How long did you wait...



  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    well all 3 of my kids were not planned, they are all 3-3.5 years apart. They didnt effect my weight, because I was already fat and im a dude

    You might think they were unplanned. No one gets pregnant 3 times without planning to. Unless they were three different women, I think you are naive.

    I beg to disagree

    lol i kinda gotta disagree too. all three of mine were unplanned, and i'm a woman, and i was married at the time. i had issues with various forms of hormonal birth control and switched between several methods, and some were...less effective than others.

    ETA: i gained a ton of weight with all of mine. lost most of it between the second and third. but i was heavy to begin with so i never got "back to skinny." heh.

    Also disagree.

    Who are you to say someone planned 3 children? Were you there? Did you watch?.. Did you record it...btw?

    come to think of it, I thought i heard someone in the closet, but then again in two minutes its hard to tell.
  • Kioko1973
    Kioko1973 Posts: 56 Member
    My second son was not planned. I was on the pill but still conceived. I was in great shape and talking to an Air Force Reserve recruiter to sign up. I gained maybe 5-10lbs. I lost 13lbs during the first 2 trimesters because I couldn't keep anything down. I would be sick looking at or smelling many foods especially meat and dairy products. I lost all of the weight after he was born (nursed) and didn't gain weight (ie become overweight) until I went back to work when he was about 2 months old. I craved so much junk food! I gained weight with my 3rd and lost it pretty quickly since I nursed. I gained the most with my first because I ate any and everything that wasn't nailed down. My boys will be 18, 14 and 8 this year.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    well all 3 of my kids were not planned, they are all 3-3.5 years apart. They didnt effect my weight, because I was already fat and im a dude

    You might think they were unplanned. No one gets pregnant 3 times without planning to. Unless they were three different women, I think you are naive.

    I beg to disagree

    lol i kinda gotta disagree too. all three of mine were unplanned, and i'm a woman, and i was married at the time. i had issues with various forms of hormonal birth control and switched between several methods, and some were...less effective than others.

    ETA: i gained a ton of weight with all of mine. lost most of it between the second and third. but i was heavy to begin with so i never got "back to skinny." heh.

    Also disagree.

    Who are you to say someone planned 3 children? Were you there? Did you watch?.. Did you record it...btw?

    come to think of it, I thought i heard someone in the closet, but then again in two minutes its hard to tell.

  • lau4491
    lau4491 Posts: 31 Member
    i hadnt read everyone elses comments, lol
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    How long did you wait to conceive baby number 2, on purpose or on accident? And how did it effect your weight? As in, did you loose all your baby weight by the time you got pregnant again, and did you gain less or more weight with baby #2.

    We conceived baby #2 (my middle son) a little over 3 years after our daughter... It was on purpose. We started trying to conceive him at the end of February 2010 and I was pregnant in May 2010 (found out on my birthday). Yes I lost all of my weight between having my daughter and my first son. It was after I had my first son and when I got pregnant with my third son that I didn't lose the weight (was only 6 months PP) .... And yep I gained more with my 2nd.
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    I have 2. Both were planned and they are 3 years and 4 months apart. With my first I was obese when I got pregnant (197 pounds) when I gave birth to him I was 233! The pregnancy weight came off in 3 months without me doing anything. Then I decided that I no longer wanted to be the obese person I had become and by his first birthday I weighed 138. By the time I got pregnant with my second I had put on about 8 pounds so I started at 146 when I got pregnant with her. I ate pretty healthy and worked out a lot (I only walked with my first pregnancy) but gained 50 pounds! The weight did NOT want to come off the second time around. I had to work much harder to get it off. But now I am 15 pounds lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight.
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    I got pregnant with my second son 8 weeks after giving birth. craziest part is I gained the bulk of my weight after the second birth (but in my defense my son passed away and I went into a severe depression, gained 100lbs in 1 year)

    I'm on my road to recovery both physicly and emotionally :-)
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    We planned our pregnancies and wanted to space them out about 5-years.
    There is a 5 1/2 year separation between our two pregnancies… but I had twins the second go around.
    I gained 18lbs with the first and 24lbs with the twins.
    I walked out of the hospital after both delivers about 5lbs lighter than I started.
    I still weigh what I did 10-years ago... before I ever had children.

    Sounds amazing right?

    Problem is I've been about 70lbs overweight for 10-years. <sigh> I suck!
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    my second child was with my now husband, we found out I was pregnant on my daughter's 2nd birthday, he was planned. I gained only 17lbs with my first pregnancy because of Hyperemesis Gravidarum(severe morning sickness). So it was ll gone and then some just by giving birth. Same thing happened with my son, I gained 18lbs, lost 20 after his birth.
    After I get healthy again, we want baby #3, my son is 18months old, so the sooner the better. :)
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 227 Member
    We planned to have a baby and we were VERY SURPRISED that there was a 2nd baby. So we had 1 and 2 at the same time. They were literally born the same minute ;o) I didn't gain much with the 2 around 30-35 lbs. If we plan on a 3rd (hopefully not 3 and 4 haha) it will not be for another year or so. I came home from the hospital a week later with about 5-10 lbs of water weight that came off quickly. I would assume if there was one I would gain less with my 2nd pregnancy.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    #1 unplanned gained 59 pounds. Lost 20.--Now 28
    #2 planned gained 24 pounds. Lost 12 the day she was born.--Now 25

    They were 3 years, 2 weeks, and 42 minutes apart.

    Never lost all original baby weight and don't plan to. Was too skinny when I started out. I am now at my goal weight and feel great!
  • Jeliwood
    Jeliwood Posts: 61
    Well, with my first daughter I only gained 11lbs and by the time I left the hospital I was actually 20lbs less than what I started. I only gained 2lbs with my second daughter and I left the hospital 30lbs less. BUT I was diabetic and I WAS SO ANAL about what I ate and what went into my mouth. When other lives are involved so directly it's a lot easier to regulate what you eat than when not.

    My second daughter was born a month before my eldest daughter's 4th birthday. We wanted another child and started a year after our eldest was born but after about 2 years of trying we assumed I couldn't get pregnant because of the damage done during my first pregnancy (I almost died.) So, we stopped 'trying'. lol Four months later I was pregnant.

    Both my daughters were preemie by 6 weeks and the pregnancies were not kind to my body so my doctor insisted that I took measures to keep from getting pregnant again so I got my tubes tied. I agreed with them but I still kind of wish I could have another child. BUT, the great thing about that is that there are thousands of children that need loving homes and maybe when we get our house paid off in a couple of years we can adopt a son.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When I got pregnant the first time I had always been very fit and slender and was overly worried I would not gain enough weight and I had the extreme all day morning sickness. When I got to the last trimester I was able to eat more and so I ate very high calorie foods (I was young and thought that was a good idea). It was also summer and very hot, so maybe I was retaining more water (I had more swelling). Two weeks after giving birth I was down 30 pounds from my pregnancy weight. By the time my baby was 9 months old I was back to pre-pregnancy weight from nursing and resuming activity and my regular eating pattern (that was when I noticed it). But, I waited till my baby was almost 2 before getting pregnant again.

    The second time I was not worried about the weight gain or about the excessive all day vomiting that lasted the whole pregnancy. I gained a bit less, but I gained the healthy correct amount. I also had to go on bed rest and even though my belly and baby got bigger I actually lost weight on bed rest. Again two weeks after birth I was down 20 pounds, and was at a healthy weight (I was 10 pounds lighter than the first time). I was fit and back to pre-pregnancy weight when my baby was 7 months old. It required more effort to recover my abdominal strength the second time around.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    I have 3 kids, all of which are 2 1/2 years apart.....the first and second were surprises, the third one we tried to plan but it took longer than we anticipated. I gained 45 pounds with the first and lost on average around 40 pounds with the second and third (was pretty big so it didn't matter that I lost) all kids were born healthy.
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    We waited about a year and a half. Our two boys are 2 years, 2 months and 2 days apart (not planned!)

    I gained only 17 pounds with the first (thanks to extreme nausea) and about 25 with my second. Ironically, my first born was nearly 10 pounds, and the second was just over 8.

    Now, our boys are 7 and almost 5. We will be adding to the family in the next year or so.

    Edited to add: The 2 years, 2 months, 2 day thing was not planned, but our second son was.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I waited over 5 years becuase ..well, I thought it might be better to be married the next time around :tongue:

    I was in fantastic shape when I got pregnant with #2 and ended up gaining 70 pounds!

    ETA, yes she was 100% planned

    How did your body bounce back AFTER your 70lb pregnancy? are you back in the wonderful shape you were before?

    It took over a year, a big interstate move (I always tend to lose weight when I move due to all the activity & stress) and a lot of swimming.(Had a huge pool in new place) I regained string bikini status when she was about 13 months old.

    oH MAN, I would LOVE to be able to do that. Did you get stretch marks?
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I found out on daughters first birthday.

    I had gained about 60lbs with her. So yeah..... I still had most of that.
    But with my son I gained just enough. I was very careful about eating and whatnot.

    I gained 65 w/ my son. He is 15 months now, and the hubby is talking another? The thought is exciting somewhat but we are nowhere near financialloy ready for another. And I want to be in better shape and be more careful and not gain as much.

    how much did you gain with number 2?
    Like 21 lbs?

    Did you feel much better with your 2nd pregnancy?
  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    Once the first one was out and I counted 10 toes and fingers I made an appointment to get sniped.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I waited over 5 years becuase ..well, I thought it might be better to be married the next time around :tongue:

    I was in fantastic shape when I got pregnant with #2 and ended up gaining 70 pounds!

    ETA, yes she was 100% planned

    How did your body bounce back AFTER your 70lb pregnancy? are you back in the wonderful shape you were before?

    It took over a year, a big interstate move (I always tend to lose weight when I move due to all the activity & stress) and a lot of swimming.(Had a huge pool in new place) I regained string bikini status when she was about 13 months old.

    oH MAN, I would LOVE to be able to do that. Did you get stretch marks?

    A few but they are very thin & light...I was VERY lucky! Especially since I had four in total! lol I wish I could say that I'm still in that string bikini state but now it's more of a boy cut bikini LOL
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Still working on that one. Despite not being at our financial goals yet, I would definitely like to drop at least 40 pounds before conception. I was very lucky that I didn't get GD or pre-e during my pregnancy, as I was certainly at risk.

    Since I will possibly be of "advanced maternal age" in my next pregnancy, I want to at least get my body in better shape first. (oh, and it's been nearly 3 years)
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