All PCOS ladies out there



  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1993, more or less was told that children would never be. I always say, "Never say never"! As I sit here and type this, I have the miraculous pleasure of listening to my 2 year old little miracle sing! I got pregnant only after accepting the fact that I may not have children. I lost weight, changed the fact that sex was just that, sex and a chore....Started making love again, enjoying myself and my husband....and surprise...It happened!! Sorry if that is TMI ;0) I do have to sat though, my son is 2, and since having him in 2010, I have yet to have a cycle. PCOS has come back with vengance!! Please have faith and know that what is meant to be wil is not in our hands to decide.

    So happy you where able to have a child.
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    @laurajethan. There is a group called PCOS SIS and one called PCOS and low glycemic index eating. I didn't see any others. :-).

    I control my PCOS IR naturally but I had results in just 6 days.

    2g magnesium, calcium, vitamin d blend in the right proportions plus 2g vitamin c stirred into unsweetened orange juice plus a 30mg zinc capsule to control the PCOS.

    Coq10 enzyme and management (not eliminate) carbs and restrict exercise to 35-45 minutes to avoid cortisol overproduction.

    With PCOS IR under control, weight loss is easy and comfortable. Best wishes. Xx

    Thanks heaps. I have been managing with just diet and exercise up untill last 2 months been taking tranexamic acid to help with heavyness of TOM and now on Clomid to help TTC
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm pretty sure i have it. hoping to fix it with low carb before i go to the doctor.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Was diagnosed with the pre-polycystic follicles a few years back and have recently been diagnosed with fully blown PCOS with a simple cyst on my right ovary. Bled for a delightful 25 days last month.
    I have stalled big time weight loss wise, its taken me a massive 7 months to lose just 32lbs. I see people on the topics losing 50lbs in the time it has taken me to lose this. I haven't lost anything for a couple of months and its getting me down big time, yet the sort of food and cals i take in are no different to when I was losing.
    Its a long haul and I am hoping I get there before it gets just too much and i get so disheartened that I lose the willpower.
    Feel free to add me anyone

    you might need to eat less carbs and more veg/protein.
    ladies with pcos respond wonderfully to low carb/keto
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have PCOS altho not insulin resistant - I was diagnosed about 15 years ago. Six years ago I weighed 380 pounds currently I weigh about 198 pounds :) I did it by eating 1800 calories a day and zizagging the calories and avoiding grain carbs MOST nights at dinner time. Now Im trying to lose the last 20 pounds or so i find i need to eat around 1200-1500 cals and exercise to actually get losses.
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I'm 29 and I've had PCOS for the past 8 years. I got pregnant with my son when I was 18 (2001 he was born Feb 2002). Since it wasn't planned we decided to wait to have another child. Well 2 yrs after my son was born my periods just stopped. I've always had irregular periods so really wasn't concerned but when 5 months went by no period AND I was on the pill I thought it was weird. Sure enough I was diagnosed with PCOS. In 2006 we started trying to have another baby despite Dr's telling me that PCOS leaves you sterile and I wouldn't have anymore. It took a year and a half, but Feb 2009 my daughter was born. We called her the miracle baby. Last Aug I found out unexpectily I was pregnant for a 3rd time. My son was born April 13, 20012. I went from supposedly sterile to having 2 more kids. I feel very blessed. Don't lose hope on having kids. It can happen despite what dr's say. :) The only thing I absolutely hate about PCOS is hair where it shouldn't be...does anyone else have that problem???

    Thats great news about your children congrats. The hair is one of my most upsetting things. I feel like a man and it really effects my sex life, Its all in my head and I know my parnter doesnt care but Im so self coincious about it and cant affort permanent hair removal just at the moment
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I have PCOS altho not insulin resistant - I was diagnosed about 15 years ago. Six years ago I weighed 380 pounds currently I weigh about 198 pounds :) I did it by eating 1800 calories a day and zizagging the calories and avoiding grain carbs MOST nights at dinner time. Now Im trying to lose the last 20 pounds or so i find i need to eat around 1200-1500 cals and exercise to actually get losses.

    Great work losing the weight thats awesome results
  • itching
    itching Posts: 13
    bump please
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I think im having a hard time ATM because my partner has Rheumatoid Arthritis and has been off all his meds for 19 months now while we have been TTC. I know just lately he has been in alot of pain and there is nothing we can do about it. I feel so guilty and responsible for his pain and as far as being a woman I feel like I have let him down with not being able to concieve. I am the biggest emotional eater and I feel like i am on this huge roller coaster ATM with taking the Clomid to help my cycles and still cant concieve :cry:

    I am starting to realise that our 2.5 year old might be the only bub we have and am considering telling my partner to go back on his meds
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I'm obviously not a woman, so forgive my intrusion, but I do have a PCOS story to share with you. My wife has PCOS or I should say HAD PCOS for many years. In late August 2009 her bleeding became so bad that there was nothing she could do to stop it. We went to the doctor who explained our options after numerous exams and tests. Because she had PCOS for so many years and because her body did not regularly have a period she developed endometrial cancer. We went to see an OBGYN Oncologist who gave us two options. A complete hysterectomy or, we could choose treatment. My wife really wants to have kids one day and so after a lot of prayer we chose treatment. After the treatment ended my wife underwent a D&C and was found to be cancer free.

    We went to see a fertility specialists who put my wife on a medication to ensure she has a period every month, however, it is NOT birth control as she is able to get pregnant.

    If you are not pleased with what doctors tell you keep searching for answers. We went to one of the top rated OBGYN Oncologists in the country and now my wife is not only PCOS symptom free, but cancer free as well. There is always hope.

    Wow - that's amazing. I hope you're able to conceive.
  • Chainie
    Chainie Posts: 82 Member
    @laurajethan. There is a group called PCOS SIS and one called PCOS and low glycemic index eating. I didn't see any others. :-).

    I control my PCOS IR naturally but I had results in just 6 days.

    2g magnesium, calcium, vitamin d blend in the right proportions plus 2g vitamin c stirred into unsweetened orange juice plus a 30mg zinc capsule to control the PCOS.

    Coq10 enzyme and management (not eliminate) carbs and restrict exercise to 35-45 minutes to avoid cortisol overproduction.

    With PCOS IR under control, weight loss is easy and comfortable. Best wishes. Xx

    Thanks heaps. I have been managing with just diet and exercise up untill last 2 months been taking tranexamic acid to help with heavyness of TOM and now on Clomid to help TTC

    I not TOM for 2 years. By day 6 of taking 4g mag/calc/vit d ...4g Vit c ... 30mg Zinc I TOMed so I scaled back to 2g. My PCOS now unsymptomatic as these are the hormone balancing essential vitamins and minerals and studies show we PCOS always deficient in these. I researched medical books and studies to find this out. PCOS throws your metabolic hormones out too (cortisol, adrenalin, insulin, leptin, etc.) which is why our struggle with weight. Control this cycle and you control your weight. Best wishes with it. Xx
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks heaps. I have been managing with just diet and exercise up untill last 2 months been taking tranexamic acid to help with heavyness of TOM and now on Clomid to help TTC

    I not TOM for 2 years. By day 6 of taking 4g mag/calc/vit d ...4g Vit c ... 30mg Zinc I TOMed so I scaled back to 2g. My PCOS now unsymptomatic as these are the hormone balancing essential vitamins and minerals and studies show we PCOS always deficient in these. I researched medical books and studies to find this out. PCOS throws your metabolic hormones out too (cortisol, adrenalin, insulin, leptin, etc.) which is why our struggle with weight. Control this cycle and you control your weight. Best wishes with it. Xx

    Will definately look futher into it TY
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    I actually don't have PCOS, but chiming in to say it's terrifying how incredibly common this is. Between PCOS and Endometriosis, I don't think I know a single lady without uterine issues.
  • renlovesyou
    renlovesyou Posts: 4 Member
    I have had PCOS for about 10 years but was only diagnosed properly when I had my son last year. I had all the symptoms but the doctors told me it was all down to lifestyle and hereditary factors. Apparently not having periods for 3 months and then bleeding for a month was normal... :/

    Anyway, I gave up on the idea of babies really because I had been trying for around 7 years with no luck, and then suddenly my gorgeous son came into my life! Completely unexpected! So there is hope. My periods are much more regular now, I actually have a proper cycle (its still every 6 weeks with sometimes a 2 week gap) but I can actually have some idea about it now.

    Don't give up hope girlies. If anyone wants to add me, feel free x
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010. I've always had irregular menstrual cycles since I was a teenager so I didn't really think much about it when I wouldn't get my period for 2-3 months. But in 2010, I ballooned up to 160lbs (I'm only a bit under 5'2'') and I didn't get my period for 6 months+. I went to the doctor for a check up and they found two things: One, I had two lumps in my right breast and two, my right ovary 'didn't look right'. After several blood test and scan, scan, scan, and a surgery to take the lumps out, doctor confirmed that I have PCOS and that I would have a lot of difficulty conceiving. She said 3% but even that was optimistic. I never really thought about having children so while the news shocked me, I wasn't 'that' upset. I was upset by the fact that I have no say in it and I don't have a choice whether to have kids or not, I was just told it wasn't my choice.

    Before the doctor put me on meds, she wanted me to lose weight first and go from there. So I did. Started in Dec 31 2010, I started working out and logging and being quite active on MFP. I worked out really hard and ate very sensibly. I didn't cut out any food, I just ate less and ate as clean as I could with a treat meal once a week. By June 2011, I've lost 25lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot but with my height, it looked like a lot. I was getting my menstrual cycle back on track and I felt amazing.

    I started to have trouble losing weight by end of June and was craving a lot of food that I don't normally go for. Never once did I ever think I could be pregnant. Mid July just on a whim I bought the cheapest pregnancy test in the store and after 2 positives, I still didn't believe it. I then bought the most expensive pregnancy test, you know, the one that actually says, 'pregnant/not pregnant' so I don't need to decipher the stupid lines...and there it was, pregnant.

    I gave birth 5 months old to a baby girl and I'm still in shock. I'm now back on MFP to get my weight back down and it's definitely harder this time around. I know she is a miracle to me and my husband and even though I never really thought about having kids, she makes me smile and love like I've never done before.

    I owe all of goodness to MFP, Jillian Michaels and my husband.
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010. I've always had irregular menstrual cycles since I was a teenager so I didn't really think much about it when I wouldn't get my period for 2-3 months. But in 2010, I ballooned up to 160lbs (I'm only a bit under 5'2'') and I didn't get my period for 6 months+. I went to the doctor for a check up and they found two things: One, I had two lumps in my right breast and two, my right ovary 'didn't look right'. After several blood test and scan, scan, scan, and a surgery to take the lumps out, doctor confirmed that I have PCOS and that I would have a lot of difficulty conceiving. She said 3% but even that was optimistic. I never really thought about having children so while the news shocked me, I wasn't 'that' upset. I was upset by the fact that I have no say in it and I don't have a choice whether to have kids or not, I was just told it wasn't my choice.

    Before the doctor put me on meds, she wanted me to lose weight first and go from there. So I did. Started in Dec 31 2010, I started working out and logging and being quite active on MFP. I worked out really hard and ate very sensibly. I didn't cut out any food, I just ate less and ate as clean as I could with a treat meal once a week. By June 2011, I've lost 25lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot but with my height, it looked like a lot. I was getting my menstrual cycle back on track and I felt amazing.

    I started to have trouble losing weight by end of June and was craving a lot of food that I don't normally go for. Never once did I ever think I could be pregnant. Mid July just on a whim I bought the cheapest pregnancy test in the store and after 2 positives, I still didn't believe it. I then bought the most expensive pregnancy test, you know, the one that actually says, 'pregnant/not pregnant' so I don't need to decipher the stupid lines...and there it was, pregnant.

    I gave birth 5 months old to a baby girl and I'm still in shock. I'm now back on MFP to get my weight back down and it's definitely harder this time around. I know she is a miracle to me and my husband and even though I never really thought about having kids, she makes me smile and love like I've never done before.

    I owe all of goodness to MFP, Jillian Michaels and my husband.

    Congrats on Bubs and your weight loss.
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I have had PCOS for about 10 years but was only diagnosed properly when I had my son last year. I had all the symptoms but the doctors told me it was all down to lifestyle and hereditary factors. Apparently not having periods for 3 months and then bleeding for a month was normal... :/

    Anyway, I gave up on the idea of babies really because I had been trying for around 7 years with no luck, and then suddenly my gorgeous son came into my life! Completely unexpected! So there is hope. My periods are much more regular now, I actually have a proper cycle (its still every 6 weeks with sometimes a 2 week gap) but I can actually have some idea about it now.

    Don't give up hope girlies. If anyone wants to add me, feel free x

    What wonderful news a bub and being more regular. hope it keeps up
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    I actually don't have PCOS, but chiming in to say it's terrifying how incredibly common this is. Between PCOS and Endometriosis, I don't think I know a single lady without uterine issues.

    Funny because I had never heard of it till 2010 till I was diagnosed and now just talking to people there are alot of people out there with it 1/10 females have PCOS
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    I have just had a letter come through yesterday telling me that I have been referred to a Gynaegologist and have an appointment in September.
    I am hoping he can offer me some hope towards getting better and treatment for this.
    I have been avoiding processed and refined carbs these past few days and have, since last week, lost the 4lb i put on recently (although a couple of these lbs were deffo TOM lbs) plus another half a pound. Although its only an extra half, it is finally a loss again.
    I'm NOT cutting out carbs, I have found in the past whenever I do this that it affects my kidneys and I get horrendous Kidney infections, but I am sticking to "natural" carbs if that makes sense? Potatoes fine in moderation, the same with rice but I have steered right clear of bread and pasta.
    I will see if this continues to help.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I have PCOS and it absolutely makes losing much more difficult. I am also diabetic, so it was a double whammy. After seeing my doctor I saw a nutritionist. She suggested easing up on the carbs for both conditions. Let me tell you, it worked. I don't eat "low carb" but I do restrict. 15g per snack and 40-60g per meal spread amongst 2-3 items and you will lose. You might want to discuss metformin with your doctor as well. I hate taking a daily medication, but it truly does help.

    Good luck!