50 Shades of Naughty



  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I agree in that..I wanted more kinky naughty fun. Screw connection would have been much hotter the other way. I think she missed the point, and her opportunity ;)

    Actually, as someone with a bit of experience and knowledge of the lifestyle (I emphasize a bit - I don't claim to be any sort of expert), my personal opinion is that she didn't miss the point. That to some people, the connection IS the point. That and the way that type of connection enhances and magnifies the resultant encounters. *shrugs* My 2 cents, and you get what you paid for.

    It's so nice when someone ” gets” it. Wd kilkitty. ;)
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    50 Shades of Tranent is far better, check it out on FB...