If you've ever asked...how much water



  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Have people died drinking too much water? Yes. Is it a risk for a sane person? Not unless that sane person is attempting to win a car in a radio contest or is attempting to break out of a confinement by securing a medical trip. (Never mind that one, its just the other exception I'm aware of, and I'd like to be as precise as possible).

    In other instances, people who drink too much water are psychotic. They are very very not mentally well. It is a scary thing to see. But it takes a GREAT deal of effort even for the psychotic patient to accomplish. The payoff is feeling a bit drunk. The effort involved is to resist all your urges to go pee and to slam more water anyway. These are people who drink 10 pounds of water in a short period of time--like 20 minutes or so.

    That paragraph is to tell you that water intoxication/polydipsia is not something you accidentally do.

    The other possibility for hyponatremia is simply sweating so much that your salts are lowered and you drink only water (not gatorade type stuff) to hydrate. That isn't a problem of drinking too much but sweating too much, so I don't include it.

    Why am I saying all this? Any article that cites the dangers of too much water intake as a reason to say P-shaw to the 64 ounce "requirement" has no credibility with me. Unless it has qualifications like "without peeing" or "unless you are actively psychotic".

    Yes. It is true that the 64 ounce thing was pretty much made up as a goal. But. It is also true that you need to drink enough fluid to stay hydrated for optimal health.

    For a sane person, the risks associated with dehydration are much more significant (up to and including death) than are the risks of too much water. And sometimes we miss the signs of thirst and dehydration because we are busy doing something else. So a random number for a goal is NOT a bad idea.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    just snopes it.

    The original study suggested that the large majority of the necessary fluids come from food. Not coffee, not water, not soda, but food.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Yeah, I always use bloggers as my go-to source of information.

    i think we have a trollllllllll
    I think we have someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word "troll".
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Yeah, I always use bloggers as my go-to source of information.

    i think we have a trollllllllll
    I think we have someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word "troll".

    This. Totally this.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    I drink 6-8 liters of water every day. Some days more. I also drink up to 1 liter of coffee per day. I do not drink pops/sodas/colas with the exception of Ginger Ale which I drink on days when my stomach conditions are flaring up. I may drink 2 or 3 8 oz glasses per month. I know when my water consumption is down: my skin gets dry, wrinkly, flaky, and itchy. My urine is very dark orange just about brown, and I start to feel logey.

    How much water to drink: whatever amount makes your body feel good.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Have people died drinking too much water? Yes. Is it a risk for a sane person? Not unless that sane person is attempting to win a car in a radio contest or is attempting to break out of a confinement by securing a medical trip. (Never mind that one, its just the other exception I'm aware of, and I'd like to be as precise as possible).

    A third sort of exception that makes the news from time to time: people have died following fraternity hazing incidents involving the chugging of water.
  • monica2434
    monica2434 Posts: 88 Member
    How much water to drink: whatever amount makes your body feel good.

    Exactly...........in consideration to the individual and their general health......I LOVE water ............have always drank A LOT and will continue to.....unless I develop a condition that warrants me NOT too............
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Have people died drinking too much water? Yes. Is it a risk for a sane person? Not unless that sane person is attempting to win a car in a radio contest or is attempting to break out of a confinement by securing a medical trip. (Never mind that one, its just the other exception I'm aware of, and I'd like to be as precise as possible).

    A third sort of exception that makes the news from time to time: people have died following fraternity hazing incidents involving the chugging of water.

    Imma say frat boys are crazy. I've been to college. But you're right, people will do stupid things on a dare. I'll generalize from radio contests to "on a dare".
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    I drink water when I'm thirsty, when I'm hungry, and if I have a headache. (Only because I only seem to get a headache when I haven't had enough water.) Oh ye, and because it's cheap! lol
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member

    In my opinion, you should just drink whatever you need to feel good!!

    Vodka for all! :D
  • training4lifemate
    They make it sound like it is such a huge amount of water everyone needs to drink a day, but I disagree, I mean if you're exercising and on the go and all that, surely your head ticks over and thinks 'I could use a glass of water' .
    I've almost drank 3.5 litres of water today, and I'm so thirsty, but that's probably from over drinking.
    I agree with the 8 glasses thing, but that's just my opinion :)