Abdominal Separation



  • Hi, I've never been pregnant, but I am in the process of getting in shape in preparation to "trying." All these ladies are correct...give it TIME! Also, worst thing to do is go crazy with ab workouts. They can make that worse. Look up "Heel Slide with Belly Scoop.." It's a workout to work your Transverse Abdominal. It's your natural girdle BENEATH your other ab muscles. Work from inside muscles to the outside muscles. Without strengthening the core muscles of your CORE, that separation could actually get worse. Good luck!
  • MonicaFlachman
    Every woman's abdominals seperate during pregnancy to make room to grow for that baby. Your stomach will go back to normal, but you might have to work at it. It is too soon for you to jump into a workout routine unless you were doing one throughout your pregnancy. Your body needs time to heal. After abou 6 weeks get yourself a good exercise routine that includes pleanty of abdominal exercises and a mixture of cardio and weights. Good Luck :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Oh my, you've got to give it awhile! Mine is still between 1-2 inches and my baby is 15 months old! It's gotten MUCH better since I started doing heavy weight training though, lots of planks, push-ups, squats. No crunches. No rush, just focus on that little baby right now!