How long will it take (Loosing more waist size than weight)

Hi Guys,

As stated in my profile/ticker, my aim is to weigh up to 80kg. I've been working out since march 2012 and thought i'd get a 3 month transformation but that didn't happen. I'm the type of guy that looses weight very slowly (endomorph).

Since march (weighed 100KG [220lbs]) to now, i've only lost 5Kg (11lbs). Around June, i started using MFP and was tracking my calorie intake. Also i've increased my workout days from 3 to 4 days per week. In my workouts, i mostly focus on cardio and a bit on resistance exercises along with attending classes.

I just don't understand why i'm not loosing as much weight as planned. I tend to notice my waist size becoming smaller, muscles becoming firmer and fitting into clothes i couldn't fit into 3-5 mnths ago. I also have pictures from April to this month and i don't really notice much change.

I'm aiming to make a transformation post coming March but i don't know why my progress is slow. What I may be doing wrong... I've tried both low carb diet and intermittent fasting and i've seen slight progress with intermittent fasting.

My diary is free for anyone to see if you want,
Please help