40lbs lost I'm depressed

I'm starting a new job. I can't wear my scrubs so I had to go shopping for clothes. I knew that I wasn't ready; I am 80 lbs away from goal, but I had no choice. Just hate that I let myself get this way. Now I'm home and just want to pull the covers over my head. Thought that I was doing by losing 40. Just look like crap. Want the safety of my scrubs.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Use it as motivation. I know how soul-sucking it is to shop for clothes and not feel like you look good in anything.

    But instead of hiding under the covers, walk it out. You'll feel much better after exercise.

    Don't keep going down the depression path. Fight!
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    Maybe buy your scrubs used from craigslist until you're at your end goal as you get smaller? Then it wont feel like a waste. And resell as you shrink out of them too! When you hit goal you can buy yourself a fabulous wardrobe of scrubs :D
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    What I meant, is that my new job requires me to wear real clothes. My baggy old scrubs witch hide a multiple of sins can nolonger be worn. That meant I had to go try on clothes and look in the mirror at myself. My ego just got deflated. Since 3/27/12 I have been working really hard losing weight. Today just slapped me on the head that I have so much farther to go. Gonna dig in and get serious!
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Sorry you feel sad but I hope you are so proud of the 40 lost. That's great I'm proud of you
  • jeet1966
    jeet1966 Posts: 32 Member
    You are 40 lbs closer to you goal than you were a few months ago! Focus on what you have lost, not what you haven't lost YET! We gotta chip away at it a pound at a time. It didn't pile on all in one shot, it's not gonna fall off all in one shot but it WILL fall off. Now get out of the covers!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    I just thought of something else, too. Thrift stores. Temporary clothes for your temporary size. Or discount stores.

    Just buy a few basic things that you will look professional in. Elastic is not your friend.

    A black skirt, and black pants. A grey or brown pair if you're feeling saucy. Buy three tops - red or pink, blue or aqua, brown or yellow - depending on your coloring maybe a green one. If you buy florals, buy medium size prints, not large or tiny prints. Trust me on this. Stay away from dresses, they aren't easy to mix and match. Buy a couple jackets or light cardigans to complement your skirts and pants. Preferably solid colors. Always wear a jacket, they are slimming.

    You are going to need to buy more clothes soon, so until you get to your goal weight, stick to the very basics on wardrobe - don't get fancy. Solid colors are forgettable - this is a good thing. No one will remember what you wore, just that you looked put-together.

    As soon as they are too big, get rid of them. You're not going back there, don't give yourself the option.