Change of locales, but back in the saddle

Hey all,

Well, I'm obviously new to MFP. 2009 is when I was at my largest (220+, didn't weigh myself back then) and finally hit my 'wall' - you know, that point when you finally decide this time is "the" time and you won't take no for an answer from your body? If you've hit your own personal "wall" you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Anyways, I joined a gym, worked out religiously, and cleaned up my diet. By 2011, I'd managed to get down to 159 (for a moment) before taking a 'break' and relaxing my ways a bit. I then ended back up at 175 and have been maintaining that weight since then.

I've finally gotten the motivation to really push and get the rest of my weight off, as I never did hit my goal weight. I'm working hard, and have been fighting this killer plateau (almost a month at high gear, and it was just today that I finally saw the scale move in a positive way).

Anyways, I'm trying out MFP - the first round of weight loss I did all my work on SparksPeople, but I find their site to be too 'heavy' now with graphics, pop-ups and commercials. I wanted to try a fresh start, hoping that would get me motivated, and my friend recommended this site.

So here I am, looking forward to checking things out around here, and hoping I can finally drop this last 35 pounds. Wish me luck!