Trying again....need friends and motivation

I started a few months ago and lost a little weight, but am now back where I started. I am determined to try again and succeed. I need to lose about 50 pounds. Finding it really hard to get motivated to exercise - when I get home from work (stressful) I just want to camp out on the couch. Any advice on how to make my self do something besides sit down....

Looking for support from friends - new ones and old ones.



  • jendrake4
    I would like more friends on here too.
  • Celticsnowflake
    Celticsnowflake Posts: 28 Member
    i just wrote the exact same thing. Joined in May and I am trying to do a restart after falling off. :laugh: Add me as a friend if you want!
  • workkoutchick96
    Anyone can add me:) good luck!
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    I also have a stressful job, but I found that once I started exercising regularly, the stress didn't bother me as much. You all can do it, and we all start over at some point in our lives. Be true and honest with yourself, and with what you enter on MFP and use it as a great tool to get you back on track.

    Add me if you want, the more the merrier!
  • PenPal1024
    Don't be discouraged. I just joined myself this morning. I got a new app on my phone called Pedometer for 1.99, and set out at lunch to try it out. It got my mind off of, "I'm walking to lose weight" and became "Me vs The app" I didn't even realize that I had walked a mile until I checked the numbers when i got back to the office. I just kept saying, a few more steps will put a good number on the pedometer. I only got through a third of my allotment for the day but I can put a few more steps on, on my way home. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    believe me, i understand about wanting to come home and sit on the couch...i work 2 jobs, 70 hours a week, and i volunteer as a firefighter one night a week on top of it! for a while, working out was the last thing on my mind. i have 20 minutes between jobs after travel time, and i would try to take a nap just to squeeze in some sleep (i average 5 hours a night). i would wake up groggy and feel just as miserable as when i got there. now i run a mile. i have found a way to squeeze doing something active into every day, and i feel so much better than i did when i sat on the couch (and constantly engorged myself on whatever junk food i could dig up). my couch time is for a half hour after i get home from my 16 hour day, then off to bed. i am stronger, and while i still get the same amount of sleep, i am more awake. the days you don't feel like working out are the days you need to the most, because if you can make it through a workout on a bad day, think of how easy it will be on a good day :) welcome back and i wish you happiness and success :)
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    What and how you eat has a big impact on your energy levels, and how you feel.

    IMO, jumping into a fitness program without good nutrition is a recipe for failure. Your eating habits will determine your energy levels, your general attitude towards exercise and your results.

    So before you go jumping into the gym, work on how to get your diet straight. Understand what maintenance calories are, what your weight loss calories are, and most importantly - how to get these calories eating clean whole foods while fitting it into your daily routines.

    Once these habits are in place, you will find energy and the motivation for exercise. And you will be excited to hit the gym. Your workouts will be energetic and more effective. Once this all comes together you're on the road to success and a healthy lifestyle.

    Good luck