Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 7

Break out the scales Team! Good luck and let's all have a great Friday loss or no loss! :flowerforyou:


  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: YAY!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    since i wont be around tomorrow...... lw 197 cw196 loss 1 pound .....excercise 90 minutes a day ..... not sure if we are counting sunday as a new week or monday but i workout 90 minutes everyday except sunday which is 45 minutes ... good luck to everyone on tomorrow's weigh in .... and happy halloween peppers .... :wink: :bigsmile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I lost 2 lbs this week (LW 176 lbs.) (CW 174 lbs.) I did get in 600 minutes of exercise this week between hiking and walking.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    Not good for me today, it shows a 1 pound gain, this is so upsetting, but I am do for aunt flo in the next couple of days. I did only 166 mins in exercise this week.

    New week I will be stepping it up. I am off today and plan to go for a 60 min. walk. I will not keep going up, I am planning on turkey dinner as my reward :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a better weigh in than me. :drinker: :bigsmile: Will check in later.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Wow ... it's going to be a crazy busy day here today at work ... and then I have a tour to give tonight. Yikes!!! At least it's Friday. I'm here to confess this morning ... I ate some liquorice and potato chips last night just before I went to bed. I don't know what I was thinking ... now I have heart burn. Serves me right ... LOL. Oh well ... today's a new day and I hope to do some big hiking this weekend to burn it all off.

  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    249.4 I can not belive this, I thought I did good. I did 120 min workout this week. I really thought I see a loss! oh well got to try harder next week.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin SHGP's!

    i am down 5.2 this week. seems this is typical for me when i do bad for a couple of weeks then do really good for one.... it's like that first week, when water is the biggest loss. scale showed 177.8. am in good spirits and really want to improve on exercise, 151 minutes many of you are kicking my butt and have inspired me to do more! gonna really try hard here these next couple of months and stay ahead of the game and not fall behind or off! i just gotta do this.....for me! painting today and no plans for the weekend...dh is workin 1/2 day Sat....if it's nice out, will get the leaves picked up. a very cloudy, muggy, windy 62 * here.

    jacque ~ happy for ya gettin in that L-C-W!!:drinker:

    sindy ~ don't be too hard on yourself....i know, easier said than's a lil ol' pound and it could be lots of things.....water, muscle, etc. i find that clothes are a better measurement for loss than the dang scale. compared to my younger years, i am a heavier wt now, but a smaller size due to the fact that i know i am more tone and have more muscle. i am focused on gettin to a healthier BMI and waist measurement. i have no idea what wt that will be.

    magglett ~ congrats on the 2 lbs lost! you are just lovin that hikin!! sounds like a fun challenge! i cave around chips and licorice, makes me wanna go open a bag!:tongue:

    ittybitty ~ congrats on the loss! i put down 360 minutes for Mon > Thurs....right?

    post your workout stats too. have a good one team and will check in later! :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    249.4 I can not belive this, I thought I did good. I did 120 min workout this week. I really thought I see a loss! oh well got to try harder next week.

    it's ok girly!! i am sure you will have a loss next week! hang in there ~ one day at a time! :heart:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I lost 2 lbs this week, 228.4!!! I’m a very happy girl!! :bigsmile: I had 240 exercise minutes. After doing my C25K at the gym, I decided I’d rather go home and so my strength training on the Wii Fit. I had been over 100 days since the last time I’d used it. I forgot how much fun it could be. My arms are sore this morning, so I know I got a good workout, too.

    Megan, Mag, Kelly, great job!!

    Sindy & Jacque, it happens to all of us. It’s frustrating but you know you can do this. Next week will be better.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    No weight change for me this week - did get in 320 minutes of exercise. Joined a new gym last weekend and I'm loving it. Very convenient to my house so easy to motivate myself to get there. Classes don't start until next month can't wait to get into those with Yoga and Zumba.

    Haven't had much going on this week - fun to read all of your stories.

    Have a great weekend!!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: MORNING ALL!:drinker: Im chowing down! yum yum! 2 egg whites 1 cup spinach 1 table spoon salsa, a small wheat tortilla:heart::heart: :heart: Im in love!
    Well I was MIA most of last week, So happy to say that I didn't gain...but then again I didn't loose anything ....just sitting at the same spot here.
    Got 240 mins of exercise in this week, and more roller skating to come on saturday:heart::bigsmile:
    NOT doing good at ALL on the water:grumble: But working on everything else. Tired lately, and think i have an ear infection. It was windy yesterday and I felt a nice gust in the ear and now i am in a bit of pain, so maybe. 46 degrees here yesterday and foggy and windy rainy junk:happy: Thats washington for ya!
    Glad to see all yuor faces on here again!
  • angiemcnett
    Good evening SHGP! My weight for this week is 205.8. I lost 2.8 pounds, which even better then the weight at the doctor's office on Wednesday. I exercised 500 minutes from 10/26-10/29. I am still struggling with fruit and veggies. I think I have to be in a mood for them. Some days I will do great at eating them and others days I don't think I would eat them if my life depended on it. I am struggling to stay with in my 2000 calorie limit so that means I have to exercise to cover the calories I eat. Why can't I eat like an average person? I found out that my sister in-law (that is expecting a baby in January) lost her grandpa and mother a few days apart. I can't imagine the pain she and my brother are going through. I love having my sister here visiting. I wish she lived closer so we could spend more time together. I am enjoying having my niece here. She is 2 and INDEPENDENT!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    crystal way to go on the wt loss! you sound pumped for all the activity you have planned! so proud of you!

    jenn ~ the new gym sounds exciting! i would love to have facilities close by but we are 25 miles from the city. hope you can have some great workouts!

    Miss V ~ wow-ee-wow girl! look at you in that dress. what a great job you have done.....and you inspire me!! :flowerforyou: hope your ear gets better sweets! :heart:

    angie ~ congrats dear!! you are almost at 20 lbs lost!! you must feel so awesome! you will be in the 100's in no time! sorry to hear about your sil's tragedy's.....that's a lot to deal with.

    ittybitty ~ look at you go, almost 30 lbs gone! Woot woot! :drinker:

    sindy ~ again, think of all the positives you are doing....almost 25 lbs never to be seen again! keep on keepin, i know you can do it! :smile:

    what a messed up day at my folks......had company, then my brother's twins ( age 7 ) came and my dad watched them while i painted w/my mom. and she was totally not ready for me....plan on going Monday again. and the worse part was all the ** c-r-a-p ** i ate.....
    a generic subway sandwhich :sick:
    potato salad :sick:
    chicken rice soup :sick:
    salted mixed nuts :sick:
    tootsie rolls :sick:
    almond joy :sick:
    peanut clusters :sick:
    donut :sick:

    i felt so miserable and nauseated.....why o WHY????

    someone please explain to me why an insulin diabetic would eat this or have it in their house ?????? :noway:

    yup, i forgot to take my snacks and lunch....think i will just get a long straw and sit with a gallon of water tonite......
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    When i got on the scale this morning - not good.
    I had an increase. My weight is now 167.4

    I am determined to do better in the upcoming days. We'll have one dinner out tonight to celebrate the 3 birthdays (mine, my son & Daves).

    Starting Monday, I'm back to normal work schedule routine. So my workouts will be normal. The next work trip isn't until December.

    Happy Halloween. Dave's theory was buy the "crappy" candy for the trick or treaters. Ok, so last night he did....however, it's crappy to him but the rest of us where like ooooh, gummy lifesavers.... ooohhh pixie sticks (ok, that was my kids NOT me).
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Decided to buy the doritos bags for the trick-or-treaters, don't know what kind of a turnout I am gonna get as it is raining off and on today. Took the girls to their first SKAte LEsson:heart: Loved it ! and I got to get out there and skate with them too! So drove the 40 mins there and the 40 mins back, now i gotta carve these 3 HUGE pumpkins before we get ready to go on the PROWL! lol
    Hope that you all have a wonderful night and that you dont surrender to the chocolate:) :laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: Im singing THRILLER all day long today! Ill put up some kido pictures later!
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    The birthday dinner was mexican - unfortunately I had too many chips & salsa. However, I did pass on fried ice cream.... so there's one victory.

    After dinner we did a haunted tour walk of Princeton NJ. It's in/around the Princeton Campus. Overall, the walk was 1.2 miles and lasted 1.5 hours. The tour guide would walk then stop at a location and tell the group stories about the "ghosts."

    My son disliked the tour... he scares easily, my middle thought it was ok, my oldest thought it was a great tour. Helps when she got to carry a meter that senses "ghosts." And helps when I get a photo of her and the "ghost." Believe what you want, that's ok.... bottom line my oldest and Dave really liked the tour.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Post Halloween and First day of November!! :bigsmile:

    yesterday i got up w/hubby, 5ish, and decided i wanted to sort thru some of my beads (jewelry), about 7 hrs later i decided i had enuf. everything is in our middle room ( here w/pc ) so, now i don't have to move the storage cont's up and down our stairs each and every time i want to work on it. was keeping it in our bedroom ( 3 steps down from our living room)...and quite the hassle. then i watched some of our Hawkeyes football game. they just seem to have the luck this year. so crazy all that happens during the last few games. we are 9-0 now, and the family is thrilled here....die hard fans.. had a good day eating, but no exercise. was a lil bummed we only had 10 ghosts and goblins come for goodies. good weather, just a quiet part of town. my folks live 2-3 blocks from here and they had over 70. so, the guy are fillin up with leftovers.....carb-coma's i'll say:bigsmile:

    walked 3 miles with Leslie and stretched 25 minutes with Denise this am. then, dh and went outside and worked in the yard. i mowed leaves then we raked and hauled them to our lagoon. still have a little more to fall, but most are down. seems like we didnt have as many this year......only 2 pickup loads vs 7-8 in the past. maybe they all blew away or into the neighbors yard:bigsmile:

    just wanted to check in and say hi, hope you are all enjoying the weekend. i'll post the charts soon :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    Barb ~ did you have some minutes to post from your work/week away?
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    yes, the minutes got posted on the previous week. I think I'm the last entry for that week.
