Some pictures bother me...concerned and creeped out.

This might be rude but I am gonna say it anyhow. Some of the before and after pics really creep me out. What I mean is some pics look way toooooooooooooo skinny to be healthy and that concerns me. I understand that there are people out there that have eating disorders and such and that some people take weight loss to the far extreme but losing too much weight is not healthy and the pics are bothersome.

I will give you two examples without mentioning usernames. My second day on the site I commented on a person's topic and got a friend request. When I accepted the friend request the picture popped up of an extremely skinny waisted girl with gynormous breasts. It was really creepy but I thought it might have been a bad picture of her or photo-shopped. So I clicked on the link for other pics and everyone was the same with different poses. The most disgusting one was a view of her back which was all boney and looked like all the muscle was gone... I was thourghly disgusted and deleted her as a friend.

The next one was a young gentleman's profile pic on someone's topic I was reading. His profile pic was a side view of himself with his underwear pulled down almost to his knees!!! He didn't show his privates because his arm was over them but it was disgusting not to mention he too was extremely skinny for a man.

I know there is nothing anyone can do about these people because this is a free site for all....I guess I am just voicing my concern or disqust about the matter. Thanks for listening.



  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I can relate to what you are saying. I think a lot of us have different ideas of what is a healthy and attractive weight. My goal weight is probably a lot higher than other people my height and I am okay with that. It is a weight that I can maintain and I feel good about myself. I see other girls starting out their weight loss journey at my goal weight of 145! I just say, to each their own. Being really skinny isn't for me but I can understand how it is desirable for others. Anyway, I am not really going anywhere with this LOL but I wanted to say I can understand where you are coming from.

    edited to add: when I say "really skinny" I don't mean anorexic or sickly skinny, I don't promote or agree with that! I just mean thinner than I would like to be :wink:
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I think I had the same girl as a friend. I didn't pay too much attention to it until I saw her diary and noticed she only ate like 600 calories a day and was promoting the way she ate, or I guess the shake she was drinking... delete!