TWO fast food meals in one day :(

I have only just discovered this social side to MFP, so I thought I'd confess now and hopefully turn over a new leaf.

Today I woke up and my house mate suggested going out for food, so where did we end up? At a McDonalds! I had a quarter-pounder medium meal (although I actually asked for diet coke, which I feel was rather pointless now.)

Then, later on my boyfriend arrived home from work and suggested we have a Chinese take out. I had a shrimp curry, which in my defence I didn't eat much of because it tasted horrible.

I feel sooo bad because I know I shouldn't eat these things but I do, and I tend to go and eat out like this at least twice a week. Does anybody else have this problem - or should I just know better and stay away from this type of food?


  • So, you screwed up for 1 day.... tomorrow is another day to eat right. We all screw up once in a while, learn from it and go forward.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • BreeMomOf4
    BreeMomOf4 Posts: 22 Member
    YES! I know exactly how you feel and if I, or anyone had the answer, we'd be rich.
    I'm just recovering from a weekend of 'screw this - I'm gonna eat whatever I want', so to make a long story short, now I'm working off 4 lbs that I had to work my butt off to lose in the first place. UGH. We are our own worst enemies sometimes.
    Some days, I've just go 'it' and some days I just dont.

    The best advice I can give to you would be to do your best to get right back on that wagon and do the best you can do.

    PS: we have a lot in common. I've only recently been checking out the 'community' part of this site. :-)
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    There's nothing wrong with the diet coke, you saved yourself from a bunch of needless calories. I hope you didn't get the fries. There are simply a no-no.

    Try to find the good choices in advance at the places you go to alot, store them under your "meals" so that you will know what to order. It's sad not to enjoy your food because you are so ridden with guilt.

  • Adrienneburrows1
    Adrienneburrows1 Posts: 71 Member
    I have this problem too. I love to eat out and I do so at least 2 times a week. I figure if I eat good the rest of the time I will be ok. I just have to do more excercise on those days to get rid of the extra calories!!
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    If you go out with some friends to a fast food place, opt for a healthier choice instead of those very delicious meals. I took my daughter to McDonald over the weekend and I had 2 double cheeseburgers w/o the buns (still have my treat but without the carbs and extra calories). I also got a diet coke as well. My entire meal came out to be 580 calories (got the no bun idea from Atkins). There are also yogurt parfaits and salads you can get as well. I've learned not to restrict things like this from my diet, but every once in a while this is my treat. I just try to treat myself but in a healthier way. I also knew that I was going to take my daughter out to McDonalds for lunch, so I made sure I had a light breakfast, around 300 calories, so that I didn't eat my entire daily calories in one sitting.
  • summer_cici
    summer_cici Posts: 24 Member
    Wow, sounds like a lot of people are in the same boat. I just love eating! I have been making sure that I don't eat more calories than I should but I know that fast food is obviously not a healthy choice. I'm just going to have to find alternatives rather than avoiding them altogether I think. Thanks Ruth for making me feel better about picking diet instead of full fat coke, it's tiny things like this that I need to keep up.

    I found this community aspect of MFP just hours ago and I'm already feeling inspired by the messages and determination of the people on here.

    And Bree, we're going to have to try harder to avoid any 'screw this' type of days!