I dont know why i keep doing it :(



  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    The last cheat day I had, well actually it was the whole weekend, set me back three pounds though I believe it was the sodium in the chinese food I ate. Try not to go overboard because you will just have to fight to gain ground later...that being said cheating once in a while is okay. I took off that weekend because I had two birthdays to celebrate and it's no fun sticking to a diet when everyone else is eating birthday cake.
  • britfout
    britfout Posts: 86 Member
    I think it's good to fall of the wagon sometimes. When you eat crap, you feel like crap. It's a great reminder of why you're doing this :o)

    Actually I agree with this! For example after my huge dinner last night that filled me up I ended up bring 100 calories over my goal. But it was no big deal to me! Later my husband had a huuugggeee bowl of ice cream and I was just jealous and I wanted a treat! I grabbed a Greek yogurt through some strawberries in it and scarfed it down! But oh my god I felt like crap afterwards because I was already full to begin with! And to top it off I ended up 250 cals over goal. Today I will try harder and not just eat because someone else is. I will grab a huge glass of ice water instead and drink it happily :) you are not alone, the fact that you are posting this shows that you care about it enough to get right back on track!