Running friends?



  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    No, but I have the sleeves for my calves that I wear sometimes
    I'm just starting, I've signed up for three 5K's in the next three months
    About 10-1030
    Both, it depends on when I'm working
    Married, two monsters, two more monsters, work full time, and I don't eat cereal. But I miss it...
  • 1runningmama
    1runningmama Posts: 9 Member
    - haven't taken them out of the box yet, could safely say I'm compression curious just having a hard time with how goofy they look (even though I should be accustomed to looking goofy)

    Ha! My first draw to compression socks is that I thought they'd look cute with a running skirt! LOL! But then again... I'm a girl.
  • adeluna76
    adeluna76 Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure if I belong in this group. Just started running again after four years of doing nothing.
    Compression socks- Have ni idea what they are
    How many races have you participated in - My first one will be DEC. 1 !! I'm so excited
    What's your average pace for an "easy" run- No easy runs yet.
    Do you run in the AM or PM? AM, Pm is way to HOT here in SOuth Texas
    What"s your deal- Was married to a wonderful man, he died four years ago. I have 2 boys 10/12. My 12 year old will be starting cross country this year. Got his love of running from his dad. Job, I am back in school to finish my degree. My favorite cereal...... Cornpops without milk.

    ANy advice on getting back into the groove would be awesome! I couls always use more running friends. : )
  • FitFi74
    FitFi74 Posts: 129 Member
    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Hi - great thread!

    No - but I like the look of them
    Probably about 10-15 races (5km 10km and half marathons - road and trail)
    Average pace is about 10min mile - would like to be faster
    I run whenever I can manage to fit it in!
    I'm married 11yrs - two girls aged 9 and 6 and an English Lit teacher. Favourite cereal Crunchy nut cornflakes!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    No compression socks for me.

    14 full marathons, 1 55km mountain adventure race, numberous half marathons, and other distance races and 1 tough mudder coming up next week.
    Average easy pace is 10 min mile
    late afternoon, evening runner
    married, 2 kids, 1 grand daughter
    cooked cereal - steel cut oats ; dry cereal - shreddies.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP. I set up an account over a year ago and then joined WW and never used MFP again. Now, I'm a few pounds from my goal and have started using it again. I love it!

    I'm a fairly avid runner and am training for my second half marathon in October. I'm looking for other friends on MFP that run too! Send me a friend request!

    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    -No, but do sometimes wear compression sleeves. May try the socks at some point.
    -Over 35 - 8 half marathons, 3 fulls and a bunch of shorter ones
    -Easy runs are at about a 9:00-9:45 pace, a bit slower on long ones lately in the heat and humidity.
    -AM - 99.9% of the time. 4:00 alarm, walk the dog, then go for a run (dog is too much of a spaz to run with)
    -Married, no kids at home, data analyst, Cap'n Crunch
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    - Nope
    - I plan to run 5-6 races a year. This year 2 - 8ks, 2 - half-marathons, 1 - warrior dash, 1 - full marathon.
    - 8:30-9:00
    - Varies. I run with a run club and also with a group of friends that train for races.
    - Single
  • 1runningmama
    1runningmama Posts: 9 Member
    If any of you are on RunKeeper, add me to your Street Team. I'm 1runningmama there too!

  • - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    - No to compression socks.
    - 6 so far (3 5K's, 12K, 15K, 1/2 Marathon) - Registered for 2 more. (5K Sept., 1/2 Marathon Dec.)
    - Varies from ~ 9:30 to 11:00 depending on terrain and distance.
    - Both. I prefer A.M. but sometimes my schedule doesn't allow it.
    - Married 23 years. Two daughters (16 and 15). Computer programmer. Instant oatmeal. :-)
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    only for recovery
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    1. A full marathon.
    What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    Depends on how long it is but usually about 9 min pace
    Do you run in the AM or PM?
    What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job?
    Married, sahm of 2 year old boy.
    Favorite cereal?
    Chex (corn) and Kix, lol
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    Hi there! I'm a sometime runner. I have to take a day off between runs or I have major piriformis and/or IT band issues. I'm still trying to figure out what's holding me back and get it corrected. In the meantime, I usually only run about 3 days a week. Currently stuck at 3.8 mile distance but hoping to start increasing once the weather cools off.

    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks? No...I wasn't really sure what they were until I googled them. They look interesting and might be helpful with my other pasttime, hiking. Just hiked 18 miles on Saturday, and the recovery is brutal!!
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? Nothing official, but I did the 5K Santa Run here in Vegas last year.
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? Currently, it's about 10:30 mm. I'm trying to break into consistent 10's, but no luck so far.
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? AM - 4AM to be exact. Have to get out before the sun comes up, and it's still about 90 degrees here in the desert. :P
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal? Married 25 years last month. :love: Have one son who just graduated from college in May with his degree in Mechanical Engineering. (Know anyone who's hiring?) Work full time as a purchasing supervisor for a day spa here in LV. I'm so lucky! And my favorite cereal of all time is Frosted Flakes, but I usually eat Special K or Honey Bunches of Oats instead.

    Edit: correction to pace...I can't do math in my head! LOL
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I must be the only guy in America (and elsewhere) who owns and has worn compression socks. I like them well enough. They keep your calves warm in cold weather. But then, I play soccer too so I am used to wearing socks that come up to your knee and I do not feel silly wearing them.
    Used to be that people claimed compression socks improved performance by helping with venous return, or something. I have never felt any real benefits.
    When I was in college, I came in second in my group in a 10K at the University of Minnesota. And, when I lived in Boston, I ran the Boston Marathon without a number. (Few actually qualify for the Boston Marathon, and are counted, but many jump on the course after those people go by and run without a number.) I would never run a marathon again; the training is just too boring. But the race itself was great! People line the course and cheer for you the entire way. I must have eaten 50 oranges there were so many handing out slices. The midpoint of the race is Wellesley College and the entire school comes out to cheer. It is deafening!
    I run in the morning. It is cooler then.
    Married 21 years. Two teenage boys. Grape Nuts
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    Hey! I just started running in April after walking got too easy. I was originally trying to lose about 15 pounds to fit into my moms wedding dress...havent lost much weight but sure lost a lot of inches with running. Anyways...quickly became addicted to running, encouraged fiance to do it with me. The goal is half marathon before the wedding (April '13) and we are considering going for a full marathon before kids. We are tentatively debating a November half in Phoenix.

    - Do you wear compression socks?
    No compression socks but would consider the calf sleeves. Due to a messed up foot surgery (DR said Id never run again)
    I cant wear compression socks. They are FAR too painful...but the sleeves might be a different story.

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    Thus far I have been in 2 official 5K's. 10K this coming Sunday, 8 miler in September, a few smaller things in October, and
    hopefully a HM in November.

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    If Im going for a short easy run (under 5 miles) I try to average 10 minute miles. Between 5 and 8 miles I usually average 11
    minutes. My goal is usually under 12 minute miles.

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    I run all the time! Sunday I run in the wee hours of the morning. It gets pretty hot in AZ this time of year as soon as the sun is
    up. I run at the gym (treadmill) at lunch 3 days a week and run in the evenings 2 days a week. I try to wait for it to rain or cool
    down but if I have to run when its 90 degrees or more, I slow my pace. I feel the best Sunday mornings after a small serving
    of steel cut oats. =)

    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    Engaged, no kids. 3 dogs. I work on computers all day. I love oatmeal. And any cereal with chocolate! :D
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    tufel, you are definitely not the only guy in America that wears compression socks. They were recommended to me by several of my male running friends.

    -My first pair of compression sleeves are on their way. Ordered from Amazon.
    -I've run in 7 official races. Training for my fourth half marathon in November.
    -My average pace for an easy run is between 10:30 and 11:30, depending on the distance.
    -I run when I get a wild hair. Good thing my hair is curly.
    -Married. 1 kid. Music teacher. Gave up cereal.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    I wear calf compression sleves in the wintertime to keep my legs warm.
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    In this running iteration, 1 Marathon, 1 Half Marathon, 1 10K, 4 5Ks.
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    Unsually 8:00 to 8:30 depending on the weather. I also do a fair amount slower than that when I run with my running group.
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    Most days are twice a day so both AM and PM.
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    Married for 30 years, 2 kids, Retired U.S. Army and currently a Defense Contractor, and I like Fiber 1 Raisin Clusters.
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm a fairly new runner, having only gotten serious and regular with it over the last four months. I did C25K in the spring & summer of 2011, but then had an indirectly-related injury last fall that sidelined me for six months. I ran track for one year in high school because my friends were on the team, and HATED it. Not sure what's different now, but I'm really loving it.

    My answers:
    - What are compression socks? */me opens a new browser window to do a little Googling...*
    - I haven't run any "official" races yet, but I'm running my first one (5 miles) on SATURDAY, baby! I'm toying with the idea of a half-marathon next April
    - An "easy" run would be around 11:00/mi. I'm working on getting under 10:00/mi on a 3-mile run, but have only managed to do it once so far.
    - Weekdays I usually wind up running in the evening, and on weekends I run in the morning
    - Married, 3 grown kids (2 of them out of the house), instructional technology guru and barbershop quartet singer, and I'm a Honey Nut Cheerio (actually, I prefer the cheap Malt-o-Meal version) fan
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    barbershop quartet singer


    My late grandfather was a baritone.
  • And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks? um, no, not yet anyway! ;o)
    - How many "official" races have you participated in? too many 5K's to count, 2 10K's, 4 1/2's, 2 fulls, 3 more 1/2's this year and one more full! Can't wait!
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run? an easy run?? haha, what is THAT!?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM? I run all different times of the day. I prefer morning to giterdone! But often for training, we work around husbands schedule for work, which is late.
    - What's your deal? (I love this! Totally something I would say!) Married? Yes, to my love of a lifetime, 20 years this year. Kids? two boys 10/12 Job? Full time wife, mom, cook, cabbie, teacher; you name, it, I do it! Favorite cereal? Oatmeal, I guess.
  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    - Do you wear compression socks?

    No I dont wear compression socks

    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    only one 5k. That sounds sad especially since I have been running for 11 years lol

    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    10 minutes a mile

    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    i run in the PM because of work and kids schedule
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?
    I am single with three kids, 13/8/7 months old. I do research for the university system and my favorite cereal is Kashi Warm Cinnamon Oat (Heart to Heart)

  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP. I set up an account over a year ago and then joined WW and never used MFP again. Now, I'm a few pounds from my goal and have started using it again. I love it!

    I'm a fairly avid runner and am training for my second half marathon in October. I'm looking for other friends on MFP that run too! Send me a friend request!

    And, just to keep the thread interesting...
    - Do you wear compression socks?
    - How many "official" races have you participated in?
    - What's your average pace for an "easy" run?
    - Do you run in the AM or PM?
    - What's your deal? Married? Kids? Job? Favorite cereal?

    I have been running for 18 months now...
    - compression socks - no, but I am very curious about them. I haven't tried them because what I am currently doing is working for me :-)
    - official races - about 5 5k's, 1 10 k (did the 5k and 10k on the same day), 15k and am training for a Half Marathon...
    - 10:30 mile for an "easy" run
    - I run in the AM on the weekends and PM during the week.
    - Married, almost 35, teach high school math, 3 boys(10.5, 8 and 5.5) favorite cereal... hmmm I have been addicted to poptarts lately.