Hi, y'all!

JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
:smile: i'm totally new at this. never posted to a message board before, or any of this. i hope that this will help me be honest with myself and make some real progress on this weight loss journey. i've had some serious health problems this year, due to the weight, and i just HAVE to get healthy. please be patient with me-- it will take me a while to figure all of this out.


  • Gabbi
    Gabbi Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome.. It's easy and everyone is really nice so relax and enjoy the ride.
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    is there anyone who is 50+ and needs to lose more than 100 pounds? i'm going to need a lot of help and encouragement. recipes and tips would be nice, too. thanks! :heart: