to your doctor and the nurse (seems like a good Nurse Practitioner or midwife often has more practical advice than the doctor)

    I have a friend that was about 50 lbs over weight when she got pregnant. Her doctor and midwife both told her that she should make her goal weight no more than 15 lbs over her ideal weight. They also encouraged her to keep exercising as long as she was not spotting. She checked in and at one point had to wear a harness monitor after she exercised for a few hours but in the end she had to be induced so you can't "bounce em out!"

    Of course talk to your doctor!

    My sister ran through her pregnancies but she's also a touch cookie. She gave birth to three of her four at home. My other sister who is a little more traditional changed to water aerobics for her last month with the first one, but was too far dilated after that so she stuck with her regular aerobic class all the way to the delivery day.

    I've avoided the pregnancy thing altogether and thus have NO excuse for my complete lack of exercise :tongue:

    Did I mention you should probably talk to your doctor?:smile: