Need help with work out ideas and how long to do it

Ok here's the deal. I want to work out harder, I want to do more to get more results you know. Right now I mainly swim for half an hour and try to do it every day. Sometimes I will throw in some 30 day shred. But I want to change that.

My problem is I work 10.5 hour long days not including drive time to and from work. I get home super late at night get maybe 6 hours of sleep and then get up and run around like crazy trying to cram as much home work as I can in 5 hours. I live on a farm out in the middle of BFE so that's why I've got a lot to do daily.

So here is my new goal:

Sunday thru Wednesday (my work days) Do a Biggest Loser work out dvd in the morning (after I go outside and feed the animals and water plants ((which watering takes an hour due to the large amount of potted flowers i have and I carry the water buckets to them, no hose there)), probably to start with the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout, and then swim for half an hour like I normally do. If the water is too cold or it's raining, I will replace it with 30 Day Shred or if it's nice enough out maybe go for a walk/jog mix for half an hour at the grave yard.

Thursday - Saturday - Biggest Loser Work Out DVD, Swim for half an hour and 30 day shred or another Biggest Loser dvd or Jillian Michaels dvd. Again if weather is bad or the water is too cold, grave yard it or do another dvd.

Do you think that will be doing too much? Or take it and go with it and just see how I handle it? Also how do you log some of those biggest loser dvds? Do you do it like 30 day shred where you put it as a circuit? Gonna start this tomorrow. I want out of the danger zone of going back to 300 pounds, I'm at 295 right now, I want to look good in that shirt I bought a long time ago for a concert on the 25th (cause it totally fits the theme of the concert so why not) and I want to be 280 or less by the time I head on vacation at the end of September.

I'm not really giving myself rest days, I don't want them. I figure my rest days can be some days where I visit my boyfriend (which is usually an every other weekend thing) or like every other Tuesday I have a lot of stuff going on and I literally can't. So I'll take them then, otherwise, I'm on it. My fat isn't taking a break from staying on me, and I want to get rid of it.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    first congrats to you for deciding to get healthy!

    next what is your eating like? that will determine more of your weight loss than your workout.

    working out an hour a day 6 days a week is plenty. if you want to work out harder, then maybe try throwing in intervals into your swim routine. there are apps you can download on your phone that will beep to let you know when to go faster and when to recover.

    also regardless if you want rest days, your body might need them, so try working in a rest day every 7-10 days.

    good luck!! you'll be in the tshirt by your goal :smile:
  • Firephoenix013
    I have been trying to hit my goal calories daily, it got harder though as it just dropped it on me this week. I've been eating pretty clean, fruits, veggies, lean meats. When I snack I try to go for healthy stuff. Cut out the starbucks in my life, as I was a huge starbucks addict. Now I go once in a blue moon. I don't eat bread anymore on hamburgers etc to try and cut out the empty calories. I've really been watching it. And I am not one to eat back my exercise calories. I try to stick with my daily calorie goal and go from there. Now if I work out and go a little over, that's fine. Or if I know I'm going to have a pig out day, then I'm gonna work for it (like when my buddy cooks omg his food is AMAZING) but on a daily basis I just won't. I see it as giving in to my old habits and figuring I can eat what I want and the size I want and I've really been trying to watch that.
  • mokab
    mokab Posts: 29 Member
    Here is what I do... I try to do four days of two workouts. A circuit and a walk or a circuit and a pilates, yoga, walk. Whatever. One day is rest two day is just one workout. That way it works around my work/kid schedule. But, my weight loss has slowed down. I haven't measured.. still have two more weeks before I do that. I feel better though. I love to mix up my workouts because I get bored easily. Mine range from circuit, step aerobics, walking, swimming, yoga, pilates. Whatever my mind is asking for.

    Go with how your body feels. Stick with swimming since you enjoy it and maybe add a walk. Keep it fun.
  • Firephoenix013
    I just know in about a month swimming will come to an end. Lately that water has been cold and I know it's gonna get colder as it gets closer to fall. Not looking forward to it and I really do not want to pay the big bucks to join the Y just to swim for half an hour a day if that.
  • Firephoenix013