


  • mfoutch86
    I LOVE my mirena! I have had no side effects at all! I get a 2-3 days of spotting at the end of every month, and thats it. Of course there is room for error if it is implanted wrong, and I think that might explain cramping and pain. Of course every body is different, but I've yet to meet anyone personaly who had gained weight on it. I have two more years on this one, and will absolutely get another round!
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm on my second one and 6 years. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! No monthly in 6 years!!!
    I didn't notice any difference with weight gain or loss with it. It does have a low dose hormone, but I wouldn't say it's anything that would cause weight issues.
  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    If you are looking for an excuse not to lose weight, Mirena is as good an excuse as any. If you are working to lose weight, you can be successful even with Mirena.
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    I have Mirena and gained weight, but I don't find it any harder to lose than without it. If you aren't conscious of what you're eating then you will gain no matter what.
  • SweetP27
    SweetP27 Posts: 217 Member
    Mine is due to come out but I am putting it off because it hurt going in and I am afraid that coming out is going to be awful. I think because of my age the mirena worked great for birth control but my periods have been all over the board from the day it was placed. I'm just now beginning my weight loss journey so can't say if it has impacted me in that area.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    If you are looking for an excuse not to lose weight, Mirena is as good an excuse as any. If you are working to lose weight, you can be successful even with Mirena.

  • mfoutch86
    If you are looking for an excuse not to lose weight, Mirena is as good an excuse as any. If you are working to lose weight, you can be successful even with Mirena.

    Best answer ever. I wanted to say something like that, but I have no tact. Thank you!
  • Bobbkat79
    Bobbkat79 Posts: 3 Member
    I had one placed after my first child was born and didn't have any trouble losing weight. The only side effect I had was no period, which is a great side effect if you ask me. It was in for two years, and then after having another child I had another one placed. This one has been in for about 8 months now and it's pretty much the same as last time. I love mine. Best birth control ever, for me. That's just my personal experience though. I know other people have quite the opposite experience than I have had.
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    Ooof. The word coil gives me the heebie jeebies.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    Mine is due to come out but I am putting it off because it hurt going in and I am afraid that coming out is going to be awful. I think because of my age the mirena worked great for birth control but my periods have been all over the board from the day it was placed. I'm just now beginning my weight loss journey so can't say if it has impacted me in that area.

    It doesn't hurt coming out - very quick.
  • delong99
    delong99 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on my second one - had the first one for 5 years and just got it swapped out. No trouble with weight gain or side affects here. And I've been period free for 5.5 of those years!

    Everyone's body reacts differently to it - it emits hormones so if you are sensitive to that, then it might hinder you. But don't let it be an excuse. Just understand that you might have to work harder at the getting healthy thing.
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    Mine is due to come out but I am putting it off because it hurt going in and I am afraid that coming out is going to be awful. I think because of my age the mirena worked great for birth control but my periods have been all over the board from the day it was placed. I'm just now beginning my weight loss journey so can't say if it has impacted me in that area.

    I was terrified of that too. I didn't even feel it coming out!
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    If you are looking for an excuse not to lose weight, Mirena is as good an excuse as any. If you are working to lose weight, you can be successful even with Mirena.

    Best answer ever. I wanted to say something like that, but I have no tact. Thank you!

    I worked my butt off. Restricted my diet and ate healthy very diligently for 6 months. Absolutely zero results! Had my mirena removed and in the last 2 months have successfully lost nearly 20 pounds with the same exercise/diet as before..only difference is I had the mirena removed. So it is not an excuse. Certain things effect people differently and it is ignorant to state they are making excuses.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I have had Mirena a for about 6 years, on my second and I didn't notice any effects on my weight either way. I agree with others some people love it others hate it and I also believe different people react differently to medicine. The benefits of not worrying about bc or periods are great for me. Good luck if you decide to do it and you can have it taken out at any point so if you get it and don't like the way it makes you feel you can have it taken out ;)
  • Nicelshe
    Nicelshe Posts: 13 Member
    I have had it twice and a year ago went on the injection pill, - horrendous, I get loads of spots on my chin I never had before and have been gaining weight slowly for a year. I am coming off the injection and going back on to the mirena coil as soon as I can
  • evil_charmer
    omg i didnt even think of this, my diet was the same for ages(bad but consistant) and i didnt gain any weight just stayed the same. but then i had it fitted and i noticed a stone and a hakf increase, i thought it was because i missed the gym for a few weeks but thinking back before i even started the gym i was staying the same then whilst going i didnt change my diet but was losing weight.
  • htalexander
    I have found that anytime you are dealing with hormones and the female cycle about anything can happen. I got mirena after my second child and while I didn't gain weight I did not lose either. I got on Mfp about a month later and started working my *kitten* off but progress was slow. I began losing everywhere but my stomach remained big..and not flabby but hard like when I was about 5mos preg..I was even mistaken for pregnant many times. I had it taken out 2 wks ago and my tummy has gone down drastically!...I really feel better...I should also mention that while on mirena I always spotted after workouts,developed a lot of skin issues, and hated sex..all of these areas are also improving! Sorry but no one will convince me it's all in my head! Of course doctors are going to defend what's making them$$$$$!
  • kellymay16
    kellymay16 Posts: 1 Member
    HI all, I have had a Mirena now for 6.5yrs.. (a bit overdue for a change over) and I have not had any issues regarding weight with it. It does not contain the hormones the pill and other contraceptives do so that is not one of the side effects. Going for change over very soon. Kell
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I gained about 20 lbs in the year and a half I had that damned thing. I was always bloated, as well.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    If Mirena is a problem, there is a non-hormonal IUD called Paragard. It's a copper IUD. Greatest thing ever. I strongly reccommend it.